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workflow.Go cubic performance degradation in workflow tester
Hi all, we encountered this issue when trying to spin up 256 "goroutines" in a workflow and saw significant performance degradation in our unit test.
Using go-workflows
version v0.19.0
, create the following test file:
package foo
import (
func WF(ctx workflow.Context, n int) error {
wg := workflow.NewWaitGroup()
for range n {
workflow.Go(ctx, func(ctx workflow.Context) {
defer wg.Done()
workflow.ExecuteActivity[any](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Act).Get(ctx)
return nil
func Act(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func BenchmarkWorkflowGo(b *testing.B) {
run := func(b *testing.B, n int) {
b.Run("n="+fmt.Sprint(n), func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
wft := tester.NewWorkflowTester[any](WF)
wft.OnActivity(Act, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
wft.Execute(context.Background(), n)
require.True(b, wft.WorkflowFinished())
_, err := wft.WorkflowResult()
require.NoError(b, err)
run(b, 1)
run(b, 31)
run(b, 51)
run(b, 71)
run(b, 91)
run(b, 111)
run(b, 131)
run(b, 151)
run(b, 171)
run(b, 191)
run(b, 211)
I observe that the performance of this simple unit test degrades significantly as the number of workflow.Go
calls get made, as the graph below shows:
Out of curiosity, I took the log/log of the data and found it formed a linear function of slope close to 3, indicating a runtime performance of O(n^3).
Is this expected? With this type of degradation, the workflow.Go
functionality has limited use cases for us. Thank you!