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15. Besides Blocks: Welcome to Python (LA Review - Sp15)
Your Name:
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?
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Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc
Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc
Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.
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Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc
Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc
Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.
Your Name: Justin Kim
Overview of Lab Comments: The lab is good introducing Python to the students. There's nothing special that needs to be addressed other than the fact there needs to be windows version of setting up python. I know that most of the students will be working on Mac computers, but it really did take me a long time to figure out how to set up a terminal and python on my computer, because most of the lab assistants didn't know how to do it. The link that takes you to setting up python for me was really confusing and I'm not completely sure it's the best way. There needs to be a better link or that the lab assistants need to be familiar with how to set up python on windows computer, so that way if a students wants to use python on their windows computers and comes in to lab for help, someone would be able to help them. Other than that, the lab is just fine and well done.
Anusha Syed
I also think there should be a link to a tutorial on how to install python3, in addition to installing git bash for PC users. Other than that, I think the diagrams and the chart on snap to python operators are super helpful. In addition, all the exercises are perfect introductions to the uses of strings, loops, etc. in python without being intimidating or too difficult to understand. Also, this most likely may just be me, but for some reason, all the pages take a really long time to load. Overall, I think this lab is the perfect introduction to python!
Your Name: Amy Vatcha
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is a great gentle introduction to python but as I recall, it did not adequately prepare me well enough to handle the next python lab, which I struggled with when I took CS10
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Lack of clarity Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: In my opinion, this page should be the 2nd page of the lab since the first page of the lab draws a similar parallel between snap and python so this page would continue to reinforce the concept in a logical sequence as the student proceeds through the lab.
Emily Pedersen
I think this lab is a good introduction to the different tools of python such as for loops, while statements, list slicing, and def statements. I do think there should be an explantation of how the text editor relates to editing and testing your programs. When I was in CS10 I was so confused about how to run the code I edited in my text file in an interactive session. Overall, this lab is a good way to introduce students to different statements in python.
Page link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: minor Comments: For the exponents function, I think it would be better to explicitly say how you want the students to solve this question. When I was doing this problem last semester I justed used the built in ** notation, but I really think it would be good to suggest using recursion so students don't just use the built in function.
Page Link: Type of issue: lack of clarity Severity: minor Comments: Again I think it would be helpful to tell the students to use recursion to solve this problem, so they have an idea where to start attacking this question.
Your Name: Rocio Guerrero
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab serves as a very good introduction to Python. The instructions and explanations are very clear and simple, which makes learning a text-based code a lot less intimidating and therefore more exciting. I think it's really good that Snap blocks are put side-by-side their Python counterparts. This really helped me in CS 61A in thinking about the algorithms of the code. It was also really helpful to introduce working in the terminal because you need this knowledge in 61A. Overall, a good lab and good beginning point for people who want to continue into 61A!
Your Name: Michael Wang
Overview of Lab Comments: I loved the python part of CS10! It really shows you that your work and style of thinking can be translated into other languages easily and prepares you incredibly well for the critical thinking problems presented in the CS61 series. The side-by-side comparison of the python code and the Snap code is especially illuminating and should ease their transition into writing python syntax.
Overall, I thought that the exercises were good practice that could be completed in the allotted lab time, and that this lab was a good crash course into the very basics of Python and utilizing the terminal.
Your Name: Jesse Luo
Overview of Lab Comments: I personally enjoyed this lab a lot, I felt like the concepts I learned in CS 10 are applicable everywhere. It helps to see them all side by side and learning as you go since a lot of the time, people question the validity of drag and drop, but once they see it's easily translatable, they don't worry as much. I think it's also nice they go through the unix file system a bit, since that's very helpful if they go into cs61a and in general understanding how computers are organized. The one thing I felt was a bit distracting was the amount of colors everywhere, I think it's a bit too colorful and disorganized, it feels like the interface could be a bit more readable and clean. Other than that, this is a good lab for learning.
