
Results 2 issues of csmeets

When i try to import a downloaded .ics file with this content, no calendar item is imported in the calendar BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:platform VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:94b10624-55ac-4974-b87d-48408e89a841 DTSTAMP:20220302T084901Z SUMMARY:testx DESCRIPTION:Join: https://test.nl...

Hi, We went from "ua-parser/uap-php": "^3.8, < 3.9" to: "ua-parser/uap-php": "^3.9", With version 3.8 i had this check in our code ``` $parser = Parser::create(); $result = $parser->parse($request->headers->get('User-Agent')); return 1...