macs-fan-control icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
macs-fan-control copied to clipboard

Initial thread crashes, please contact support for assistance...

Open tadeuamaral opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments

Mac boot and show this error:

Captura de Tela 2021-11-20 às 06 49 37

Macs Fan Control 1.5.11 [Qt 5.15.6] MacPro5,1 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz [4 cores] GPU: Radeon RX 580 RAM: 22.00 GB macOS 10.14.6

Fans: PCI-min{1757}curr{1756}max{4500}mode{2,Te1P,32,50} PS-min{1194}curr{1193}max{2800}mode{2,Tp0C,35,75} EXHAUST-min{1175}curr{1455}max{2800}mode{2,TN0D,55,80} INTAKE-min{1189}curr{1463}max{2800}mode{2,TN0D,55,80} BOOSTA-min{800}curr{799}max{5200}mode{2,TN0H,55,80} BOOSTB-min{800}curr{798}max{5200}mode{2,TN0H,55,80}

SMC sensors: zNg4IuvcjBH3LVu/1Sy55zmI+JU9t8p/6oM9SziflTllYGljn0U7D7uM9Yh16FKKktR9mH7YFDcBR+LrMMTww2Rr4thfRJUZsNorO6scGQNbyKnTL9bVd3Oo BiJq6iQ6Jw3o0Km5cEiD6IH/Tb1LN/TTD+2jwvrkNCW+QnRgXNWrF27YfPTd86TZ5NRvjBhvu2EbnE6l5zJrVIR+tsSPWpukZ7lARJ5f58JmenzZXbyBVBgq wSG76H5jyTMJcxPVkhUd6QxU9qwoyMfh9L3Oqy2zPEfikAbAuyXu4tQYnxkfqNAN3Owy6lTAKahbmrUOr/6M4+7JkUwBPutNkEnEI90YRV1uW3UgqWGPJuoS MauKrw1wg+h1JV3cNU4dYawlQAP0zwrsRroDdvhCoJSLtJsKBNFxrfS6u24RX/o8CCRFpMvPbkWjQPkEg9f9wtA+X31QF2ZrcedLsSR53r8jCviL7Aem/opZ woL1roj9gp1FKiqa08ZNA9wgZJlOajqU2A/bqusGXONbI3hFjuynQj4ylZTqIP4MFrAZjw3ssJQHZQjpmMBw8rdEUoaYPamwKmof7WYni80nBXQLYuX7XqgA VOHVGQ/XJxcMUqP6DuppqKS+1Q8mdeL0uP75fyourcf/833wYEzKJ5OUzhB1F9+34kPwg/fU7Zmq0BfUE/697T7zxHCs20U195RYBfVt3i4uxB6/6z0GOuOV qUCY7X6SwEKdiQY+c2DE5VYfizAKkuY26WBDHarMvNsByx2rtYO5OoJ3X1tPuQXo33bVl8bRO3KN0FrjFIn8FXbOTQcqah/tZieLzScFdAti5fteLWuPLGmt er7+OinnCANE091cjhK4qCECtn6GzecT0LUaabH+enpBk9ODUiIVvRor9qqNttw43k+oqVmXZ/4TUrjDobCS8uJioss9LT+a8OPp200oSL0EpuhPD8ndP0or 0Vj7381eHh7RQ+P1KNkGsDWqqFJmlJ0ontGYBIj64oQqKjlIYJmdTGQvZZi9GsgivzNWLu0r4+p7zan3OWsbBDLIMPEYAF+I6Zq1oQEeFPPmgbfiXunui6Si JP8gTxXjjaDyx7Nf1BT04xX5BrWZrEJwhouYoftMVJna+JZj3HBgeZo0Ebm/40O17V9scpD/xmPryrh7EPfxV4qdQjuiIOaBt+Je6e6LpKIk/yBPFeNhWL/e Zu3IjU5R66UAn3XMEs/uMB+KDH8OZcpIhWKR6Lb9PYktpJI7AvVkN0scZszhQZC/nvhgH1yMTfLyPO5gZiu0z1sOA9HyTYoNDyjExRn26CCP5qrZkdCeKhSC SFwo4qxnfglfbE8xxNA4dOJwJcCNgm9TDTJD7Hnji9edNken3USy4U8HoHPQ+Jy9cHq9KiJB9T/kR2asqFDnWyhubq9qIxYS8KJ9y6A8pW6R24gtUaiIfg52 0AWZN/cw9DY3ZVORDCmyasBdkXj92/7dFkbwW5o/rV9cM7t/1rA28X/VedwyAxXzf6IjW6W39OOv0n6wtImTzaPfH45rVsop6JbIwLd96PByTfD6w3Ws/DS2 4f2ccx4jFwpqvwrJxUZoPAgSf9qOXSzMC7IYI0rHWgzWpu4KI3DfNRynQFo4jZXhaPSkGtQe6+XhYErW9Uvm7QzGEJXodbxVP/nqNRHalm1uyyOL1pLggvAj fJR1sNNOXgaAUu8r0z3yY4TJH2URxtvx0D1q8kdMnJcZ7jMt3BlA8JCfTa9D0fa4YKr+1c0XMVt9Bh0Oo3fKl4atSHSBUMjLyf2Q51xWRAWswWzUVy9ytmTK HL3Q8/1XhGW/EfYHBH9Wfbxrq1W4skm6kFQU9zgkn8xM5TdnXwrXljfHJv1GbigJKDYV8BvUzkiYdA4klaEStxhPXtNEkvvY7Y+FIgWU0QkESuKKB75XQuUb 7hnoR7KEiMT633Wu0wNVb8cz2h0GjOEhMlNwi5qmvnmtjmtyiyqeqduFciH4N+MoRO/oQ5Cuwu62a6Mxpucju3mi+Ue91eX1Q0HEbk8TJjcR+wg06aESNlkv GO+euAp3mKZWoeR1D+5N4xCngtkubWPUXLJCJJOgl2NZb7JOCa6gY9Kss74kenaPF2i1ZY2Lo35xwxigHHWY/GCztl1BRIhXRbDcsMBQ/U5BxXs5y01qiaJd NX93aeme3z0oKhZSW6YEj/x4ieZIXVJmhV4gL9UHTPoIc05uAWbnaDLl7yBPAWkCB3zrXM0cIMlEyNCsKOo4j1c/s3KZ8Wh9sr6CBfpFo1AhvguOXuYD+FD7 X+m2sSNfrOXoXPTGT+8KpH0RcJCnneTAzFajLyWlh20w2WctXncqGVx4LoIR9im9oVIodXhVeiY5ukBCF1MkV+AJ+Mmp0SW1yYjlS6EnmSWs1uidag+dOYPl HWMki7P+M82eeyCGD3ZczOU2yW/YRY5rjmYiI5pl+sA+3xGqA9yEMkS6hq6JGN/AlqGKBXGJQVnPszMlH/VgG/A2bbNGYzaC

GPUs: Radeon RX 580 - 37

Disk drives: KINGSTON SA400S37480G - 29 ST3500418AS - 24 ST3500418AS - 26 WDC WD2500AAJS-00VWA0 - 25


[2021-11-20 06:44:03:297] [thread 4945] [app.cpp#305] Macs Fan Control 1.5.11 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:297] [thread 4945] [app.cpp#306] macOS 10.14.6 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:297] [thread 4945] [app.cpp#307] MacPro5,1 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:297] [thread 4945] [app.cpp#308] Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz [4 cores] [2021-11-20 06:44:03:297] [thread 4945] [app.cpp#309] Qt 5.15.6 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:360] [thread 4945] [] Helper installed (version 1.0.2) [2021-11-20 06:44:03:360] [thread 4945] [] Helper file path: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.smcwrite [2021-11-20 06:44:03:360] [thread 4945] [] Helper file size: 189712 bytes [2021-11-20 06:44:03:362] [thread 4945] [] Current version - 1.0.2 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:364] [thread 4945] [] open XPC connection to com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.smcwrite [2021-11-20 06:44:03:365] [thread 4945] [] process_command_open: OK [2021-11-20 06:44:03:367] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#91] detectSmcFanKeySize KeyType fpe2 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:367] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#92] detectSmcFanKeySize KeyLen 2 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:634] [thread 4945] [UpdateChecker.cpp#586] UpdateChecker: check (force = false) [2021-11-20 06:44:03:655] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#206] initialLoadThread [2021-11-20 06:44:03:655] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#162] QFanControl::loadFansFromSMC [2021-11-20 06:44:03:658] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#168] Fans count - 6 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:665] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#185] Fan 0: PCI [2021-11-20 06:44:03:685] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#185] Fan 1: PS [2021-11-20 06:44:03:704] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#185] Fan 2: EXHAUST [2021-11-20 06:44:03:723] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#185] Fan 3: INTAKE [2021-11-20 06:44:03:741] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#185] Fan 4: BOOSTA [2021-11-20 06:44:03:759] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#185] Fan 5: BOOSTB [2021-11-20 06:44:03:771] [thread 5223] [FanControl.cpp#61] checkFansControlModeFromSMC [2021-11-20 06:44:03:775] [thread 5223] [TempSensorProvider.cpp#68] TemperatureSensorProvider::loadAvailableSensors [2021-11-20 06:44:03:780] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#60] getSMCKeysCount: 2365652992 397 [2021-11-20 06:44:03:849] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#562] Locating temperature SMC keys [2021-11-20 06:44:04:177] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#608] 68 keys found [2021-11-20 06:44:04:279] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te1S with value of 128.0 [2021-11-20 06:44:04:279] [thread 5223] [TempSensorSmc.cpp#157] FilterSupportedTempSensors - skipping sensor Te1S [2021-11-20 06:44:04:284] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te2S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:44:04:284] [thread 5223] [TempSensorSmc.cpp#157] FilterSupportedTempSensors - skipping sensor Te2S [2021-11-20 06:44:04:286] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te3S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:44:04:286] [thread 5223] [TempSensorSmc.cpp#157] FilterSupportedTempSensors - skipping sensor Te3S [2021-11-20 06:44:04:288] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te4S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:44:04:289] [thread 5223] [TempSensorSmc.cpp#157] FilterSupportedTempSensors - skipping sensor Te4S [2021-11-20 06:44:04:290] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te5S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:44:04:290] [thread 5223] [TempSensorSmc.cpp#157] FilterSupportedTempSensors - skipping sensor Te5S [2021-11-20 06:44:04:296] [thread 5223] [] discoverGPUs started [2021-11-20 06:44:04:312] [thread 5223] [] addGPU Radeon RX 580 with MTLDevice [2021-11-20 06:44:04:312] [thread 5223] [] Device hold AMD Radeon RX 580 [2021-11-20 06:44:04:322] [thread 5223] [TempSensorGPU.cpp#92] Discrete GPU: GPU Radeon RX 580, matching SMC - no [2021-11-20 06:45:05:088] [thread 5223] [TempSensorProvider.cpp#121] InitialLoadThread: number of supported SMC sensors: 24 [2021-11-20 06:45:05:088] [thread 5223] [TempSensorProvider.cpp#122] InitialLoadThread: number of supported DISK sensors: 4 [2021-11-20 06:45:05:088] [thread 5223] [TempSensorProvider.cpp#132] InitialLoadThread: number of supported GPU sensors: 1 [2021-11-20 06:45:05:091] [thread 5223] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:05:091] [thread 5223] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:753] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] PCI: Setting fan speed to 1757 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:757] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:757] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:762] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:762] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:06:762] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] PS: Setting fan speed to 1194 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:766] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:766] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:06:766] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1175 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:768] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 125c OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:768] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4700 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:06:768] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1189 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:771] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1294 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:771] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4756 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:06:771] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] BOOSTA: Setting fan speed to 800 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:773] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:773] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:06:773] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] BOOSTB: Setting fan speed to 800 [2021-11-20 