> think about some specific hooks for tests Ofc test hooks in core lib would be much better than contract surgery.
Here's a workaround suggested by @roman-khimov for the case here when you just want to add contract with some data in advance. ```go lowLevelStore := storage.NewMemoryStore() _dao := dao.NewSimple(lowLevelStore, false,...
> Please try It really works. The only thing I also needed to do is to make no-op `Close` method of the `storage.Store` passed on the first init. Without this,...
@roman-khimov, i thought about checking limits against `totalSupply` but this seems an overhead to me when it returns static value like for NEO
i also started to think about connection switch in multi-RPC setting. @carpawell ur an expert of this currently, pls explain how this reconn could affect our state sync
i suggest to start from size-segmented sync pool as more simple approach in current situation, when worker 1:1 individual object, per-worker static buffer residence could lead us to bad memory...
if Inner Ring is based on and works around blockchain, then in my mind it should be constructed from `type Blockchain interface` providing all IR-expected stuff. From IR pov, `Blockchain`...
> use anything except file right now no
still gives me goosebumps, very waiting for the release! didn't see this thread right away, so shared some my opinion in https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-contract/issues/415
Firstly node tries to read the object locally not matter what, so `2049 (404)` is pretty normal. Further we just see the behavior "do until 1st success". In current implementation...