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Slides, paper notes, class notes, blog posts, and research on ML 📉, statistics 📊, and AI 🤖.

Source for csinva.io

SlidesResearch overviewsCheat sheetsNotes
PostsResearch linksPersonal info


The pres folder contains source for presentations, including ML slides from teaching machine learning at berkeley The source is in markdown (built with reveal-md) and is easily editable / exportable

Research and class notes

The research_ovws folder contains overviews and summaries of recent papers in different research areas


The _notes folder contains markdown notes and cheat-sheets for many different courses and areas between computer science, statistics, and neuroscience



Links/explanations of research code, such as these repos:

Interpretable machine learning Interpretable deep learning Deep learning fun
imodels: transparent model library (e.g. FIGS + HS), DAC: disentangled attribution curves ACD: hierarchical interpretations, TRIM: interpreting transformations, CDEP: penalizing explanations, AWD: adaptive wavelet distillation GAN/VAE: demo models, paper-title generator with gpt2


Posts on various aspects of machine learning / statistics / neuroscience advancements

Interpretability Connectomics Disentanglement
