> > Seems like rapidsnark is available for ARM chips, though it's not possible yet to compile the c witness on arm chips (or I guess I'm missing something) >...
thanks @yuetloo - "The issue is that topup and vote messages are processed in reverse order instead of the order they show up in the logs, see the following line...
> @ctrlc03 , I don't see how I can reorder the log events as suggested. The events are logged by the contract and the contract has to enforce the order...
> @ctrlc03 , I see that MACI doesn't validate votes submitted by the `publishMessage()`, so, clrfund could do this: > > tx:1 contribute 1 voice credits > > tx:2 vote...
> @ctrlc03 , there's an issue here because a coordinator can process topup messages in an order that would cause votes to be ignored and still produce a zk proof...
Closing this as the topup feature was removed until a new design is implemented. #1421
in v1 we are using poseidon Encryption, thus I believe this can be closed as v0.x is not supported anymore.
Leaving open as this was not fixed due to failing tests. No risks involved, only a gas optimization.
> Think we could add release highlights on top of auto-generated [Release Note of GitHub Releases](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/automatically-generated-release-notes). The draft will auto-generated when tag pushed to GitHub (e.g. [draft example](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/maci/releases/tag/untagged-765a25b7eba8276aecfe)). Current configuration...
MACI v1.1.1 released and [article published](https://mirror.xyz/privacy-scaling-explorations.eth/ltCt68hslI5jmMf1AnfkrP2eUwkeZ8_fgkHc_WyD9Nc).