06:45:06:776] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:06:776] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:32:312] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#103] EXHAUST: HALF INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:45:32:312] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#108] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease, Temperature 55, RPM=1175 [2021-11-20 06:45:32:312] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1176 [2021-11-20 06:45:32:313] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:32:313] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:32:315] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1260 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:32:315] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4704 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:32:315] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#103] INTAKE: HALF INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:45:32:315] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#108] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease, Temperature 55, RPM=1188 [2021-11-20 06:45:32:315] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1190 [2021-11-20 06:45:32:316] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1298 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:32:316] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4760 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:33:818] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1177 [2021-11-20 06:45:33:821] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1264 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:33:821] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4708 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:33:821] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1191 [2021-11-20 06:45:33:822] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 129c OK [2021-11-20 06:45:33:822] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4764 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:35:324] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1178 [2021-11-20 06:45:35:325] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:35:325] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:35:327] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1268 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:35:327] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4712 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:35:327] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1192 [2021-11-20 06:45:35:328] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12a0 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:35:328] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4768 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:36:832] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1179 [2021-11-20 06:45:36:833] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 126c OK [2021-11-20 06:45:36:833] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4716 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:36:833] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1193 [2021-11-20 06:45:36:835] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:36:835] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4772 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:38:337] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:337] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:38:338] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:338] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:38:339] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:339] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:38:339] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1180 [2021-11-20 06:45:38:342] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1270 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:342] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4720 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:38:342] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1194 [2021-11-20 06:45:38:343] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:343] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:38:344] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:344] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:38:346] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:38:346] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:39:846] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1181 [2021-11-20 06:45:39:848] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1274 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:39:848] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4724 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:39:848] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1195 [2021-11-20 06:45:39:849] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12ac OK [2021-11-20 06:45:39:849] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4780 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:41:353] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1182 [2021-11-20 06:45:41:356] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:41:357] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:41:359] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1278 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:41:359] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4728 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:41:360] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1196 [2021-11-20 06:45:41:363] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12b0 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:41:363] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4784 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:42:865] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1183 [2021-11-20 06:45:42:867] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 127c OK [2021-11-20 06:45:42:867] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4732 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:42:867] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1197 [2021-11-20 06:45:42:868] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:42:868] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4788 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:44:373] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] EXHAUST: Temperature INCREASED to 56 [2021-11-20 06:45:44:373] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#220] EXHAUST: HALF INCREASE OFF [2021-11-20 06:45:44:373] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:45:44:373] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1185 [2021-11-20 06:45:44:374] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:44:374] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:44:375] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1284 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:44:375] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4740 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:44:375] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] INTAKE: Temperature INCREASED to 56 [2021-11-20 06:45:44:375] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#220] INTAKE: HALF INCREASE OFF [2021-11-20 06:45:44:375] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:45:44:375] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1199 [2021-11-20 06:45:44:377] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12bc OK [2021-11-20 06:45:44:377] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4796 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:45:878] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1187 [2021-11-20 06:45:45:879] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 128c OK [2021-11-20 06:45:45:879] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4748 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:45:879] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1201 [2021-11-20 06:45:45:880] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:45:880] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4804 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:47:382] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1189 [2021-11-20 06:45:47:383] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:47:383] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:47:385] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1294 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:47:385] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4756 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:47:385] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1203 [2021-11-20 06:45:47:386] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12cc OK [2021-11-20 06:45:47:386] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4812 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:48:889] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1191 [2021-11-20 06:45:48:891] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 129c OK [2021-11-20 06:45:49:248] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4764 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:49:248] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1205 [2021-11-20 06:45:49:251] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:49:251] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4820 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:50:753] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1193 [2021-11-20 06:45:50:757] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:50:757] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:50:761] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:50:761] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4772 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:50:761] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1207 [2021-11-20 06:45:50:763] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12dc OK [2021-11-20 06:45:50:763] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4828 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:52:268] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1195 [2021-11-20 06:45:52:269] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12ac OK [2021-11-20 06:45:52:269] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4780 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:52:269] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1209 [2021-11-20 06:45:52:270] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:52:270] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4836 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:53:774] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1197 [2021-11-20 06:45:53:775] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:53:775] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:53:776] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:53:776] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4788 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:53:776] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1211 [2021-11-20 06:45:53:777] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12ec OK [2021-11-20 06:45:53:777] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4844 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:55:278] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1199 [2021-11-20 06:45:55:279] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12bc OK [2021-11-20 06:45:55:279] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4796 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:55:279] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1213 [2021-11-20 06:45:55:280] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 12f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:55:280] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4852 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:56:782] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] EXHAUST: Temperature INCREASED to 57 [2021-11-20 06:45:56:782] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#228] EXHAUST: DOUBLE INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:45:56:782] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:45:56:782] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1203 [2021-11-20 06:45:56:784] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:56:784] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:56:785] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12cc OK [2021-11-20 06:45:56:785] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4812 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:56:785] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] INTAKE: Temperature INCREASED to 57 [2021-11-20 06:45:56:785] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#228] INTAKE: DOUBLE INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:45:56:785] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:45:56:785] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1217 [2021-11-20 06:45:56:787] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1304 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:56:787] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4868 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:58:291] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1207 [2021-11-20 06:45:58:294] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12dc OK [2021-11-20 06:45:58:294] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4828 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:58:294] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1221 [2021-11-20 06:45:58:296] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1314 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:58:296] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4884 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:59:800] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1211 [2021-11-20 06:45:59:801] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:45:59:801] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:45:59:802] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12ec OK [2021-11-20 06:45:59:802] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4844 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:45:59:802] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1225 [2021-11-20 06:45:59:804] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1324 OK [2021-11-20 06:45:59:804] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4900 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:01:304] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1215 [2021-11-20 06:46:01:305] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 12fc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:01:305] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4860 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:01:305] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1229 [2021-11-20 06:46:01:306] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1334 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:01:306] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4916 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:02:809] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1219 [2021-11-20 06:46:02:810] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:02:810] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:02:811] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 130c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:02:811] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4876 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:02:811] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1233 [2021-11-20 06:46:02:812] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1344 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:02:812] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4932 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:04:317] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1223 [2021-11-20 06:46:04:318] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 131c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:04:318] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4892 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:04:318] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1237 [2021-11-20 06:46:04:319] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1354 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:04:319] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4948 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:05:822] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1227 [2021-11-20 06:46:05:824] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:05:824] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:05:825] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 132c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:05:825] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4908 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:05:825] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1241 [2021-11-20 06:46:05:826] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1364 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:05:826] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4964 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:07:328] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1231 [2021-11-20 06:46:07:329] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 133c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:07:329] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4924 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:07:329] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1245 [2021-11-20 06:46:07:331] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1374 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:07:331] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4980 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:08:835] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1235 [2021-11-20 06:46:08:838] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:08:838] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:08:841] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 134c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:08:841] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4940 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:08:841] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1249 [2021-11-20 06:46:08:844] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1384 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:08:844] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4996 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:10:350] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:10:350] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:10:352] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:10:352] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:10:352] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1239 [2021-11-20 06:46:10:353] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 135c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:10:353] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4956 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:10:353] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1253 [2021-11-20 06:46:10:354] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1394 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:10:354] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5012 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:10:356] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:10:356] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:10:358] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:10:358] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:11:861] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1243 [2021-11-20 06:46:11:862] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:11:862] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:11:863] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 136c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:11:863] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4972 