Your Name: Susan Shen
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab serves a pretty good introduction into Python; I’ve even referenced it during the first few days of 61A. It might be a little difficult for students because the jump from Snap! to Python is a bit of a task, but once they’ve grasped the concepts, they’ll have a pretty solid foundation going into 61A.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Clarification Severity: Might be an inconvenience for people with PCs Comments: Since I don’t own a Mac, a few of the instructions on how to run Python did not apply to my computer, so I had to do a lot of independent research. I think it might be useful to students who are in the same situation as I was, to know that just typing python (…) will do for Windows command prompt.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Appearance Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: If I get a question wrong and click to try again, all of the answer choices turn to black letters with a gray background. Is this color scheme change supposed to be on purpose? It’s a little disorienting nonetheless; might want to keep the colors consistent.
Your Name: Maya Angelica Hernandez
Overview of Lab Comments: When I took CS10 we had Beyond Blocks and I think it's excellent that the labs integrate them, and that it's called "Besides Blocks" which does not lessen the value of blocks. I was kind of wary of the virus file though haha.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. typo Severity: i.e. very minor inconvenience Comments: Minor typo at bottom in blue box describing codification, first few words: "side by side wit,Snap! code"
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: clarity Severity: not that important Comments: Not a big deal at all. But at first the students are asked to open python and hit the "return" key then later to hit the "enter" key after typing a line. The enter and return key are the same thing (for Macs anyway), is there a reason why we differentiate the two and are not consistent throughout?
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: i.e. minor inconvenience Comments: Under quick tip: there is an extra parentheses after the x += 8. Some students may think the ) is needed.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: additional info Severity: not severe Comments: For the "cd .." command, it says that it will move back out of our directory. Maybe can specify "cd .." only goes back one directory, not all the way to the beginning of the directory that's what "cd" does.
Your Name: Jessica Larson
Overview of Lab Comments: YAY!! Python, finally!
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: confusing Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: It says that anything that can be done in python can be done in snap!, but snap! isn't able to import all the different libraries that python is able to import, the the speed of snap! makes it virtually impossible to attempt some algorithms that are easy for python, and snap! isn't able to execute another program. I just think that this is misleading and frustrating information that does not belong in this lab, especially when trying to promote learning python. I also think that it jeopardizes our integrity, by supplying incorrect information to students.
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Type of Issue: bug Severity: inconvenience / stops the student from continuing Comments: it asks to go to the home directory, denoted by "~" but that doesn't show up in windows and that could confuse students working on this at home.
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Type of Issue: suggestion Severity: inconvenience Comments: This would be a great opportunity to mention that pressing the up arrow brings up previous commands.
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Type of Issue: inconsistency Severity: inconvenience Comments: It says in the for loop (1, num +1) but in the code provided its x, just needs more consistency.
Your Name: Charles Thorson
Overview of Lab Comments: I felt that it may be useful to give students a quick lesson on the meaning of each of the basic terminal commands. Since a lot of people were confused with the command line last semester. Although there is the step by step instruction with some explanations in this lab, I feel that many students would probably just copy exactly what is on it and not know what they are actually doing. Over all, I felt that this lab is a great introduction to python that effectively links concepts to those in SNAP!
Your Name: Satoko Ayabe
Overview of Lab Comments: I thought this was lab was a good introduction to coding in python. I like how this lab mentioned how we are learning how to learn code. I also like how the lab had a snap version of the code and the python version of the code side by side so it's easier to compare and translate among the 2 languages.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. lack of clarity Severity: i.e. "minor inconvenience" Comments: For me last semester, the command was "python2" not just "python" when I didn't have python3
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. suggestion Severity: i.e. "minor inconvenience" Comments: I think it'll be good to teach students shortcuts for exit, interactive mode etc. instead of "exit()". It saves a lot of time for the students and it's really convenient.
Your Name: Cynthia Ha
Overview of Lab Comments: Overall, I think this lab is a great introduction to python. The instructions are generally quite clear and explains the basic python functions to the students. I liked how the lab had Snap! blocks so students can see the similarity between snap and python, which eases the transition between snap to python.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: suggestion Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: It would be useful to teach the students about the interactive mode as it is super useful in helping them debug their codes. I remember when I was in CS10 , I found it much easier to find mistakes in my code after a TA taught me about the interactive mode.
