ctmmweb copied to clipboard
Web app for analyzing animal tracking data, built upon ctmm R package
I clicked "Export" and nothing happened. Why can't my home map come out? Is it because you didn't enter the weight? Who can tell me what I should do?Can the...
Hello, It would be great if a boundary file could be incorporated into the CTMMweb app. Thank you.
@jmcalabrese @NoonanM Mike and I both prefer selecting outliers just from the plot of the output of `outlie`, rather than the histograms. For instance: ``` OUT
How hard would it be to wrap and export the `ctmmweb` RShiny `variogram.fit()` function so that it could be called from `ctmm` and render in its own webpage? RStudio's support...
Newer versions of `ctmm` have the `meta()` command for `UD` objects (see `?meta`). It would be nice to have it supported in `ctmmweb`. There are two basic ways to use...
I have been estimating home ranges for Hermit Thrushes, and almost all of them have 15 or more waypoints associated with them. One individual, however, has 7 waypoints, and the...
A user had an issue on the model fitting page (Screenshot attached). Seems related to calling cat() on a list. I can email you the data to reproduce the error.
As a long-term goal, it would be nice to have an optional step where users could import their data and clean/edit it before `as.telemetry()`. Maybe something like Open Refine could...
I did a R CMD Check, the list is quite long, include numerous small but cumbersome details. This could be a very time consuming process. I may also need to...
@xhdong-umd Can we repurpose the code that gives the user the choice between a shared or individual grids for home range analysis to offer a choice between low and high...