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:11:863] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1257 [2021-11-20 06:46:11:865] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 13a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:11:865] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5028 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:13:370] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1247 [2021-11-20 06:46:13:371] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 137c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:13:371] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4988 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:13:371] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1261 [2021-11-20 06:46:13:373] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 13b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:13:373] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5044 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:14:874] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1251 [2021-11-20 06:46:14:876] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:14:876] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:14:877] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 138c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:14:877] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5004 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:14:877] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1265 [2021-11-20 06:46:14:878] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 13c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:14:878] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5060 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:16:380] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] EXHAUST: Temperature INCREASED to 58 [2021-11-20 06:46:16:380] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#228] EXHAUST: DOUBLE INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:46:16:380] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:46:16:380] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1255 [2021-11-20 06:46:16:382] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 139c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:16:382] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5020 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:16:382] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] INTAKE: Temperature INCREASED to 58 [2021-11-20 06:46:16:382] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#228] INTAKE: DOUBLE INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:46:16:382] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:46:16:382] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1269 [2021-11-20 06:46:16:383] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 13d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:16:383] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5076 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:17:883] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1259 [2021-11-20 06:46:17:885] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:17:886] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:17:887] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 13ac OK [2021-11-20 06:46:17:887] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5036 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:17:887] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1273 [2021-11-20 06:46:17:888] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 13e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:17:888] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5092 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:19:393] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1263 [2021-11-20 06:46:19:396] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 13bc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:19:396] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5052 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:19:396] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1277 [2021-11-20 06:46:19:399] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 13f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:19:399] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5108 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:20:904] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1267 [2021-11-20 06:46:20:905] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:20:905] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:20:906] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 13cc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:20:906] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5068 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:20:906] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1281 [2021-11-20 06:46:20:907] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1404 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:20:907] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5124 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:22:410] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1271 [2021-11-20 06:46:22:411] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 13dc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:22:411] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5084 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:22:411] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1285 [2021-11-20 06:46:22:412] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1414 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:22:412] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5140 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:23:912] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1275 [2021-11-20 06:46:23:915] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:23:915] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:23:916] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 13ec OK [2021-11-20 06:46:23:916] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5100 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:23:916] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1289 [2021-11-20 06:46:23:917] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1424 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:23:917] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5156 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:25:421] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1279 [2021-11-20 06:46:25:423] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 13fc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:25:423] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5116 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:25:423] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1293 [2021-11-20 06:46:25:426] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1434 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:25:426] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5172 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:26:927] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1283 [2021-11-20 06:46:26:928] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:26:929] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:26:930] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 140c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:26:930] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5132 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:26:930] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1297 [2021-11-20 06:46:26:931] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1444 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:26:931] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5188 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:28:436] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1287 [2021-11-20 06:46:28:437] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 141c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:28:438] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5148 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:28:438] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1301 [2021-11-20 06:46:28:440] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1454 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:28:440] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5204 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:29:943] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1291 [2021-11-20 06:46:29:945] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:29:945] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:29:946] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 142c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:29:946] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5164 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:29:946] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1305 [2021-11-20 06:46:29:948] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1464 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:29:948] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5220 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:31:450] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1295 [2021-11-20 06:46:31:451] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 143c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:31:451] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5180 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:31:451] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1309 [2021-11-20 06:46:31:452] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1474 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:31:452] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5236 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:32:957] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1299 [2021-11-20 06:46:32:959] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:32:959] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:32:960] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 