* based on #2408 * refs #2195 according to @carpawell and @AnnaShaleva remarks, logging of Sidechain deployment routine should be improved in terms of severity and message contents. Overall I...
* based on #2408 * see @AnnaShaleva https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/pull/2408#discussion_r1252066039 ## Overview according to introduced changes, all committee members do all committee actions (such as updating the NNS contract) on their own...
* raised in go1.20 tests #2408 ``` --- FAIL: TestEvacuateNetwork (0.18s) --- FAIL: TestEvacuateNetwork/multiple_shards,_evacuate_many (0.08s) logger.go:130: [202](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/actions/runs/5393697086/jobs/9793798286?pr=2408#step:4:203)3-06-27T19:13:17.072Z DEBUG opening... {"shard_id": "B44bWVTm19CTXG3FsRVdgX"} logger.go:130: 2023-06-27T19:13:17.072Z DEBUG opening... {"shard_id": "X8LvzFKsWtpCT9XxvoAY7M"} logger.go:130: 2023-06-27T19:13:17.072Z DEBUG...
_Originally posted by @aprasolova_ format of object filters in `neofs-cli object search --filters ...` command is not specified anywhere outside the code. I't not obvious how to set attribute matcher,...
* continues #2892 --- i created 2 containers with 5 object in each and ran 30 routines sending 1000 GET queries (each time random object) ### `v0.42.1` -based programs exit instantly on particular errors: * https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/blob/450c4e5ed85f77dc77a13625337d71f7d97fa9ef/cmd/neofs-cli/internal/common/exit.go#L22 * https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/blob/450c4e5ed85f77dc77a13625337d71f7d97fa9ef/cmd/neofs-lens/internal/errors.go#L20 they call `os.Exit` due to which neither [cmd](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/spf13/cobra#Command) postruns, nor [finalizers](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/spf13/cobra#OnFinalize), nor even exec `defer` funcs are called....
_See https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/pull/2873#discussion_r1658630682_ it's proposed to refactor storage engine interface to leave single method for deletion marks
https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/spf13/cobra is a std engine for NeoFS command line tools. Some commands accept declare flag(s) of slice/array type. They are passed as `--flag XXX --flag XXX ...`. Then Cobra parses...