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4. Functions (LA Review - Sp15)
Your Name:
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?
--- For each specific Issue (Copy this section as many times as necessary) ---
- [ ] Page Link:
Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc
Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc
Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.
- [ ] Page Link:
Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc
Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc
Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.
Your Name: Susan Shen
Overview of Lab Comments: I think the lab is a good introduction to abstractions (although on the calendar, the name “Functions” seems to be a bit of a misnomer. The pace is pretty good and everything is relevant to the topic that is supposed to be introduced.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Clarity Severity: i.e. Students might have difficulty understanding Comments: I recall being very confused when my partner and I worked on this valid date question last year, with the sentence: “When you are done, there should be more code than when you started, but it should be easier to understand.” We always thought we were supposed to clean the code up by introducing custom blocks, which would then condense the code and actually make it shorter. Maybe a better explanation could be provided on what to do with all the code displayed?
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Typo Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: Second paragraph starting with “You must import…” – tools is spelt as “toools”, may want to change that
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Stylistic error Severity: Not very severe, just a design suggestion Comments: The “Brick Wall” title isn’t very much emphasized, maybe it should be bolded so that the students will know that they are being introduced to a new problem?
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Severity: Stylistic error Comments: It looks like the rounded brick has a white line through it when the whole thing should be shaded in. Should change the picture to reflect what the Sprite will actually execute.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Misleading instructions Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: When I tried dragging and dropping the images of Alonzo and the duck onto my scripting area, a pop up box appeared saying that “the picture you wish to import has been tainted by a restrictive cross origin policy making it unusable for costumes in Snap!.” May want to instruct students to save the images onto the desktop instead.
Your Name: Justin Kim
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is really good. I like how there's a lot of coding practice. It may students longer to do, but getting coding practice does help students to obtain better skills at figuring out how to do problems. The only thing that I would change is maybe an example using the global variable and using the script variable so the student can really visualize the difference between the two. I didn't have any issues with like page links not working or improperly loading on the computer uses. Also, maybe just implementing the partner slides into the lab to continue the idea of switching of between using the computer.
Your Name: Anusha Syed
Overview of Lab Comments: I think this lab was overall really helpful and all the exercises were great practice. I also agree that the "valid date" exercise is a bit confusing and it could be explained more thoroughly. I think it would also be nice to have the definition of a function somewhere in the beginning of the lab.
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Type of Issue: kinda gives away answer
Severity: minor
Comments: The problem two block, when clicked, says "error didn't report" which is the bug they are looking for so it kind of gives away the answer and isn't as helpful as a debugging exercise.
Your Name: Jesse Luo
Overview of Lab Comments: Generally I thought this lab was quite good, it was very concise and to the point about most of the issues. It really explores the style of coding and helps the students to learn more and more about how to make their code more "pretty" while also becoming more powerful.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: More Clarity Severity: Minor Comments: The bottom part of this feels a bit to cluttered, it may be because there's just a lot of blocks/words together. I think it could be more spread out, and could be a little less wordy.
Your Name: Charles Thorson
Overview of Lab Comments:
Good lab, although I felt it was a bit jumpy in terms of what it covers. Especially the debugging part, although it is a necessary thing that should be taught early on, the explanation on it doesn't really follow through since it doesn't actually show how it can be applied to the buggy house drawing. The brick wall drawing's explanation text was quite descriptive and well paced to help the student out, since its one of the more challenging questions in the lab. Also, I did not seem to find any glaring errors.
Your Name: Sean Keehan Sullivan
Overview of Lab Comments:
Great lab! Lots of information, I used much of what was mentioned in the lab in all of my CS10 projects when I took the class. I believe the lab is able to be done entirely in the lab's 2 hour time frame. The debugging might not seem relevant however, debugging anything in general is great practice for preparation for their own projects. Definitely a useful lab, should not be skipped. I did not notice any significant errors or mistakes while doing the lab.
Your Name: Jiachen Hu
Overview of Lab Comments:
I think it is a great lab! Very useful for the understanding of abstraction. The instructions are quite clear and important information is provided in detail. However the brick wall might be a bit challenging and time-consuming. Since students are suppose to be having reading quiz during this section, some of them may not be able to finish the lab on time.
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- [x] Page Link:
Type of Issue: page error Severity: minor Comments: when press "next", it will open up a link with the same content again.
Your Name: Max Counts
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?
Overall a good lab! Does a nice job introducing all the use of functions, as well as helper functions. --- For each specific Issue (Copy this section as many times as necessary) ---
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Confusing wording of what you want in this slide Severity: minor Comments: I spend a while trying to come up with the problem with this code, but the next slide seems to mean that the only problem is that it accepts all inputs at that point. I think students might spend too long trying to find a logical error in the problem, and not see that the problem lies in its inputs.
