Chad Scherrer

Results 185 issues of Chad Scherrer

@simeonschaub suggested ```julia function canonicalize(nt::NamedTuple{_k,T}) where {_k,T} if @generated k = collect(_k) sp = sortperm(k) return quote sp = ($(sp...),) keys = ($(Meta.quot.(k[sp])...),) types = Tuple{$(T.parameters[sp]...)} NamedTuple{keys,types}(map(Base.Fix1(getfield, values(nt)), sp)) end...

- [ ] scale - [x] superpose - [ ] ∘ (for parameterized measures) - [ ] pushforward - [x] product measures

Hi @willtebbutt , curious if you've considered using Stheno for BQ, or what this could look like. A "static" probabilistic program gives a factorization of the likelihood, and Stheno could...

`summary` adds a type annotation to `prog`, which involves `MayBoxVec Prob Prob`. Compiling with GHC results in the error `Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘Prob’` Removing the type...

`simplify` sometimes produces expressions of this form: ``` (product j from 0 to n: (match (j == k): true: f(j) false: 1)) ``` But since the match is an equality...


Hi Josh, I've been moving toward MCMC results being in the form of an iterator instead of an array, and encouraging others in this direction as well. This convenience and...

**Call:** ``` prettify( quote map(1:N) do n f(n) end end ) ``` **Result:** ``` :(map(1:N) do n f n end) ``` **Expected:** ``` :(map(1:N) do n f(n) end) ``` **System...

Hi @baggepinnen , For some Soss work, I have something like (simplified example) ```julia julia> a = [Particles(), Particles()+1, Particles()+2] 3-element Array{Particles{Float64,2000},1}: -5.33e-18 ± 1.0 1.0 ± 1.0 2.0 ±...

I've been thinking about about the approach for `WeightedParticles`. When I've needed this I haven't been able to use the built-in type. As it stands, the weighting vector is per-`Particles`,...

Hi @baggepinnen , we've talked before about StructArrays... I haven't used this package much before, but I did get this going and it seems to work well: ```julia julia> using...