Chad Scherrer

Results 365 comments of Chad Scherrer

I've tried in good faith to contribute meaningfully to discussions in several repos, and you've repeatedly rebuked me that "this isn't relevant" or "this isn't the place", or "this is...

I can see how this approach to `rand(::Type{T}, ::Sampleable)` ("`T` specifies the `eltype` of the result") makes sense for `Sampleable` subtypes that generate `

Thanks @devmotion . As you probably guess, my main concern here is that we have something very similar in MeasureTheory, and many measures correspond to types other than arrays. Differences...

If Distributions doesn't work out, we're very interested in more general distributions like this for MeasureTheory.jl

Thanks for the responses. Here are a few possibilities: 1. Distributions parameterized by support 2. `support` method with correct support 3. (Below) For (1), I would expect the mixtures to...

> As discussed on Slack, `+` is not defined for sum of Distributions but one has to use `convolve`. I'll open a PR that would allow to use `\oplus` which...

Could this be made more clear? There's nothing I can find that says this is beta, only that functionality may change in the future. This seems to advocate this approach...

Thanks, but I think I'm missing a lot of context here. I'm guessing by `__init__` you mean the class initialization method from Python. I've used this from Python, but never...

Only way I can think of offhand is to redirect stdout, capture it in a string and check its length. But I'm not sure how to do that. Any ideas?...

@dlfivefifty Maybe something like this? ```julia julia> using FillArrays, Test julia> function llvm_lines(a) f(x,j) = @inbounds x[j] io = IOBuffer() code_llvm(io, f, (typeof(a), Int)) # countlines(io) count(==('\n'), String(take!(io))) end llvm_lines...