144c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:32:960] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5196 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:32:960] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1313 [2021-11-20 06:46:32:962] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1484 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:32:962] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5252 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:34:463] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1303 [2021-11-20 06:46:34:464] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 145c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:34:464] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5212 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:34:465] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1317 [2021-11-20 06:46:34:466] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1494 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:34:466] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5268 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:35:969] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1307 [2021-11-20 06:46:35:970] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:35:970] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:35:971] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 146c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:35:971] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5228 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:35:971] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1321 [2021-11-20 06:46:35:973] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 14a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:35:973] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5284 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:37:473] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1311 [2021-11-20 06:46:37:474] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 147c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:37:474] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5244 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:37:474] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1325 [2021-11-20 06:46:37:476] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 14b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:37:476] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5300 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:38:978] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1315 [2021-11-20 06:46:38:979] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:38:979] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:38:981] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 148c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:38:981] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5260 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:38:981] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1329 [2021-11-20 06:46:38:982] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 14c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:38:982] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5316 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:40:487] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1319 [2021-11-20 06:46:40:489] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 149c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:40:489] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5276 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:40:489] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1333 [2021-11-20 06:46:40:490] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 14d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:40:490] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5332 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:41:992] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:41:992] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:41:993] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:41:993] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:41:995] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:41:995] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:41:995] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1323 [2021-11-20 06:46:41:996] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 14ac OK [2021-11-20 06:46:41:996] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5292 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:41:996] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1337 [2021-11-20 06:46:41:997] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 14e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:41:997] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5348 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:41:999] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:41:999] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:42:000] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:42:000] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:43:501] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1327 [2021-11-20 06:46:43:502] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 14bc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:43:502] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5308 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:43:502] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1341 [2021-11-20 06:46:43:503] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 14f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:43:503] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5364 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:45:008] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1331 [2021-11-20 06:46:45:009] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:45:009] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:45:011] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 14cc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:45:011] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5324 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:45:011] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1345 [2021-11-20 06:46:45:012] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1504 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:45:012] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5380 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:46:515] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1335 [2021-11-20 06:46:46:517] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 14dc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:46:517] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5340 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:46:517] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1349 [2021-11-20 06:46:46:518] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1514 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:46:518] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5396 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:48:019] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] EXHAUST: Temperature INCREASED to 59 [2021-11-20 06:46:48:019] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#228] EXHAUST: DOUBLE INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:46:48:019] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:46:48:019] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1339 [2021-11-20 06:46:48:021] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:48:021] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:48:022] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 14ec OK [2021-11-20 06:46:48:022] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5356 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:48:022] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] INTAKE: Temperature INCREASED to 59 [2021-11-20 06:46:48:022] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#228] INTAKE: DOUBLE INCREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:46:48:022] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:46:48:023] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1353 [2021-11-20 06:46:48:024] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1524 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:48:024] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5412 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:49:526] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1343 [2021-11-20 06:46:49:527] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 14fc OK [2021-11-20 06:46:49:527] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5372 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:49:527] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1357 [2021-11-20 06:46:49:528] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1534 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:49:529] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5428 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:51:029] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1347 [2021-11-20 06:46:51:031] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:51:031] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:51:032] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 150c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:51:032] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5388 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:51:032] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1361 [2021-11-20 06:46:51:034] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1544 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:51:123] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5444 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:52:628] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1351 [2021-11-20 06:46:52:629] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 151c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:52:629] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5404 