Fill-Excel-Data-on-HTML-Form copied to clipboard
querySelector can't find field
I can't get the extension to actually fill in data on a webpage.
- I uploaded data in options tab "Upload Data".
- I fetched this data in options tab "Excel Data". One of the imported colums is named "Vorname", each row has an entry. This is shown correctly on the options page.
- In tab "Page Settings", I created a Form Site and configured a column "Vorname" with field type "document.querySelector()" and Field Address "input[name="ion-input-0"]".
- I visited the site. Refreshed.
- There is no data filled in. I'm sure the extension is running and active, because it shows the Application Status Bar (which I activated). And it renders an error message in the chrome console: "FED :: Form Field Element not found in this Form.: Vorname".
- One might think I judged the page wrongly or had typos therein, but when visiting the page and entering the following command in the chrome console, the correct HTML element is returned: "document.querySelector('input[name="ion-input-0"]')".
- So I'm sure the element exists and the query selector is correct. Nevertheless, the extension fails to find the input field.
What can I do to further track down the reason why it's not working?
Working on Windows 10, Google Chrome 91.0.4472.114, Excel Data Filler - CTH version 3.1.5.
I'm totally in awe when looking at what functionality this extension offers: apparently this is such a niche extension, but exactly what I am looking for!
Best regards Thomas
complete log in Chrome console:
FED :: This Page URL Match in the Action URls Data {index: 0, site: {…}, col: {…}}
FED :: OFF, Custom Key [page_loaded]
FED :: Site Form Success Message Not Found.
FED :: Fill Form Field: Vorname
FED :: Form Field Element not found in this Form.: Vorname
FED :: All Form Element Filled Completed. {isFeededFieldData: {…}, whichFalse: Array(0)}
FED :: All Form Element Filled Completed.
FED :: OFF, Custom Key [form_filled]