Your Name: Ilina Bhaya-Grossman
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?
Overall a good lab. Very explicit with instructions which helps a lot for the abstracted functions. The images that are embedded within each page of instructions are very useful; they help a lot with comprehension of lab tasks.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: i.e. minor inconvenience Comments: Tools is spelled Toools.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: double slides Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: There are two swap slides right next to each other
Your Name: Caroline Kim
Overview of Lab Comments: I personally thought that this lab was very organized and clear. In covering the topic of functions, the lab provides many resources that students can read through to really understand the concept of functions. It is also nice how the students can really learn through answering the tasks of the lab, and also learn through finding and fixing bugs that occur in some of the codes provided. The building brick activity is something that I really liked because it helps the students put what they learned in the lab to practice and get a better understanding of functions in an entertaining way.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Lack of clarity Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: The page instructs the students to simplify the code in some way. In the "things to remember" portion of the page, the first bullet point tells the students to break up the drawing task. In order for the students to have a better understanding of how they should "break up" the code, giving them a hint like how exactly the code should be broken up into might be helpful.
Your Name: Amy Vatcha
Overview of Lab Comments: -- It was a great idea to summarize what the max block was suppose to do before making the students correct the given code -- For Problems 1, 2, and 3 (sum of numbers between x and y), it would be helpful to inform the students that only very minor changes to the code are required -- Global variables would have been better suited to be introduced in the previous lab, along with where script variables were introduced
Name: Meghna Chatterjee
Overview of Lab Comments: -- I think the Pair Programming section was a great idea, this makes sure that both partners work an equal amount on the lab. -- Lab was very detailed, which will be helpful for students in understanding what they have to do. -- Page Link: Type of Issue: Lack of clarity Severity: Minor Comments: I think a small hint might be helpful for students at this point, as I didn't think of the fact that this method takes in non-number input as well right away. But it's definitely a good issue for students to consider.
Your Name: Florin-James Langer
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new? This lab seems to be a much more manageable length than the second one. The pace is good and people should actually have time to try all of the example problems in this one.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: not severe Comments: variable is spelled varaible (cmd-F to find it)
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: double Severity: not severe Comments: there are two pair swapping pages in a row
Your Name: Rocio Guerrero
Overview of Lab Comments:
I think it was a very informative and detailed lab. There is a good amount of things to learn in the 2 hour time span, and the exercises are interesting and challenging. The flow from one topic to the next is logical and easy to follow. Perhaps, the valid-date? exercise could be explained more clearly, though. But overall, a great lab!
Your Name: Stanley Ho Overview of Lab Comments: I think this is a well paced lab with everything making sense. However, for the parts where we had to clean up code like the validate block, there should be clearer instructions. However, overall, the lab is great. [ ] Page Link: Type of issue: Confusing. Severity: eh Comments: Well, its not entirely clear that we can click on the block to pull it up to snap. Also, instructions can be clear.
Your Name: Seungha Lee
Overview of Lab Comments: I think this lab is a very helpful. There are many good challenging exercises. I feel like some of the exercises could be clarified better. For example, the "Sum-Things Up" could have had a little more direction for each problem since they are kind of similar. Also, I found the "Validate" and "Brick Wall" exercises a bit hard to understand. Maybe a demonstration of a similar problem or a more step by step approach will be helpful?
There were no broken links this time!
Your Name: Satoko Ayabe
Overview of Lab Comments: I thought that the pace of the lab was perfect. (I said this on the lab comments for the lab before too, but) I still think that having one whole page just for "switch partners" just takes up space and is unnecessary.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. to make things easier for students Severity: i.e. minor inconvenience Comments: We could add a tip that "from next time, you might want to click on "or run with all tools preloaded" on the snap page instead of just the "run snap! now!" to save time!"
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. just to warn students Severity: i.e. minor inconvenience Comments: We could also mention the "show variable" and "hide variables" block (alternative to checking/not checking the box beside the variable)
Your Name: Maaz Uddin
Overview of Lab Comments: The lab went at a very good pace. I thought these examples and problems were perfect for students to learn how to take building blocks further and make functions that can both be run and abstracted.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Lack of clarity Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: This page seems to be quite confusing and some students may not be able to figure out how it's done on their own.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Lack of clarity Severity: Minor inconvenience Comments: The brick wall problem may seem very daunting to students. It's not very clear on how to make a complex wall, only the basics. I believe since this is near the end of the lab it would be better for them to make the simple rows, but worry about making the whole wall after they finish the lab.
