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Working with 2 roboclaws
Hey, Thanks for the library, it really works well and i have been able to control 1 roboclaw quite well, I wanted to ask you how to configure the launch file roboclaw_multi.launch to work with 2 roboclaws 1 of my roboclaws is connected to port and the other one to They work when i run the roboclaw_single.launch file and enter any of the above port name, but when i go to the roboclaw_multi.launch I dont understand how do i add the second serial port address as a launch file argument....
I made it work using two roboclaws, not in the way its indicated on the readme which is using packet serial mode
, that did not worked for me, but what it did worked, is that I created two launch files based on the modifying the ports according to the ports in my computer, also both my roboclaws are using the same ID 0x80
, just a different port, then I created a copy from the diffdrive.launch that looks like this:
<include file="/home/kingbee/robo_csvance/src/roboclaw/launch/roboclaw_front.launch"/>
<include file="/home/kingbee/robo_csvance/src/roboclaw/launch/roboclaw_rear.launch"/>
<node pkg="roboclaw" type="diffdrive_node" name="diffdrive" output="screen">
<param name="~roboclaws" value="1"/>
<param name="~steps_per_meter" value="12511"/>
<param name="~base_width" value="0.4"/>
<param name="~swap_motors" value="false"/>
<param name="~invert_motor_1" value="false"/>
<param name="~invert_motor_2" value="false"/>
<param name="~var_pos_x" value="0.01"/>
<param name="~var_pos_y" value="0.01"/>
<param name="~var_theta_z" value="0.01"/>
And that works! both move properly!
My only issue is the odom which is messed up (because is reading both encoders at the same time, instead of just reading one...)