gdbgui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gdbgui copied to clipboard

GDB is not running for gdbgui 0.8 and later

Open bertta opened this issue 6 years ago • 16 comments

I've installed gdbgui-0.13. gdbgui opens ok, but there isn't any prompt in the gdb console. I think that gdb isn't running. When i try to load a binary i have this message:

_No gdb response received after 10 seconds.

Possible reasons include:

  1. gdbgui, gdb, or the debugged process is not running.

  2. gdb or the inferior process is busy running and needs to be interrupted (press the pause button up top).

  3. Something is just taking a long time to finish and respond back to this browser window, in which case you can just keep waiting._

I have tried with previous versions (0.12, 0.11.3 and 0.8) and i have obtained the same results. But version works fine.

  • OS: "openSUSE Tumbleweed" VERSION="20180703"
  • gdbgui version (gdbgui -v):
  • gdb version (gdb -v): GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0
  • browser [e.g. chrome, safari]: chrome and firefox
  • python packages (pip freeze):

alabaster==0.7.11 apparmor==2.13 appdirs==1.4.3 asn1crypto==0.24.0 attrs==18.1.0 Automat==0.6.0 Babel==2.6.0 backcall==0.1.0 backports-abc==0.5 bcrypt==3.1.4 bleach==2.1.3 Brlapi==0.6.7 cairocffi==0.8.1 certifi==2018.4.16 cffi==1.11.5 chardet==3.0.4 chrome-gnome-shell==0.0.0 click==6.7 cmdln==2.0.0 colorama==0.3.9 configobj==5.0.6 constantly==15.1.0 coverage==4.5.1 cryptography==2.2.2 cssselect==1.0.3 cupshelpers==1.0 cycler==0.10.0 decorator==4.3.0 docrepr==0.1.0 docutils==0.14 ecdsa==0.13 entrypoints==0.2.3 enum-compat==0.0.2 eventlet==0.21.0 Flask==0.12.2 Flask-Compress==1.4.0 Flask-SocketIO==2.9.2 Fplot==0.1.1 gdbgui== Genshi==0.7 gevent==1.3.3 greenlet==0.4.13 html5lib==1.0.1 hyperlink==17.2.1 idna==2.7 imagesize==1.0.0 incremental==17.5.0 ipykernel==4.8.2 ipyparallel==6.2.1 ipython==6.4.0 ipython-genutils==0.2.0 ipywidgets==7.2.1 isc==2.0 itsdangerous==0.24 javapackages==5.3.0.dev1 jedi==0.12.1 Jinja2==2.10 jsonschema==2.6.0 jupyter==1.0.0 jupyter-client==5.2.3 jupyter-console==5.2.0 jupyter-core==4.4.0 keyring==10.5.0 kiwisolver==1.0.1 LibAppArmor==2.13 louis==3.6.0 lxml==4.2.1 MarkupSafe==1.0 matplotlib==2.2.2 meld==3.19.0 mistune==0.8.3 mpi4py==3.0.0 nbconvert==5.3.1 nbformat==4.4.0 ndg-httpsclient==0.4.0 nose==1.3.7 notebook==5.5.0 numpy==1.14.5 olefile==0.44 packaging==17.1 pandocfilters==1.4.2 paramiko==2.4.1 parso==0.3.1 pexpect==4.6.0 pickleshare==0.7.4 Pillow==5.2.0 ply==3.11 prompt-toolkit==1.0.15 psutil==5.4.6 ptyprocess==0.5.2 py==1.5.3 pyasn1==0.4.3 pyasn1-modules==0.2.2 pycairo==1.15.1 pycodestyle==2.4.0 pycparser==2.18 pycryptodome==3.6.3 pycryptodomex==3.4.7 pycups==1.9.73 pycurl== pygdbmi== Pygments==2.2.0 pygobject==3.28.3 pymongo==3.7.0 PyNaCl==1.2.1 pyOpenSSL==17.5.0 pyparsing==2.2.0 pypugjs==4.2.2 pyserial==3.4 PySide==1.2.4 pysmbc== pysmi==0.2.2 pysnmp==4.4.2 PySocks==1.6.8 python-dateutil==2.6.1 python-engineio==1.7.0 python-socketio==1.8.0 pytz==2018.5 pyxdg==0.26 pyzmq==17.0.0 qtconsole==4.3.1 requests==2.18.4 scipy==0.19.0 SecretStorage==2.3.1 Send2Trash==1.4.1 service-identity==16.0.0 setproctitle==1.1.10 simplegeneric==0.8.1 simplejson==3.16.0 six==1.11.0 slip==0.6.5 slip.dbus==0.6.5 snowballstemmer==1.2.1 Sphinx==1.7.4 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.0 sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.0.1 SQLAlchemy==1.2.10 terminado==0.8.1 testpath==0.3.1 tornado==4.5.3 traitlets==4.3.2 Twisted==18.4.0 urllib3==1.22 wcwidth==0.1.7 webencodings==0.5.1 Werkzeug==0.12.2 Whoosh==2.7.4 widgetsnbextension==3.2.1 xcffib==0.5.1 zope.interface==4.4.2

bertta avatar Aug 10 '18 15:08 bertta

Hmm, I wonder if this is a problem with gdb itself? I haven't seen this issue. I'm using gdb 8.0.1 fine on a mac right now. Have you tried updating the version? Looks like gdb is up to v8.2.

cs01 avatar Sep 30 '18 04:09 cs01

Same problem here on gdbgui installed via pip.

