> I looked at the code: what you ask is rather complicated because a new `NetworkSessionContext` without proxy should be created, which is not foreseen by chromium. > So assuming...
Then it is working as intended. For any special use you can always make your own proxy and run it on the phone.
> ### Is your feature request related to privacy? > Yes It is not? > If VAPID could not use the Server implementation, I am willing to develop an vapid...
How does Firefox handle this on Android? An extension?
As I understand this is how WebPush should work: If we were to have this functionality in Bromite it should not be tied to any specific cloud service but...
If someone would like to do a reference implementation of the server-side application and contribute the patches for Bromite (without any specific default server in use), I'd be happy to...
Sure, there is no hurry.
> I can create the necessary code and javascript but with a horrible html That's not a problem; however I think we should look at I think we can...
It would be better to have in the AdBlock filters page information about the downloaded filters but this is unrelated to this issue which is about a welcome screen.
There is also:;l=1?q=privacy_review_msbb_step.xml&sq=&ss=chromium%2Fchromium%2Fsrc Which is a new UI informing user about privacy-related functionality.