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[Project RimFactory Revived] Rimfactory underground transfer belt issues
IMPORTANT: Please first search existing bugs to ensure you are not creating a duplicate bug report!
- [ ] Reproduce the issue with minimal mods
- [ ] Upload the save here
- [ ] Find out why its broken
- [ ] Make a patch
Describe the bug hi there a little problem in rimfactory 's underground transfer belt ur mod work fine with the normal transbelt but not the underground type it leak the item on top of it when everytime the transbelt stop tansporting.normaly it should hold it to wait for next move like the normal transbelt btw i really appreciate you and your mod.
Steps to reproduce the behavior (VERY IMPORTANT) it often happens on the belt that i have selected in the screenshot.run the game for while then it should show up
the transbelt that i have selected in the screenshot.run the save for a while Error Log im not sure am i doing it right hugslib https://gist.github.com/3b541a7cd78ddf95fd5dd215745b7249 player log https://gist.github.com/nanachikawai/3223fe88de91dd5f0fcb2a64b52623c4 debug log https://gist.github.com/nanachikawai/e8943cbbf088c930b2b0f9404356b033
Save file save.zip
Mod list (Preferably a RimPy compatible list.) Version: 1 Name: save Mods:
- Id: brrainz.harmony Name: Harmony
- Id: me.samboycoding.betterloading Name: BetterLoading
- Id: ludeon.rimworld Name: Core(核心)
- Id: fluffy.modmanager Name: Mod Manager
- Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty Name: Royalty(皇权)
- Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib Name: HugsLib
- Id: erdelf.humanoidalienraces Name: Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
- Id: velc.hatsdisplayselection Name: Hats Display Selection
- Id: fluffy.worktab Name: Work Tab
- Id: brrainz.achtung Name: Achtung!
- Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool Name: Allow Tool
- Id: daniledman.combatupdate Name: Combat Update 1.2
- Id: goudaquiche.moharframework Name: MoHAR framework
- Id: mlie.pickupandhaul Name: Pick Up And Haul (Continued)
- Id: notooshabby.awesomeinventory Name: Awesome Inventory
- Id: kebeq.armoruiuncapper Name: Armor & UI Uncapper
- Id: drzhivago.docpawnoverhaul Name: DocPawnOverhaul
- Id: hobtook.mortaraccuracy Name: Mortar Accuracy
- Id: avilmask.nonunopinata Name: Non uno Pinata
- Id: mlie.npcbonus Name: NPC Bonus (Continued)
- Id: runnelatki.rabbieracemod Name: Rabbie The Moonrabbit race
- Id: captainmuscles.customtools Name: Muscles' Custom Tools
- Id: winggar.noshadows Name: No Shadows
- Id: squirtingelephant.nozzz Name: No ZzZ
- Id: sarg.alphabiomes Name: Alpha Biomes
- Id: atlas.androidtiers Name: Android tiers
- Id: gguake.apparelbodyresolver Name: Apparel BodyType Resolver
- Id: dalrae.garamraceaddon Name: Garam, Race Addon
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.garamraceaddon Name: Garam_Race_Addon_zh
- Id: arandomkiwi.androidtierstxserie Name: Android tiers - TX Series
- Id: xrushha.animaanimals Name: Anima Animals
- Id: mlie.beautyfloors Name: BeautyFloors (Continued)
- Id: mlie.bestmix Name: Best Mix (Continued)
- Id: falconne.bwm Name: Better Workbench Management
- Id: biomesteam.biomescore Name: Biomes! Core
- Id: fluffy.blueprints Name: Blueprints
- Id: brrainz.cameraplus Name: Camera+
- Id: zetrith.carousel Name: Carousel
- Id: void.charactereditor Name: Character Editor
- Id: dalrae.custommotemaker Name: Custom Mote Maker
- Id: caesarv6.damageindicators Name: Damage Indicators [1.2]
- Id: alias.degeneralizework Name: De-generalize Work
- Id: merthsoft.designatorshapes Name: Designator Shapes
- Id: gloomylynx.dragoniangaramrace Name: Dragonian GaramRace
- Id: dubwise.dubsbadhygiene Name: Dubs Bad Hygiene
- Id: avilmask.commonsense Name: Common Sense
- Id: dubwise.dubsmintmenus Name: Dubs Mint Menus
- Id: dubwise.dubspaintshop Name: Dub's Paint Shop
- Id: dubwise.dubsperformanceanalyzer Name: Dubs Performance Analyzer
- Id: edb.preparecarefully Name: EdB Prepare Carefully
- Id: wemd.expandedfloors Name: '[WD] Expanded Floors'
- Id: vat.epoeforked Name: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked
- Id: vat.epoeforkedroyalty Name: 'EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC expansion'
- Id: dalrae.gloomydeco Name: Gloomy Deco
- Id: semo583.gloomyhextrahuhkitchen Name: Gloomy Extra - Kitchen
- Id: solaris.furniturebase Name: GloomyFurniture
- Id: albion.goexplore Name: Go Explore!