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:52:629] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1365 [2021-11-20 06:46:52:630] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1554 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:52:630] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5460 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:54:136] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1355 [2021-11-20 06:46:54:137] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:54:137] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:54:138] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 152c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:54:138] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5420 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:54:138] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1369 [2021-11-20 06:46:54:139] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1564 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:54:139] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5476 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:55:644] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1359 [2021-11-20 06:46:55:646] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 153c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:55:646] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5436 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:55:646] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1373 [2021-11-20 06:46:55:647] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1574 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:55:647] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5492 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:57:147] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1363 [2021-11-20 06:46:57:148] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:46:57:148] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:46:57:149] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 154c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:57:149] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5452 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:57:150] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1377 [2021-11-20 06:46:57:151] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1584 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:57:151] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5508 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:58:652] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1367 [2021-11-20 06:46:58:655] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 155c OK [2021-11-20 06:46:58:655] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5468 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:46:58:655] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1381 [2021-11-20 06:46:58:656] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1594 OK [2021-11-20 06:46:58:656] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5524 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:00:159] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1371 [2021-11-20 06:47:00:160] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:00:160] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:00:161] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 156c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:00:161] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5484 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:00:161] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1385 [2021-11-20 06:47:00:162] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:00:162] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5540 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:01:666] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1375 [2021-11-20 06:47:01:669] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 157c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:01:669] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5500 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:01:669] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1389 [2021-11-20 06:47:01:673] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:01:673] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5556 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:03:177] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1379 [2021-11-20 06:47:03:178] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:03:178] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:03:179] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 158c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:03:179] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5516 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:03:179] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1393 [2021-11-20 06:47:03:181] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:03:181] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5572 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:04:681] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1383 [2021-11-20 06:47:04:682] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 159c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:04:682] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5532 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:04:682] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1397 [2021-11-20 06:47:04:684] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:04:684] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5588 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:06:188] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1387 [2021-11-20 06:47:06:190] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:06:190] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:06:191] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15ac OK [2021-11-20 06:47:06:191] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5548 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:06:191] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1401 [2021-11-20 06:47:06:193] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:06:193] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5604 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:07:694] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1391 [2021-11-20 06:47:07:695] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15bc OK [2021-11-20 06:47:07:695] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5564 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:07:695] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1405 [2021-11-20 06:47:07:698] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:07:698] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5620 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:09:200] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1395 [2021-11-20 06:47:09:201] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:09:201] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:09:202] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15cc OK [2021-11-20 06:47:09:202] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5580 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:09:203] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1409 [2021-11-20 06:47:09:204] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1604 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:09:204] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5636 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:10:707] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1399 [2021-11-20 06:47:10:708] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15dc OK [2021-11-20 06:47:10:708] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5596 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:10:708] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1413 [2021-11-20 06:47:10:709] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1614 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:10:709] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5652 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:12:212] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:212] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:12:213] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:213] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:12:214] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:214] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:12:214] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1403 [2021-11-20 06:47:12:217] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15ec OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:217] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5612 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:12:217] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1417 [2021-11-20 06:47:12:220] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1624 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:220] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5668 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:12:223] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:223] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:12:226] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:12:226] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:13:729] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1407 [2021-11-20 06:47:13:731] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15fc OK [2021-11-20 06:47:13:731] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5628 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:13:731] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1421 [2021-11-20 06:47:13:732] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1634 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:13:732] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5684 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:15:233] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1411 [2021-11-20 