devise_ldap_authenticatable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
devise_ldap_authenticatable copied to clipboard

undefined method `update_with_password' for #<User:

Open alexberny opened this issue 11 years ago • 6 comments


I get the error in the object when I try to update the user password in ldap.


alexberny avatar Dec 01 '13 19:12 alexberny

Has any progress been made on this?

I get a NoMethodError, for update_with_password.

It comes from a PUT request to "/users/user" (which is more than likely incorrect). It processes the request by Devise::RegistrationsController#Update as HTML

If any progress has been made thus far, I would greatly appreciate it. Or a solution if I should have something wrong on my end.

grubernaut avatar Apr 08 '14 15:04 grubernaut

I was able to "fix" the issue by writing an "update_with_password" method inside my user model.

I don't think it actually authenticates to the user before changing the password, but it actually does update the LDAP server with the correct new password. So far it's a quick hack but I'm not sure why Rails doesn't see the update_with_password method from this Gem.

Anyways, here's my user.rb model should it help @alexberny

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Include default devise modules. Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
  devise :ldap_authenticatable, :trackable, :rememberable, :registerable

  def update_with_password(params)
    @new_password = params[:password]
    @current_password = params[:current_password]

    raise "Need to auth password first" if @current_password.blank?

    Devise::LDAP::Adapter.update_own_password(login_with, @new_password, @current_password)


grubernaut avatar Apr 08 '14 16:04 grubernaut

Running into the same issue.

This gem only provides a class method stub called update_with_password:

module ClassMethods
    def update_with_password(resource)
        puts "UPDATE_WITH_PASSWORD: #{resource.inspect}"

but devise calls it on the resource:

i would say that this is a bug in devise_ldap_authenticatable.

jk779 avatar Sep 02 '14 14:09 jk779

Just ran into this problem too. I don't even get the 'puts' in devise_ldap_authenticatable/model.rb

undefined method `update_with_password' for ....

stefanray avatar Sep 22 '14 13:09 stefanray

Same problem here. Any fix to be expected?

xenji avatar Jun 13 '15 05:06 xenji

I manage to possibly fix it with workaround,

valentin2105 avatar Dec 04 '20 03:12 valentin2105