Your Name: Sonali Verma
Overview of Lab Comments:
Great lab, however I thought it the lab didn't go over how to create the brick wall enough and students may face issues (last semester, many students had trouble understanding how to create the pattern of blocks). Otherwise, this lab is a great way to practice abstraction and will be helpful for students when writing code for future projects and homework. Overall I think this lab is straight forward and is well written.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. (code) lack of clarity Severity: minor problem. May be hard for students to understand how to start problem Comments: A better explanation of how to write code for the half bricks
Melanie Silva
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: missing content Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: "Mark Zuckerberg shows you his version of max that doesn't seem to be working correctly" There is no video of Mark Zuckerberg on the lab page.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: key words lost in paragraph Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: in the Important section at the bottom of the page, "functional disposition" can be bolded to emphasize its importance.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: typo Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: In the second paragraph, the first sentence "You must import toools to access the check block" has a typo for tool.
Lara McConnaughey Overview of Lab: Over all this lab is a good introduction to implementing more abstraction by building blocks. This lab also gives good examples of different ways to debug. I do feel though that maybe there could be more examples of buggy codes in this lab so that students can get more practice with debugging which is a large part of computer programming.
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Severity: i.e. minor inconvenience Comments: Although the check block can be helpful to debug code I never really used it. I think that this section could be shorter and the main point of this section is to tell students to keep track of what certain parts of their code are doing and what their variables are.
Your Name: Imran Jami
Overview of Lab Comments: I thought that this lab was a pretty good lab overall. One of the main things i liked about it is the sum of the two min numbers block, because it teaches the students a useful function in everyday life. Also, I like how we are introducing global variables now, as these will come in use for the homework and projects.
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[x] Page Link:
Type of Issue: small typo Severity: I'm not sure if this was intentional, but tools has too many o's. Not a big deal.
Your Name:
Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Lab was good. I think some tasks were clear and could be explained clearly by a TA/Lab Assistant but the explanations could be clearer.
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: can possibly keep students from continuing Comments: The wording is confusing. Specifically "When you are done, there should be more code than when you started, but it should be easier to understand." It almost sounds like there should be more code in the function itself and not more code in the sense that there are going to be helper functions with more code defined within them.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: consistency Severity: minor inconvenience Comments: The picture of the code doesn't link to the file, rather there is a link at the bottom. It would be more consistent if all the links were posted in the same manner.
Kimia Ghodoosian
Overall Comments: Good lab, good pace, although I would recommend to students that they attempt the brick wall problem and then later, after they've finished the lab, come back and generalize the code. I remember when I took the class, we were told to skip the exercise altogether for the sake of time.
- [ ] Type of Issue: Typo Severity: Minor Comments: No big deal, the explanation to this quiz question says "you the Turn1 message is first broadcast".
Your Name: Megan Carey
Overview of Lab Comments: The lab was a great review of concepts, but I think that a lot of students found it to be a big leap from last week's labs and struggled to finish the whole thing. Otherwise it was fun and effective!
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- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: Clarity/bug? Severity: prevented certain solutions to Valid-Date problem Comments: When you make a block within a block, how do you share variables? A group made a block for Valid-Date that had several other blocks within to check certain things. They weren't able to use variables from the original block in the new blocks, and I was unsure what to tell them.
- [x] Page Link: Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.
Your Name: Eurie Oh
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab did a good job explaining abstraction and showing its uses. I though that the if and pause all block was a interesting new block that has a lot of potential in helping students more easily recognize bugs in code. Also the Brick Wall problem was a great way to show the value of abstraction and have the students try to use what they learned from the tic-tac-toe problem. One thing that I would consider changing is introducing global variables with script variables simply because they both have similar uses.
Your Name: Christian Lista-Nicoloso
Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is useful and helpful at making clear what we mean by "abstraction". Good balance between conceptual and practice content.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: i.e. prevents students from continuing Comments: I find it confusing to read that you need to "simplify" your code and at the same time have "more code" than I started with. During the lab, many students were very confused about this and didn't know how to procede
Janice Chui
Overall the lab is a good introduction to functions. The instructions for making the brick wall is a little verbose.
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Type of Issue: grammar Severity: i.e. "control which block is run next" Comments: running next
Your Name: Emily Pedersen
Overview of Lab Comments: I really like how this lab encourages the students to make a lot of different function blocks, which will be an extremely useful skill for the online exams. I also like how the lab makes the students debug code through different approaches.
- [ ] Page Link: Type of Issue: lack of clarity Severity: prevents students from continuing Comments: For the students in my lab, this question seemed to greatly confuse them. They were all confused by the language that "there should be more code, but easier to understand". Students were confused if they should make more blocks or what that hint was telling them.