I have increased the limit size of msg in akka. If it is due to too many simultaneous pull requests, I am a bit confused. I use the same number...
I try to add more servers, but it does not work.
After I go through the source code, I found reason is the second one. In big dataset, the number of features is much more than toy dataset. After I decreased...
I finally reduce the number of features, and it works as expected.
We can setup parameter servers in spark application, and use glint as a component.
How long will it take? I am eager to intergrate glint with YARN with Long key features. I have a preliminary version, but it takes long time to work on...
I used debox in my algorithm, and it helps a lot. Now I transform ids to continuous ones, and I look forward to get your help to intergration glint with...
I implemented a key-value based partitioner to avoid remapping feature id. Hash-based version may be more scalable to big data. I am glad to send a pull request if there...
In DistML, the server side seems only run on a single machine, so I try to use glint instead.
It is may due to the memory issue.