chakra-react-select icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
chakra-react-select copied to clipboard

A Chakra UI themed wrapper for the popular library React Select

Results 12 chakra-react-select issues
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### Description ### chakra-react-select Version 4.1.4 ### Link to Reproduction _No response_ ### TypeScript? - [X] Yes I use TypeScript ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to '...' 2....


Hey, is there a way to change the zIndex when using a portal to move the dropdown to `document.body`? In react-select there's the styles property where you can customize CSS...

Help Wanted

### Description Version 4.7.6 overrides your set colors for the selected elements through aria-selected css selector while I think it shouldn't. Reverting to 4.7.5 works as expected, according to #99...


closes #260 --- This PR switches away from [`babel`]( + [`tsc`]( for the build process to [`tsup`]( for building the package. `tsup` is a build tool based on [`esbuild`](, which...

### Description ```typescript ``` ### chakra-react-select Version 3.3.1 ### TypeScript? - [X] Yes I use TypeScript ### Operating System - [ ] macOS - [X] Windows - [X] Linux -...


### Description @chakra-ui: 2.8.2 Vite: 4.4.9 ![image]( ### chakra-react-select Version 4.7.6 ### Link to Reproduction _No response_ ### TypeScript? - [X] Yes I use TypeScript ### Steps to reproduce _No...


### Description This is a problem with `React-Select` as well but, given the fact that this is mostly a UI issue being wrapped in `Chakra-react-select` it might be looked at....


### Description Using the latest verion of Chakra: 2.5.3 And the latest version of chakra-react-select: 4.6.0 The warning `Warning: Prop `id` did not match. Server: "react-select-chakra-react-select-1-input" Client: "chakra-react-select-demo"` Appears in...


_PR and Description is a WIP_ Related: - - -

### Description When I pass `colorScheme` to the `Select` component. I expect to be able to use in my theme file. But the `colorScheme` comes back as `undefined`. If I...
