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A bundle integrating Guzzle >=4.0 in Symfony

Results 17 CsaGuzzleBundle issues
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Hi, Regarding the following merged PR https://github.com/csarrazi/CsaGuzzleBundle/pull/263 which has been merged in May, can you tag a new version to be able to use Guzzle 7 please?

Page https://github.com/csarrazi/CsaGuzzleBundle/blob/master/src/Resources/doc/configuration_reference.md has outdated documentation from guzzle 3. Current guzzle 6 documentation: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/blob/6.5/src/MessageFormatter.php#L12

Providing a means to simplify third-party middleware integration as well as providing a means to expose the middleware configuration directly within the bundle would drastically help users. I will edit...


From what I read in the docs and the code, the only way to create a client with none of the middleware enabled is to explicitly blacklist all of them....

The hard dependency in `composer.json` on Twig can get removed, and the Twig related service definitions only have to get loaded when `profiler` is available and enabled. ## Why? Right...

Guzzle allows configuring `proxy` as option while doing a request. ## What * let `\Csa\GuzzleHttp\Middleware\History\History::mergeInfo` middleware also collect `options` * let `\Csa\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\DataCollector\InternalGuzzleCollector::doCollect` store some options (start with `proxy`?) to the...

Withing my Symfony project I use an external authentication service which uses the OpenId connect standard. This involves decoding and verifying JWT tokens which a user sends with a request...

The bundle only works with guzzle clients which are tagged. This makes integration difficult or impossible when you have a service that wraps private guzzle clients created "in code". It's...

Support for guzzle-services was dropped in branch 2.0 as the library was not updated yet to handle version 6.x of Guzzle. As this was fixed in the last months, we...

feature request

Hello, I want to configure bundle for log per client, with this I will able to store log data per file related with client. I found https://gist.github.com/csarrazi/bb6ac210827973033cbd this good example...

feature request