Results 230 comments of Carl

> already tried and it works, but the frills are missing, before I go on I would like to know what you think. I think that there is risk we...

> > I think that there is risk we might miss something present in current Chromium incognito mode design that makes this less safe from privacy perspective > > in...

@uazo would you like to submit a PR for this? However we should not save also cookies, the modified incognito mode with history and keeping tabs has dangerously become too...

> * I'm still undecided whether to add an option to delete the parameters from the url Bromite is neutral in regards to user navigation, it cannot do this. >...

Incognito mode has always been "ephemeral", in the sense that nothing is written to disk permanently when browsing. This concept was already attacked successfully the first time with the addition...

Once you have tabs, history, recents and offline pages in incognito mode what is the difference with non-incognito mode from the perspective of sites? I am looking specifically at: *...

No, I am referring to "no way to connect between sessions": what information do sites have? What is the practical difference between incognito mode with even tabs restored vs "delete...

I am not sure about that, because incognito mode was designed to not have tab states restored. For example as you also mentioned: what is the point of erasing certain...

> > these "features" that in reality will fool the users thinking that they are somewhat more protected in terms of privacy. > > why do you say so, it's...

> because you are optimistic and you think we find them all ... > I would take advantage of the policy that chromium developers must follow, that is, do not...