vrepper copied to clipboard
RuntimeError (possibly V-REP version mismatch
When I run ipython test_cartpole.py
I have the following error
trying to import vrep...
vrep imported.
(vrepper) trying to find V-REP executable in your PATH
('(vrepper) path to your V-REP executable is:', '/home/gvgramazio/Desktop/V-REP/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_5_0_Linux/vrep.sh')
(vrepper)starting an instance of V-REP...
(instance) starting...
('(vrepper)trying to connect to server on port', 20504, 'retry:', 0)
Using the default Lua library.
Add-on script 'vrepAddOnScript-addOnScriptDemo.lua' was loaded.
Simulator launched.
Plugin 'MeshCalc': loading...
Plugin 'MeshCalc': load succeeded.
Plugin 'BlueZero': loading...
Error with plugin 'BlueZero': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. For additional infos, mod.
Plugin 'BubbleRob': loading...
Plugin 'BubbleRob': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Bwf': loading...
Plugin 'Bwf': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Collada': loading...
V-REP runs in headless mode. Cannot start 'Collada' plugin.
Error with plugin 'Collada': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': loading...
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': load succeeded.
Plugin 'CustomUI': loading...
Initialization failed, running in headless mode. Cannot start 'CustomUI' plugin.
Error with plugin 'CustomUI': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-78': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-78': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-83': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-83': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsVortex': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsVortex': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': loading...
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ICP': loading...
Plugin 'ICP': warning: replaced variable 'simICP'
Plugin 'ICP': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Image': loading...
Error with plugin 'Image': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. For additional infos, modify.
Plugin 'K3': loading...
Plugin 'K3': load succeeded.
Plugin 'LuaCommander': loading...
LuaCommander: cannot find the statusbar widget
Error with plugin 'LuaCommander': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': loading...
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Mtb': loading...
Plugin 'Mtb': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OMPL': loading...
Plugin 'OMPL': warning: replaced variable 'simOMPL'
Plugin 'OMPL': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OpenMesh': loading...
Plugin 'OpenMesh': load succeeded.
Plugin 'PovRay': loading...
Plugin 'PovRay': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Qhull': loading...
Plugin 'Qhull': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RRS1': loading...
Plugin 'RRS1': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeII': loading...
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeII': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RemoteApi': loading...
Starting a remote API server on port 19997
Starting a remote API server on port 20504
Plugin 'RemoteApi': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RosInterface': loading...
Error with plugin 'RosInterface': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. For additional infos,.
Plugin 'SDF': loading...
Plugin 'SDF': warning: replaced variable 'simSDF'
Plugin 'SDF': load succeeded.
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': loading...
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': warning: replaced variable 'simSurfRec'
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Urdf': loading...
V-REP runs in headless mode. Cannot start 'Urdf' plugin.
Error with plugin 'Urdf': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'Vision': loading...
Plugin 'Vision': load succeeded.
Using the 'MeshCalc' plugin.
Error: signal 11:
('(vrepper)trying to connect to server on port', 20504, 'retry:', 1)
(vrepper)Connected to remote API server!
QMutex: destroying locked mutex
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/test_cartpole.py in <module>()
70 if __name__ == '__main__':
---> 71 env = CartPoleVREPEnv(headless=True)
72 for k in range(5):
73 observation = env.reset()
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/test_cartpole.py in __init__(self, headless)
12 def __init__(self,headless=False):
13 self.venv = venv = vrepper(headless=headless)
---> 14 venv.start()
15 venv.load_scene(
16 os.getcwd() + '/scenes/cart_pole.ttt')
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/vrepper/vrepper.pyc in start(self)
186 objs, = check_ret(self.simxGetObjects(
187 vrep.sim_handle_all,
--> 188 blocking))
190 print ('(vrepper)Number of objects in the scene: ', len(objs))
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/vrepper/vrepper.pyc in check_ret(ret_tuple, ignore_one)
349 if (not ignore_one and ret != vrep.simx_return_ok) or (ignore_one and ret > 1):
--> 350 raise RuntimeError('retcode(' + str(ret) + ') not OK, API call failed. Check the paramters!')
352 return ret_tuple[1:] if istuple else None
RuntimeError: retcode(3) not OK, API call failed. Check the paramters!
(instance) terminating...
