[This patch]( does 3 things: 1. add a preference to completely disable referrals 2. change default referrer policy from `NEVER_CLEAR` to `REDUCE_GRANULARITY_ON_TRANSITION_CROSS_ORIGIN` 3. remove referrals if the navigation is cross-origin...
> I await an suggestion on what to do, I'm also fine with a revert @uazo would you have time to make a decision before the next release? (v108) Not...
> my idea is to do as I had indicated, bottom to top, most recent to least recent, i.e. reversing both the position of the tabs and the order. >...
> Consider temporarily disable "Prerender2" blink feature From what I understand, you mean temporarily until upstream address this properly? > * 106 What is the reason to not link...
> * do you know how cache is maintained? It is not exactly the same on Android; but no, I do not know fully know all its ins&outs. > >...
What would be the strategy for the existing subresource filter? This patch does not seem to touch that part.
> * check better what the "sitekeys" and the "special filters" are sitekeys are a feature for whitelisted ads IIRC > * check if we are actually blocking the snippets,...
There is no support for the SystemWebView; you could try getting more information about the issue using
> so, even with all those doubts, you agree to proceed anyway? I haven't tested it yet, will let you know. > > > check if we are actually blocking...
> Something often misunderstood about snippets: the actual JS code that gets injected is static and built-in. There's a library of functions that are allowed to be executed. The filters...