06:47:15:235] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:15:235] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:15:236] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 160c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:15:236] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5644 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:15:236] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1425 [2021-11-20 06:47:15:238] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1644 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:15:238] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5700 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:16:739] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1415 [2021-11-20 06:47:16:743] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 161c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:16:743] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5660 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:16:743] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1429 [2021-11-20 06:47:16:748] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1654 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:16:748] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5716 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:18:249] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1419 [2021-11-20 06:47:18:250] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:18:250] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:18:251] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 162c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:18:251] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5676 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:18:251] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1433 [2021-11-20 06:47:18:253] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1664 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:18:253] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5732 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:19:753] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1423 [2021-11-20 06:47:19:754] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 163c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:19:754] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5692 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:19:755] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1437 [2021-11-20 06:47:19:756] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1674 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:19:756] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5748 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:21:261] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1427 [2021-11-20 06:47:21:262] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:21:262] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:21:264] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 164c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:21:264] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5708 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:21:264] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1441 [2021-11-20 06:47:21:265] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1684 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:21:265] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5764 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:22:770] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1431 [2021-11-20 06:47:22:771] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 165c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:22:771] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5724 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:22:771] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#335] INTAKE: PEEK MAX RPM '1445' for current temperature, do nothing now [2021-11-20 06:47:22:771] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1445 [2021-11-20 06:47:22:772] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1694 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:22:772] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5780 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:24:272] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#335] EXHAUST: PEEK MAX RPM '1435' for current temperature, do nothing now [2021-11-20 06:47:24:272] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1435 [2021-11-20 06:47:24:274] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:24:274] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:24:275] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 166c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:24:275] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5740 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:43:805] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:43:805] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:43:806] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:43:806] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:43:807] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:43:807] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:43:809] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:43:809] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:43:810] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:43:810] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:54:328] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:47:54:328] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:47:54:329] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1694 OK [2021-11-20 06:47:54:329] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5780 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:47:55:831] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 166c OK [2021-11-20 06:47:55:831] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5740 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:15:363] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:15:363] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:15:364] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:15:364] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:15:365] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:15:365] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:15:367] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:15:367] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:15:369] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:15:369] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:22:878] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#137] INTAKE: HALF DECREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:48:22:878] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1444 [2021-11-20 06:48:22:879] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:22:879] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:22:880] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1690 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:22:880] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5776 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:24:385] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#137] EXHAUST: HALF DECREASE ON [2021-11-20 06:48:24:385] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1434 [2021-11-20 06:48:24:386] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1668 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:24:386] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5736 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:24:386] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1443 [2021-11-20 06:48:24:388] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 168c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:24:388] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5772 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:25:893] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1433 [2021-11-20 06:48:25:895] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:25:895] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:25:897] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1664 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:25:897] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5732 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:25:897] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1442 [2021-11-20 06:48:25:899] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1688 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:25:899] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5768 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:27:404] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1432 [2021-11-20 06:48:27:405] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1660 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:27:405] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5728 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:27:405] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1441 [2021-11-20 06:48:27:407] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1684 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:27:407] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5764 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:28:909] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1431 [2021-11-20 06:48:28:911] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:28:911] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:28:912] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 165c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:28:912] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5724 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:28:912] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1440 [2021-11-20 06:48:28:913] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1680 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:28:913] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5760 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:30:419] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1430 [2021-11-20 06:48:30:421] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1658 