I cleaned up @Odysseus16 's branch a little, enough to make it work better for us in my own branch[0]. I have no desire to build a PR for this...
I believe the docker registry code does not allow a single registry instance to be both a docker cache and a private registry. We ended up running 2 instances and...
This seems to be fixed in the latest iterm2 version 3 beta I just downloaded today.
@rudyrichter can you connect @brycekahle with the documents he needs on how to add Native Messaging support? Bonus, just make them publicly available here!
@Ralnoc It's a no go, because 1Password > 6.8 requires anything that talks to it to be signed (currently) and 1Password has just declared(see the forum https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/394873/#Comment_394873 ) they refuse...
Since 0.2.1 doesn't work at all anymore, with recent versions of 1Password, I don't see why it's not just made the default.
So, there seems to be a few possible options/workarounds/replacements: 1. Stay on 1Password 6.8 -- and Sierra (I guess High Sierra requires 1p >= 6.8.1?) 2. Use dpaf(https://github.com/tomvachon/dpaf) w/ 1password...
This is because this software isn't tied to the newest library. someone will need to update this code to tie into the newest library. The other option is to downgrade...
just view the source. It would probably make sense to try and use cffi or some new coolness instead of swig or whatever that I used. to link to the...
The official owncloud client has a cmd line version now: https://doc.owncloud.org/desktop/2.1/advancedusage.html