Splash copied to clipboard
Bottom label with font like in youtube splash
Is it possible to include a label on the splash? Like your example screen recording of youtube? It has a youtube image (enlarged) and then "Google" on the bottom in some custom font.
Thanks for this
I believe the Youtube splash screen is showing two images. So, the "Google" text is really just an image. I don't think you can add text to a splash screen directly.
Thanks very much for that note @cstew!! :)
This is a side question, do you know how youtube gets their icon to "enlarge". My icon is staying the same size as it is on the apps launching screen.
The icon enlarging you're talking about is the app icon zooming into the splash screen icon?
I believe that this is as simple as them having a larger icon that they show in the splash screen (that is not the same as their app icon). The Launcher is providing a nice zoom up animation so that it looks like the icon is transforming to a larger size but it's really 2 separate icons.
Thanks @cstew for your awesomely fast replies!
When I use android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
it uses one of the smaller ones even though I have a large one available in mipmap-xxhdpi
at 144 x 144. I tried copy pasting the 144x144 in "drawables" and renamed it to "splash" then changed src to: android:src="@drawable/splash"
and it now shows this larger one, however it doesn't zoom from the icon anymore on app launcher, the app pops up from bottom.
The animation is handled by the Launcher. I believe it works like this (I could be wrong): if the app is not in memory, you get the zoom up animation. If the app is in memory, you get the pop up from the bottom animation.
Try hitting the recent apps button and swiping away the app from memory. Relaunch it and see if the animation changes.
Thanks @cstew for going through this discussion and experiementation with me.
I just tried it, if I don't use android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
it is always coming up from bottom. I will recompile now with android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
and see how it behaves (in memory vs not) and get back to you.
Hey @cstew excuse the delay please I got busy. It seems only if I use ic_launcher with just these folders for icons:
72*72 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-hdpi.
48*48 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-mdpi.
96*96 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-xhdpi.
144*144 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-xxhdpi.
It will zoom out from the icon.
I tried adding some more folders to get an "enlarged" icon zoomed from the launcher icon so I added these:
32*32 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-ldpi
64*64 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-tvdpi
192*192 ic_launcher.png to mipmap-xxxhdpi.
Now its no longer zooming from launcher icon, and it is not showing the enlarged-most icon.
Do you know how to get it to be an "largest icon available" in the splash when using android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
Your splash screen isn't going to grab an image outside of the screen density of the device that you are on. If you want the icon to be bigger, you need to make the icon larger in each density bucket.
Since you are making this change, I recommend that you leave your app icon as it is and make a new icon that you adjust the size of.
So, instead of having a 4848 icon.png in mipmap-mdpi, put a 9696 icon.png file in mipmap-mdpi.