> could you provide an example? like the gif at the top, so instead of having something like `src\nested\path` (the current), you only see `src` and when entered you then...
another example
many thanks for your work & quick response, i installed it and here are the notes so far - the `current folder` menu item can be moved to the menu...
@MunGell why not re-release the package under a different name ex.`vue-sortable-2` or something and now we can support both vuejs versions.
it uses a directive which is much easier to incorporate into any project without much work, ex. ```html {{item.title}} ``` thats all i had to do beside making an ajax...
actually when the cpu is @100 or the developer tools panel show an error ``` Extension Host Debugger attached. ``` non of the installed packages will work.
i also had the same question as am already using which both have some overlapping features for example the `symbol provider, ReferenceFinder, etc..` so the fix for that was...
```json { "console_dumper_default": "indented", "xdebug_disable": true, "command": "config:dump", "core.warn_on_develop": true, "core.min_memory_limit": 1610612736, "class_to_file.project_root": "%project_root%", "class_to_file.brute_force_conversion": true, "code_transform.class_new.variants": [], "code_transform.template_paths": [ "%project_config%/templates", "%config%/templates" ], "code_transform.indentation": " ", "code_transform.refactor.generate_accessor.prefix": "", "code_transform.refactor.generate_accessor.upper_case_first": false,...
oh ok, i can make a PR with that logic if u want.