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tensorflowiOS copied to clipboard

A Real Time Object Detection application on iOS using Tensorflow and pre-trained COCO dataset models. Video frames are captured and inference is done locally using the provided mobilenet models. Both...

Tensorflow iOS Object Detection

An Object Detection application on iOS using Tensorflow and pre-trained COCO dataset models. Video frames are captured and inference is done locally using one of the 3 provided models: ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco, ssd_modelnet_v2_coco, or ssd_inception_v2_coco. Both Swift and Objective-C projects.

cat image


  • Make sure you have automake and libtool. Using homebrew:

brew install automake libtool

  • Clone the tensorflow source repo on GitHub

git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow

  • cd into the tensorflow repo and at a minimum checkout the v1.5.0 tag. The v1.5.0 release has the Makefile support for the following ANDROID_TYPES environment variable. I have tested up to v1.12.0

git checkout origin/r1.11

if you run into this issue: thread-local storage is not supported for the current target, you may need to edit the two files affected. The following one-liners worked for me:

gsed '/ifeq[^,]*,I386)/!b;n;n;n;n;n;s/thread_local//' < ./tensorflow/contrib/makefile/Makefile > foo; mv foo ./tensorflow/contrib/makefile/Makefile

gsed 's/thread_local int per_thread_max_parallism/__thread int per_thread_max_parallism/' < tensorflow/core/util/work_sharder.cc > foo; mv foo ./tensorflow/core/util/work_sharder.cc

You can get gsed using homebrew: brew install gnu-sed

  • We need to build the tensorflow components with ANDROID_TYPES_FULL. In the terminal type:


  • Build the tensorflow libraries for iOS. Go to the root of your newly downloaded tensorflow repo and run:


Go get a coffee. This can take a while. On my macBook it took almost 2 hours.

  • Open either the Swift or Objective-C project in this repo and edit the tensorflow.xconfig file to point to the folder where you cloned the tensorflow repo


  • Compile the xcode project and run. Since we need a camera this will only run on a device.