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A comprehensive collection of GNN works in NeurIPS 2019.
GNNs in NeurIPS 2019
Sunday (Expo day)
Monday (workshop and tutorial)
title | topic | session |
Edge Contraction Pooling for Graph Neural Networks | graph pooling | NewInML |
Popularity Agnostic Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Embeddings | knowledge graph | NewInML |
Triplet-Aware Scene Graph Embeddings | graph embedding | WiML |
Applying Graph Neural Networks on Multimodal Biological Data | GNN | WiML |
Graph combinatorics based group-level network inference with an application to brain connectome study | graph embedding | WiML |
Predictive Temporal Embedding of Dynamic Graphs | graph embedding | WiML |
Knowledge Hypergraphs: Extending Knowledge Graphs Beyond Binary Relations | knowledge graph | WiML |
Construction of knowledge graphs from Spanish text using Linked Data | knowledge graph | WiML |
Community Detection with Graph Convolutional Networks using Semi-supervised Node Classification | GCN | WiML |
Robust representations for transfer learning on heterogeneous spatial graphs Chidubem Iddianozie | spatial graph | BAI |
Machine Learning for Computational Biology and Health | general | Tutorial |
Tuesday (main track)
title | session | poster |
Certifiable Robustness to Graph Perturbations | adversarial learning | link |
Spectral Modification of Graphs for Improved Spectral Clustering | clustering | link |
Beyond Vector Spaces: Compact Data Representation as Differentiable Weighted Graphs | representation learning | link |
Provably Powerful Graph Networks | representation learning | link |
Quaternion Knowledge Graph Embeddings | representation learning | link |
Efficiently Estimating Erdos-Renyi Graphs with Node Differential Privacy | privacy | link |
GNNExplainer: Generating Explanations for Graph Neural Networks | deep learning | link |
Efficient Graph Generation with Graph Recurrent Attention Networks | generative model | link |
PasteGAN: A Semi-Parametric Method to Generate Image from Scene Graph | generative model | link |
Exact Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks | combinatorial optimization | link |
D-VAE: A Variational Autoencoder for Directed Acyclic Graphs | AutoML | link |
Learning to Propagate for Graph Meta-Learning | meta learning | link |
Retrosynthesis Prediction with Conditional Graph Logic Network | structure prediction | link |
Universal Invariant and Equivariant Graph Neural Networks | approximation | link |
Wednesday (main track)
title | session | poster |
Heterogeneous Graph Learning for Visual Commonsense Reasoning | representation learning | link spotlight |
A Unified Framework for Data Poisoning Attack to Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning | adverarial learning | link |
Break the Ceiling: Stronger Multi-scale Deep Graph Convolutional Networks | semi-supervised learning | link |
Generalized Matrix Means for Semi-Supervised Learning with Multilayer Graphs | semi-supervised learning | link |
Graph Agreement Models for Semi-Supervised Learning | semi-supervised learning | link |
Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning with Non-ignorable Non-response | semi-supervised learning | link |
HyperGCN: A New Method For Training Graph Convolutional Networks on Hypergraphs | semi-supervised learning | link |
Graph Normalizing Flows | generative model | link |
Hyper-Graph-Network Decoders for Block Codes | belief propagation | link |
Structured Graph Learning Via Laplacian Spectral Constraints | graphical model | link |
Guided Similarity Separation for Image Retrieval | representation learning | link Oral |
Diffusion Improves Graph Learning | relational learning | link |
A Flexible Generative Framework for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning | relational learning | link |
Online Prediction of Switching Graph Labelings with Cluster Specialists | online learning | link |
Graph Neural Tangent Kernel: Fusing Graph Neural Networks with Graph Kernels | relational learning | link |
Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Networks | relational learning | link |
Hyperbolic Graph Neural Networks | relational learning | link |
Multi-relational Poincaré Graph Embeddings | relational learning | link |
On the equivalence between graph isomorphism testing and function approximation with GNNs | relational learning | link |
A Unifying Framework for Spectrum-Preserving Graph Sparsification and Coarsening | spectral methods | link |
Revisiting the Bethe-Hessian: Improved Community Detection in Sparse Heterogeneous Graphs | spepctral methods | link |
Understanding Attention and Generalization in Graph Neural Networks | attention model | link |
Semi-Implicit Graph Variational Auto-Encoders | variational inference | link |
Thursday (main track)
title | session | poster |
Layer-Dependent Importance Sampling for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks | representation learning | link |
Learning Transferable Graph Exploration | application | link |