Tested with

  • GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1) 8.2
  • GNU gdb (7.10-1ubuntu3+9) 7.10 (this GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-eabi"). Invoked via `gdbgui -g /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb'.

Looking at the process list, there is no instance of gdb running. Starting with --debug shows a log of http requests on the console where gdbgui was started from, but no new component in the UI as stated in the FAQ

speters avatar Sep 30 '18 15:09 speters

Starting with --debug shows a log of http requests on the console where gdbgui was started from, but no new component in the UI as stated in the FAQ

The component is at the bottom of the right pane. You need to scroll to the bottom to see it. It should be under the "registers" component.

cs01 avatar Oct 01 '18 21:10 cs01

Thx @cs01, I had overlooked this gdb mi output pane.

After starting, I typed gdb help command in the (gdb) prompt at the bottom: screenshot at 2018-10-02 11 40 04

There's some strange output ("1-stack-list-frames", etc. in light blue), then after 10s, the "No gdb response received" output.

gdb mi stays empty, also there is "gdb (pid undefined)" under the signals pane.

gdbgui has been called with and without explicitly setting the path to gdb with -g option:

  • gdbgui --debug
  • gdbgui --debug -g /usr/bin/gdb
  • gdbgui --debug -g /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb

For gdb versions see my previous comment.

speters avatar Oct 02 '18 09:10 speters

second this

hexhexD avatar Nov 26 '18 03:11 hexhexD

There's some strange output ("1-stack-list-frames", etc. in light blue), then after 10s, the "No gdb response received" output.

The strange output is expected, and is the "machine interface" commands gdbgui is trying to send to gdb. What is unexpected is the "gdb mi output" pane remaining empty. I can see this is a problem for more than one of you, so there is something going on. Though I have not been able to reproduce it. I don't know when I'll be able to investigate unfortunately. If anyone finds anything, PRs are welcome as well as additional details in this issue to help diagnose the root cause.

Does running gdb --interpreter=mi2 work for you?

cs01 avatar Nov 27 '18 21:11 cs01

@cs01 having exactly the same issue on arch. Yes, gdb --interpreter=mi2 is working.

sitilge avatar Dec 05 '18 21:12 sitilge

Any ideas why installing with pipx is working though?

sitilge avatar Dec 08 '18 13:12 sitilge

What do you mean? It works if you reinstall with pipx?

cs01 avatar Dec 08 '18 17:12 cs01

Same on arch when install using python-gdbgui package (yay -S python-gdbgui). However, after uninstalling it, and installing manualy pipx and using pipx to install gdbgui, the problem fixes it self. Strange.

moneroexamples avatar Dec 15 '18 23:12 moneroexamples

Interesting. Unfortunately that is not something I have control over. I only distribute via PyPI and

cs01 avatar Dec 15 '18 23:12 cs01

I'm also having problems with the No gdb response received after 10 seconds. message using arm-none-eabi-gdb version 8-2019-q3-update under Windows 10 1903 with gdbgui version

I tried installing both via pip (first) and then via pipx.

Connecting to the gdbserver (Segger J-Link 6.46g) works fine. The gdbserver also shows that a client is connected. As soon as I tried to load a binary, or try to execute a monitor command (e.g. monitor reset) the "no response" messages start appearing. The monitor reset command is not executed (microcontroller continues running).

The arm-none-eabi-gdb process does appear in the task manager.

dueringa avatar Jul 15 '19 08:07 dueringa

I just had this happen in gdbgui with gdb 8.3, so I tried running the program with gdb itself. I was getting the "(please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8))" on my mac, which was fixed with After that, and running gdbgui as sudo it worked.

The fact that gdbgui is not getting this error information from gdb is unfortunately beyond the control of gdbgui.

cs01 avatar Jul 25 '19 21:07 cs01

I also see the same behavior on LinuxRHEL when I press the continue button after putting the breakpoint in my code. The gui says fetching assembly and then code pane blanks out and I get the message "no gdb response received after 10 seconds"


gkaushal avatar Sep 19 '19 09:09 gkaushal

I installed gdbgui on another machine (MAC this time) with same result. Seems something is broken. Any clues?

gkaushal avatar Sep 20 '19 07:09 gkaushal

same problem here with:

  • gdbgui
  • gdb 7.6.1-110.el7

It seems several people and I, we have too old version of gdb which do not support the new-ui command.

Any alternative for gdb older than 7.12?

thioroup8 avatar May 01 '21 16:05 thioroup8