Your Name: Eurie Oh
Overview of Lab Comments: I thought that this lab was a great way to introduce Python to students. I thought that the use of the Snap! block next to the equivalent line of code in Python was a great visual aid in helping students understand Python. The only change I would suggest is to not only give problems that they have already solved with Snap!. Although it may be easier for them to understand, It may be better to challenge them a bit more at least for the later problems.
Megan Carey
Overview of Lab Comments: I really like this lab. I think that it's great to have the python and Snap! code exhibited side by side so that students receive a direct comparison. I also think that it is a fun introduction to python!
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. (code) typo Severity: i.e. minor Comments: In the Big Ideas section, there is a typo in this sentence: "Text based languages are just as power as visual languages and come with their own set of pros and cons." It should say "powerful," not "power." Also, the format of the bullet points in the Activities section is kind of inconsistent, not that that really matters.
Your Name: Stanley Ho Overview of Lab Comments: I really like this lab. Incorporating snap block pictures to show how'd the python code would look in snap really helped me learn python last semester. I think this lab does a good job introducing python to the students.
Your Name: Ilina Bhaya-Grossman
Overview of Lab Comments: I think this is a really helpful and well structured (straight forward) in terms of content, it is fun to see your snap code become a part of something else that seems more real and 'program' like. However, I think that this lab packs in a lot of information and it is a bit tricky to make sure that students are not overwhelmed by all of the information they are receiving. Maybe make slides shorter so that each slide has less information and then is less daunting? Just an idea. This lab is also a lot of loading text editors, learning how to use command line; semi dry information; maybe somehow make learning this information more interactive: something involving a partner? etc. Otherwise this is a very fun lab and allows students to learn a lot!
Your Name: Sean Sullivan
Overview of Lab Comments: I think this is a great lab, I find it introduces python in a really nice way. It is not too overwhelming and relates it to something they already know. It can easily be done in the 2 hours.
Your Name: Jiachen Hu
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab did a very good job in the introduction of python. The exercises were reasonable and the was well designed. (I personally like the loading animation the best).
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Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: minor Comments: for the second self-test problem, y / x and y % x both yield 1, which is the correct answer. Since / and % are really easy to be confused with each other, I think x and y probably should have some other values?
Caroline Kim
Overview of Lab Comments: The lab does an excellent job of introducing the students to the Python programming language by explaining step by step procedures in coding in Python and also displaying the equivalent Snap! codes alongside the new Python code that does the same task. The lab is also very helpful in the sense that there are a lot of visualizations (for example, when explaining how to define a function) that make the new information clear and not confusing.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Answers would be helpful Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: For exercises such as "reverse_string," it might be helpful to include the solution to the code somewhere (not directly on the page that the question was given) so that students having trouble with solving the problem (most likely because they have made simple syntax errors) can turn for assistance might be helpful.
Your Name: Paige Pratt
Overview of Lab Comments: The lab is very good and does an amazing job at putting python together with snap! The lab is straight forward and interesting. It is really good that the lab puts python and snap! side by side because it will make it easier for students to transfer what they have learned. All in all it was well paced and easy to understand.
- [ ] Type of Issue: possible confusion Severity: prevents students from continuing Comments: Last semester most of the computers in the lab only had python not python 3 so students got confused and couldn't pull up python. Also in windows computers you use py not python3 so that could be a really useful thing to mention.
Your Name: Henry Chung
Overview of Lab Comments:
I thought this lab was well designed as a whole. It seems like a wholly useful primer on moving to SNAP to python barring some minor issues in communication. It might also be useful to remind students what a palindrome is on that last page.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Possibly Unnecessary Severity: Minor Clarity Comments: I'm not so sure this page is necessary. It's not really something that is relevant to the idea of SNAP to python and kinda feels out of place compared to the rest of the lab.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Lack of Clarity Severity: Minor Comments: When launching the program through python, it would be useful if there were just one sentence explaining the difference between putting "python3" vs "python3 first_even_nums" (how the latter is a function defined within the file is never really explained. It would be useful to equate that as a block made in snap and calling it in this way is calling an instance of a block.)