('(instance) retcode:', 1)
When I run ipython test_body_joint.py
I have the same error
trying to import vrep...
vrep imported.
(vrepper) trying to find V-REP executable in your PATH
('(vrepper) path to your V-REP executable is:', '/home/gvgramazio/Desktop/V-REP/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_5_0_Linux/vrep.sh')
(vrepper)starting an instance of V-REP...
(instance) starting...
('(vrepper)trying to connect to server on port', 20271, 'retry:', 0)
Using the default Lua library.
Add-on script 'vrepAddOnScript-addOnScriptDemo.lua' was loaded.
Simulator launched.
Plugin 'MeshCalc': loading...
Plugin 'MeshCalc': load succeeded.
Plugin 'BlueZero': loading...
Error with plugin 'BlueZero': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. For additional infos, mod.
Plugin 'BubbleRob': loading...
Plugin 'BubbleRob': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Bwf': loading...
Plugin 'Bwf': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Collada': loading...
V-REP runs in headless mode. Cannot start 'Collada' plugin.
Error with plugin 'Collada': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': loading...
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': load succeeded.
Plugin 'CustomUI': loading...
Initialization failed, running in headless mode. Cannot start 'CustomUI' plugin.
Error with plugin 'CustomUI': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-78': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-78': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-83': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-83': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsVortex': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsVortex': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': loading...
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ICP': loading...
Plugin 'ICP': warning: replaced variable 'simICP'
Plugin 'ICP': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Image': loading...
Error with plugin 'Image': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. For additional infos, modify.
Plugin 'K3': loading...
Plugin 'K3': load succeeded.
Plugin 'LuaCommander': loading...
LuaCommander: cannot find the statusbar widget
Error with plugin 'LuaCommander': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': loading...
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Mtb': loading...
Plugin 'Mtb': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OMPL': loading...
Plugin 'OMPL': warning: replaced variable 'simOMPL'
Plugin 'OMPL': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OpenMesh': loading...
Plugin 'OpenMesh': load succeeded.
Plugin 'PovRay': loading...
Plugin 'PovRay': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Qhull': loading...
Plugin 'Qhull': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RRS1': loading...
Plugin 'RRS1': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeII': loading...
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeII': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RemoteApi': loading...
Starting a remote API server on port 19997
Starting a remote API server on port 20271
Plugin 'RemoteApi': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RosInterface': loading...
Error with plugin 'RosInterface': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. For additional infos,.
Plugin 'SDF': loading...
Plugin 'SDF': warning: replaced variable 'simSDF'
Plugin 'SDF': load succeeded.
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': loading...
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': warning: replaced variable 'simSurfRec'
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Urdf': loading...
V-REP runs in headless mode. Cannot start 'Urdf' plugin.
Error with plugin 'Urdf': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'Vision': loading...
Plugin 'Vision': load succeeded.
Using the 'MeshCalc' plugin.
Error: signal 11:
('(vrepper)trying to connect to server on port', 20271, 'retry:', 1)
(vrepper)Connected to remote API server!
QMutex: destroying locked mutex
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/test_body_joint.py in <module>()
5 venv = vrepper.vrepper(headless=True)
----> 6 venv.start()
8 # load scene
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/vrepper/vrepper.pyc in start(self)
186 objs, = check_ret(self.simxGetObjects(
187 vrep.sim_handle_all,
--> 188 blocking))
190 print ('(vrepper)Number of objects in the scene: ', len(objs))
/home/gvgramazio/vrepper/vrepper/vrepper.pyc in check_ret(ret_tuple, ignore_one)
349 if (not ignore_one and ret != vrep.simx_return_ok) or (ignore_one and ret > 1):
--> 350 raise RuntimeError('retcode(' + str(ret) + ') not OK, API call failed. Check the paramters!')
352 return ret_tuple[1:] if istuple else None
RuntimeError: retcode(3) not OK, API call failed. Check the paramters!
(instance) terminating...
('(instance) retcode:', 1)
Any idea on how to fix that?
Sorry but right now due to other obligations I don't really have time for detailed inspection; a possible cause might be that there's a version mismatch between my code (wrote around V-REP 3.40's python API), and your newer version of V-REP 3.50.
I'd like everyone to notice that this indeed is a problem, and it would be great if someone could come up with some solution.