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.goexplore Name: Go_Explore!_zh
- Id: harkon.gunnut.community Name: Gun Nut - Community Pack
- Id: auxiliusm.luciferiumplus Name: Luciferium+
- Id: ahndemi.lwmdsforgfd Name: LWM DS for Gloomy Furniture and Deco
- Id: rimfridge.kv.rw Name: '[KV] RimFridge'
- Id: lwm.deepstorage Name: LWM's Deep Storage
- Id: 4loris4.morelinkables Name: More Linkables
- Id: telkir.tmods.morefloors Name: '[T] MoreFloors'
- Id: mlie.multipleraids Name: MultipleRaids (Continued)
- Id: jangodsoul.simplestorage Name: '[JDS] Simple Storage'
- Id: netrve.dsgui Name: Netrve's DeepStorage GUI
- Id: com.yayo.combat3 Name: Yayo's Combat 3
- Id: solaris.ratkinracemod Name: NewRatkinPlus
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.ratkinracemod Name: NewRatkinPlus_zh
- Id: historic.industrialrollers Name: Industrial Rollers
- Id: saucypigeon.pawnbadge Name: Pawn Badge Fan Fork
- Id: botaxalim.xcombadge Name: Pawn Badge - XCOM Badge
- Id: vanya.polarisbloc.corelab Name: Polarisbloc - Core LAB
- Id: spdskatr.projectrimfactory Name: Project RimFactory Revived
- Id: com.spdskatr.projectrimfactory.insanity Name: Project RimFactory - Insanity
- Id: prf.materials Name: Project RimFactory - Materials
- Id: vanya.polarisbloc.securityforce Name: Polarisbloc - Security Force
- Id: vanya.polarisbloc.mechenemy Name: Polarisbloc - Mechenemy
- Id: vanya.polarisbloc.storytellerincidentspack Name: Polarisbloc - Storyteller incidents pack
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.rabbieracemod Name: Rabbie_The_Moonrabbit_zh
- Id: com.yayo.racequestpawn Name: Real Faction Guest
- Id: mlie.realdining Name: RealDining (Continued)
- Id: uuugggg.replacestuff Name: Replace Stuff
- Id: dubwise.rimatomics Name: Rimatomics
- Id: cabbage.rimcities Name: RimCities - Citadel Update
- Id: dubwise.rimefeller Name: Rimefeller
- Id: mlie.rimquest Name: RimQuest (Continued)
- Id: rimsenal.core Name: Rimsenal - Core
- Id: rimsenal.evp Name: Rimsenal - Enhanced Vanilla Pack
- Id: rimsenal.federation Name: Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack
- Id: rimsenal.feral Name: Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack
- Id: rimsenal.security Name: Rimsenal - Security pack
- Id: rimsenal.storyteller Name: Rimsenal - Storyteller pack
- Id: sadjuuk.uncolony Name: UN-Colony [1.2]
- Id: user19990313.runtimegc Name: RuntimeGC
- Id: syrchalis.setupcamp Name: '[SYR] Set Up Camp'
- Id: weilbyte.snapout Name: Snap Out!
- Id: albion.sparklingworlds.full Name: Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
- Id: timmyliang.tradehelper Name: TradeHelper
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vbrewe Name: Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vbrewecandt Name: Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcooke Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vee Name: Vanilla Events Expanded
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core Name: Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Id: rimeffect.core Name: 'Rim-Effect: Core'
- Id: rimeffect.extendedcut Name: 'Rim-Effect: Extended Cut'
- Id: rimeffect.n7 Name: 'Rim-Effect: N7'
- Id: rimeffect.themistraders Name: 'Rim-Effect: Themis Traders'
- Id: sarg.alphaanimals Name: Alpha Animals
- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.mechanoid Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
- Id: shavius.vfemechanoids.zh Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids 机械族派系扩展简繁汉化包
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillaexpanded.royaltypatches Name: Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfecore Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeart Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfemedical Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfefarming Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeproduction Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfesecurity Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfespacer Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- Id: isorex.mechanoidsaddon Name: 'VFE - Mechanoids : Unoffical Add-On'
- Id: zephyr.mechanoidsaddonzh Name: 'VFE - Mechanoids : Unoffical Add-On简繁汉化'
- Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpgardenmedicine Name: VGP Garden Medicine
- Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpgardenresources Name: VGP Garden Resources
- Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpgardentools Name: VGP Garden Tools
- Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpvegetablegarden Name: VGP Vegetable Garden
- Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpgardengourmet Name: VGP Garden Gourmet
- Id: maxzicode.zitools Name: ZiTools objects seeker