Your Name: Benjamin Smith
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab seems very well designed as a way to introduce python to the class. I enjoyed how it introduced many of the basic concepts in comparable ways to snap and explicitly stated the differences, but still showed the similarities between many of the blocks and commands. The biggest problem that I noticed was how when introducing the concepts, it didn't cover windows set ups very well and i think a bit more explanation there would've helped.
Your Name: Jaysan Maolinbay
Overview of Lab Comments: Overall, this lab provides a great transition into python. The examples are nice and the lab goes at a very nice pace. The comparisons from SNAP! to python syntax also provide a nice resource for the students. Perhaps the only concern I'd have about this lab is the set-up of sublime text and GitBash (At least that what we used in 61A), because that can be a little confusing.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity:minor inconvenience Comments: It would be nice to have a full explanation on how to set-up Sublime text and the terminal on the page
Your Name: Florin-James Langer
Overview of Lab Comments: Very good lab; it looks like you did a good job of putting the Snap code next to the python equivalents throughout, whereas I remember this wasn't as well done last semester.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: not Comments: The purple box at the bottom says "wit,Snap" instead of "with Snap"
Your Name: Soham Kudtarkar
Overview of Lab Comments: I really liked this lab because it was really instructive and showed me what coding would look like in CS 61A. I wish that there were more besides blocks labs because they would have helped me with with the syntax of python, and consequently, with 61A. Overall, I found that this lab did its job well by teaching students how to use python.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typos Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: There were a few typos in the blue box at the bottom of the page. "With" is spelt incorrectly. "Snap!" is incorrectly written as "snap" and is not italicized. The apostrophe used for the word "language's" is incorrectly placed (because "each" implies a singular noun "language"). These were just small errors in wording that I found annoying, but not that impactful on the lesson of the lab.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: i.e. prevents students from continuing Comments: I found that the link given for setting up python for Windows users was a bit confusing and I recall that it took some time for me to set up python when I was taking CS 10.
Your Name: Jiazhen Chen
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is a pretty good introduction to python. I really like the way tht snap program is side by side with python code. This makes a lot of sense for students first using python language. The whole lab is well paced. The excercises are in right levels.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: In the purple block at the bottom. I think it wants to say "You will see python code side by side with." not "wit".
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: just some suggestion Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: I feel like there can be a hint reminding the students to save before run. Some studnets may not know this...
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: just some suggestion Severity: Comments: I think there should be some hint reminding the students that the equal to and assigning symbols are differnet. One is "==" another is "=". It's quite important and I feel it's necessary to emphasize a bit.
Elizabeth Steger
Overview: This is a wonderful lab I wish I had the opportunity to complete when I took CS10. The step by step snap! comparisons make this such a straightforward lab and hopefully transition for students into python. Plenty of awesome exercises, easy testing, and quizzes make this, in my opinion, one of the best stand-alone labs.
Page Link:
Type of Issue: Aesthetic
Severity: Insignificant
Comments: In chrome, the >>> name = "Alonzo" part of the screen has a little scroll marker, it does not have it when I open in firefox. I don't know if this bothers anyone else, or even if it happens on other computers, but I thought I would mention it.
Your Name: Morgan Ewing
Overview of Lab Comments: I remember being very excited for this lab because it's always exciting to learn a new language. I think that this lab effectively introduces Python by relating it to Snap, making it very easy to learn. I think that the Variables and Primitive Expressions page is especially helpful and well formatted. Lastly, the exercises with Python toward the end are challenging enough for students to spend some time on them but they are definitely doable. This is important because it makes Python seem like a language that they can learn and use.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: minor Comments: The sentence "You will see Python code side by side wit,Snap code..." has a typo and should be "with Snap code..."
Your Name: Maaz Uddin
Overview of Lab Comments: The lab was really good and very well paced. I remember being super excited about this lab because I was really looking forward to learning python last semester. I think students may find some of the concepts hard to internalize, but I think it's just a matter of time and working with python enough for them to understand them (especially stuff like zero indexing). Overall it was probably one of my favorite labs and I believe most of the students will find this to be rather easy, and possibly even a bit of a relief, now that they can type their code instead of dragging and dropping.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: In the bottom bluish / purple box it says "side by side wit,Snap!"
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: The lab mentions the word "shell" but doesn't clearly identify what exactly a shell is.