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Progressive Image Deraining Networks: A Better and Simpler Baseline (CVPR 2019)
你好,我在使用训练代码时,加载数据出错,提示为 OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'datasets/train/RainTrainH/train_target.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)...
Hi I would like to ask you to train 100 epoch on each dataset?
I made a dataset of my own with only rain charts and no rain charts and no rain tracks like Rain100 can I train it?
I entered a 2048 * 2048 picture for test results showing insufficient memory but input small resolution pictures can be, I can ask me to test a big resolution image?...
hello! thanks a lot for your code!! in the RainTrainL dataset, where do rainstreak-xxx.png and rainregion-xxx.png come from? how to get them? if i create a dataset on my own,...
How to obtain different stages of the derain image, like the Fig.1 t=1,2,4 in your paper? Is it the intermediate output of a complete network or is it the result...
有以下几个问题想请教一下作者: 1.请问为什么这个数据集中除了由于无雨图外还有雨痕和雨图,这两个是怎么得到的呢(这个数据集是怎么制作的)? 2.四种图片类型放在同一个文件夹下又是怎么分别读取的呢? 3.在根据sh文件按要求放置数据集后为什么报错UnboundLocalError: local variable 'input_train' referenced before assignment,代码中的input_train和out_train是怎么设置或者读取(得到)的? 非常感谢!期待您的回复
Hi, your work has inspired me a lot!But also some questions that bother me. **Train** **Test** RainTrainH Rain100H RainTrainL Rain100L,Rain12 Rain12600 Rain1400 Is this correspondence correct? I need to train...