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[plugin-observable] Observables not working as expected
Hi again :)
Observables aren't working as expected. In particular, I've a TC39 implementation of Observables which is not being interpreted correctly.
The problem would seem to be the isObservable
function, which adds this to jss
var symbolObservable = lib;
var isObservable = (function (value) {
return value && value[symbolObservable] && value === value[symbolObservable]();
Here's some command line output that's illuminating:
>>> Symbol.observable === symbolObservable
>>> symbolObservable.default === Symbol.observable
It's possible there's some weird things going on with the build process on my end (perhaps I need some webpack-commonjs bridge), but I didn't see any tests in jss that demonstrate the use of Symbol.observable
proper, so I can't easily eliminate the possibility that it's a jss issue.
Can symbol observable package be a problem? So either there was a change and versions are incompatible (I doubt that) or you evtl compiled 2 different versions and they have different refs.
In any case we need to address that, I hope you can come up with a change or a PR for this.
symbolObservable.default === Symbol.observable
this sounds like you got a problem with a mix of esm and cjs.
Thanks. The build-process is as vanilla a Webpack 4 config as one could imagine, so it should do CommonJs as expected, but evidently ... something's awry.
Incidentally, it would be quite a bit easier to diagnose if there were a base jsFiddle or CodePen.
FWIW, this looks like a build issue; but a weird one. For interest, the webpack output is
var symbolObservable = lib;
But it should be:
var symbolObservable = unwrapExports(lib);
Will report as I work through it.
Relatedly, when my code has this:
>>> import $$obs from 'symbol-observable'
>>> console.log("OBS", $$obs)
OBS Symbol(observable)
i.e. the import is only an issue when it's via the jss library.
The problem seems to exhibit in jss/dist/jss
, which indicates a problem with the jss
so you are using a dist version?
Both are exhibiting the issue.
i.e. both of these fail:
import jss from 'jss'
import jss from 'jss/dist/jss'
... going to check a CDN version now.
I guess it will be a problem with dist version if youb have a separate bundle and jss bundle has the symbol built in, so those 2 bundles end up using different symbols.
on a lib version, the should be using the same symbol.
The symbol-observable polyfill will always work on a browser where Symbol.observable
is defined, since that's what it returns.
Incidentally, unless I'm missing something really obvious, jss is failing from CDN:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jss/9.8.6/jss.js'></script>
Console outputs:
Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined at escape.js:1 at _typeof (jss.js:4) at jss.js:5 (anonymous) @ escape.js:1 _typeof @ jss.js:4 (anonymous) @ jss.js:5
Which is the following line from escape.css
const CSS = (global.CSS: any)
So I can't seem to test with the CDN either. Maybe a caching issue or something since I've been fiddling locally.
oh, migration to rollup broke that, webpack has a built-in plugin for "global" replacement
Yes, these seem like the types of issues one gets with Rollup. :) We had similar problems with tko/knockout. For interest, our rollup config
looks like we need to add https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-node-globals
This won't fix the prob with symbols though
Unfortunately without a control (jsFiddle/CodePen, jss via CDN), we can't eliminate the jss build as the problem. Having stared at it for a couple hours, I do suspect it's the jss build process — but before encouraging a revision of that process I'd like to eliminate the possibility that it's a problem on my end by checking what a CDN version uses for its symbolObservable
So step one would seem to be fixing the global symbols.
You can try in the meantime an older version, which used webpack
Thanks @kof; what's a recent version compiled with webpack?
TC39 observables appear to work as expected with 9.8.1, indicating that the Rollup config is the culprit.
Probably not relevant, but here's the Webpack version of isObservable.js
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _symbolObservable = require('symbol-observable');
var _symbolObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbolObservable);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
exports['default'] = function (value) {
return value && value[_symbolObservable2['default']] &&
value === value[_symbolObservable2['default']]();
In contrast to the Rollup version set out in this issue's description, in this Webpacked version we get what is the expected result from dev tools inspection:
>>> _symbolObservable2['default'] === Symbol.observable
If you get the error global is not defined
you can add this code to your src/polyfills.ts
// Add global to window, assigning the value of window itself.
(window as any).global = window;
Has anyone had any luck with this? Just ran into it 3 years later.