- Id: soulfulpumpkin.tabletoptrove Name: Tabletop Trove - Additional Joy Objects and Decor
- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.vikings Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
- Id: derekbickley.ltocolonygroupsfinal Name: '[LTO] Colony Groups'
- Id: rselbo.orbitaltradertransponder Name: SF Orbital Trader Transponder
- Id: sutsutman.minchothemintchocoslime Name: Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime
- Id: sutsutman.marilyntheminchoworshipperwitch Name: Marilyn the Mincho Worshipper Witch
- Id: magagent.evolvedorgansredux1.2 Name: EvolvedOrgansRedux
- Id: sgc.moreutilitypacks Name: More Utility Packs
- Id: cattleya.animatreereskin Name: Anima Tree reskin
- Id: crlsniper.realisticrooms Name: Realistic Rooms
- Id: automatic.recipeicons Name: Recipe icons
- Id: ingamedefeditor.kv.rw Name: '[KV] In-Game Definition Editor'
- Id: navyseal5.infestationbait Name: InfestationBait
- Id: flashpoint55.poweredfloorpanelmod Name: Powered floor panel mod
- Id: wexman.advancedhydroponics Name: Advanced Hydroponics
- Id: dalrae.garamthesingletailedfurry Name: Garam, The Single Tailed Furry
- Id: ac.mw.sad Name: 'Melee Weapons: Speed and Damage'
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.mwsad Name: Melee_Weapons_Speed_and_Damage_zh
- Id: mlie.suprememelee Name: Supreme Melee (Continued)
- Id: co.uk.epicguru.whatsthatmod Name: What's That Mod
- Id: boxrsxx.morepracticaltraits Name: More Practical Traits
- Id: captainmuscles.beatyourprisoners Name: Beat Your Prisoners
- Id: rainbeausfishing.reworkmod Name: '[RF] Fishing-ReWork'
- Id: rainbeausfishing.reworkmod.seafoodaddon Name: '[RF] Fishing-ReWork Seafood and Sushi Addon'
- Id: mlie.inventorytab Name: InventoryTab (Continued)
- Id: uuugggg.sharetheload Name: Share The Load
- Id: drape.forhiding Name: Drape for Hiding
- Id: zeitloser.rimworldhearts Name: Rimworld Hearts
- Id: sarg.smartspeed Name: Smart Speed
- Id: smashphil.neceros.srtsexpanded Name: SRTS Expanded
- Id: rimeffect.srts.shuttle Name: 'Rim-Effect: SRTS Shuttles'
- Id: torann.customdeathrandomness Name: CustomDeathRandomness
- Id: dninemfive.qualitycooldown Name: Quality Cooldown
- Id: roo.antyracemod Name: Anty the war ant race
- Id: roo.antyracemod.zh Name: Anty the war ant race_zh
- Id: roo.antyracemod.weaponpatch Name: Anty Weapon Race limite Patch
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.evolvedorgansredux Name: EvolvedOrgansRedux_zh
- Id: ahndemi.racesleepfaceaddon Name: Race sleep face addon
- Id: vanya.outsource.automechnekotest Name: '[SZ]Super Mechneko - 超级机械猫娘'
- Id: machine.rtr Name: Raise The Roof 1.2
- Id: savestoragesettings.kv.rw Name: '[KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings'
- Id: mlie.silentdoors Name: Silent Doors (Continued)
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.projectrimfactory Name: Project_RimFactory_zh_pack
- Id: mlie.rimwriter Name: RimWriter - Books, Scrolls, Tablets, and Libraries (Continued)
- Id: seioch.kurin.har Name: Kurin HAR Edition
- Id: haecriver.injuredcarry Name: Injured Carry
- Id: articanical.extrawallsandfloors Name: Extra Walls and Floors
- Id: calltradeships.kv.rw Name: '[KV] Call Trade Ships'
- Id: co.uk.epicguru.disco Name: Disco!
- Id: simmin.powertools Name: Power Tools
- Id: mlie.secretpassagedoors Name: Secret Passage Doors (Continued)
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vanillasocialinteractionsexpanded Name: Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vanillasocialinteractionsexpanded Name: Vanilla_Social_Interactions_Expanded_zh
- Id: captainmuscles.callouts Name: Callouts
- Id: nowano.calloutextension Name: Callouts Extended!
- Id: lingluo.movesteamgeyser Name: '[Ling]Move Steam Geyser'
- Id: kentington.saveourship2 Name: Save Our Ship 2
- Id: antisodium.sos2starsector Name: 'Save Our Ship 2 Enemy Ship Extension: StarSector'
- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.saveourship2 Name: Save_Our_Ship_2_zh
- Id: jovianpug.caravanlageliminator Name: Caravan Lag Eliminator
- Id: notfood.frameratecontrol Name: FrameRateControl
- Id: nestofmoon.jobslimittweak Name: JobsLimitTweak
- Id: squirtingelephant.nohealingemotes Name: No Healing Emotes
- Id: bar0th.norandomrelations Name: No Random Relations
- Id: invisible.conduits Name: Invisible Conduits 1.2
- Id: aoba.fortress.medieval Name: Fortifications - Medieval
- Id: jaxezh.bubbles Name: Interaction Bubbles - 互动气泡 - 汉化包
- Id: chinesetranslation.rim-effect Name: RimEffect边缘效应系列 个人汉化
- Id: majorhoff.rimthreaded Name: RimThreaded
@nanachikawai can you please reproduce the issue with the least amount of mods possible? trying to get the dev to look into fixing this, but it's hard to do so when the dev needs to download 50+ mods