KerGM: Kernelized Graph Matching | kernel method | link spotlight |
N-Gram Graph: Simple Unsupervised Representation for Graphs, with Applications to Molecules | representation learning | link spotlight |
Rethinking Kernel Methods for Node Representation Learning on Graphs | kernel method | link |
Graph Transformer Networks | representation learning | link |
Understanding the Representation Power of Graph Neural Networks in Learning Graph Topology | representation learning | link |
Exploring Algorithmic Fairness in Robust Graph Covering Problem | fairness | link |
Devign: Effective Vulnerability Identification by Learning Comprehensive Program Semantics via Graph Neural Networks | privacy | link |
On Differentially Private Graph Sparsification and Applications | privacy | link |
DFNets: Spectral CNNs for Graphs with Feedback-Looped Filters | convolutional filter | link |
Layer-Dependent Importance Sampling for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks | representation learning | link |
Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels | kernel method | link spotlight |
Learning metrics for persistence-based summaries and applications for graph classification | kernel method | link |
Generative Models for Graph-Based Protein Design | generative model | link |
Graph Structured Prediction Energy Networks | structure prediction | link |
Conditional Structure Generation through Graph Variational Generative Adversarial Nets | graph embedding | link |
GOT: An Optimal Transport framework for Graph comparison | network analysis | link |
Variational Graph Recurrent Neural Networks | network analysis | link |
vGraph: A Generative Model for Joint Community Detection and Node Representation Learning | representation learning | link |
Learning Transferable Graph Exploration | graph embedding | link |
Social-BiGAT: Multimodal Trajectory Forecasting using Bicycle-GAN and Graph Attention Networks | generative model | link |
Recurrent Space-time Graph Neural Networks | representation learning | link |
End to end learning and optimization on graphs | combinatorial optimization | link |
DRUM: End-To-End Differentiable Rule Mining On Knowledge Graphs | representation learning | link |
Friday (workshop)
Workshop Graph Representation Learning @ West Exhibition Hall A
Covered in other workshops
title | topic | workshop |
Probabilistic End-to-End Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning | semi-supervised learning | BDL |
Entropic Graph Spectrum | clustering | ITML |
Deep Clustering by Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders with Graph Embedding | clustering | ITML |
Graph Structured Prediction Energy Net Algorithms | structure prediction | PGR |
Learning Optimization Models of Graphs | optimization | PGR |
Structured differentiable models of 3D scenes via generative scene graphs | generative model | PGR |
Populating Web Scale Knowledge Graphs using Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction and Validation | knowledge graph | KR2ML |
Can Graph Neural Networks Help Logic Reasoning? | knowledge graph | KR2ML |
Knowledge Graph-Driven Conversational Agents | knowledge graph | KR2ML |
TransINT: Embedding Implication Rules in Knowledge Graphs with Isomorphic Intersections of Linear Subspaces | knowledge graph | KR2ML |
Saturday (workshop)
title | topic | workshop |
Generalization Bounds for Knowledge Graph Embedding (Trained by Maximum Likelihood) | graph embedding | ML with Guarantees |
Functional Annotation of Human Cognitive States using Graph Convolution Networks | representation learning | Neuro AI workshop (contributed talk) |
Learning Symbolic Physics with Graph Networks | physics | ML4Physics |
SwarmNet: Towards Imitation Learning of Multi-Robot Behavior with Graph Neural Networks | application | robot-learning |
A Knowledge Graph Based Health Assistant | knowledge graph | AISG |
Zero-Shot Learning for Fast Optimization of Computation Graphs | optimization | ML for system |
Multi-domain Dialogue State Tracking as Dynamic Knowledge Graph Enhanced Question Answering | knowledge graph | conversational AI |
The Graph Hawkes Network for Reasoning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs | knowledge graph | TPP (oral) |
Deep Hyperedges: a Framework for Transductive and Inductive Learning on Hypergraphs | representation learning | sets partitions |
Finding densest subgraph in probabilistically evolving graphs | structural learning | sets partitions |
Hypergraph Partitioning using Tensor Eigenvalue Decomposition | structural learning | sets partitions |
Joint Interaction and Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving using Graph Neural Networks | application | ML4AD |
Efficient structure learning with automatic sparsity selection for causal graph processes | causal inference | causal ML |
A Graph Autoencoder Approach to Causal Structure Learning | structural learning | causal ML |
To the extent possible under law, Hongwei Jin has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.