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:30:421] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5720 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:30:421] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1439 [2021-11-20 06:48:30:422] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 167c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:30:422] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5756 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:31:924] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1429 [2021-11-20 06:48:31:925] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:31:925] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:31:926] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1654 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:31:926] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5716 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:31:926] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1438 [2021-11-20 06:48:31:928] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1678 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:31:928] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5752 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:33:428] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1428 [2021-11-20 06:48:33:430] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1650 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:33:430] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5712 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:33:430] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1437 [2021-11-20 06:48:33:433] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1674 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:33:433] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5748 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:34:937] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1427 [2021-11-20 06:48:34:939] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:34:939] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:34:940] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 164c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:34:940] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5708 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:34:940] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1436 [2021-11-20 06:48:34:941] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1670 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:34:941] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5744 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:36:445] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1426 [2021-11-20 06:48:36:447] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1648 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:36:447] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5704 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:36:447] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1435 [2021-11-20 06:48:36:449] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 166c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:36:449] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5740 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:37:953] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1425 [2021-11-20 06:48:37:955] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:37:955] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:37:957] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1644 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:37:957] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5700 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:37:957] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1434 [2021-11-20 06:48:37:959] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1668 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:37:959] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5736 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:39:464] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1424 [2021-11-20 06:48:39:465] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1640 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:39:465] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5696 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:39:465] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1433 [2021-11-20 06:48:39:466] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1664 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:39:466] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5732 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:40:967] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1423 [2021-11-20 06:48:40:968] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:40:968] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:40:969] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 163c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:40:969] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5692 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:40:969] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1432 [2021-11-20 06:48:40:972] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1660 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:40:972] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5728 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:42:477] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1422 [2021-11-20 06:48:42:478] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1638 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:42:478] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5688 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:42:478] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1431 [2021-11-20 06:48:42:479] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 165c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:42:479] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5724 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:43:982] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1421 [2021-11-20 06:48:43:983] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:43:983] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:43:985] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1634 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:43:985] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5684 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:43:985] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1430 [2021-11-20 06:48:43:986] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1658 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:43:986] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5720 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:45:487] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1420 [2021-11-20 06:48:45:489] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1630 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:45:489] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5680 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:45:489] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1429 [2021-11-20 06:48:45:490] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1654 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:45:490] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5716 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:46:993] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:46:993] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:46:994] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:46:994] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:46:995] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:46:995] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:46:995] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1419 [2021-11-20 06:48:46:996] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 162c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:46:996] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5676 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:46:996] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1428 [2021-11-20 06:48:46:997] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1650 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:46:997] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5712 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:46:999] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:46:999] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:47:000] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:47:000] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:48:504] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1418 [2021-11-20 06:48:48:506] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1628 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:48:506] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5672 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:48:506] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1427 [2021-11-20 06:48:48:508] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 164c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:48:508] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5708 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:50:013] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1417 [2021-11-20 06:48:50:015] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:50:015] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:50:017] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1624 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:50:017] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5668 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:50:017] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1426 [2021-11-20 06:48:50:018] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1648 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:50:018] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5704 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:51:519] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1416 [2021-11-20 06:48:51:520] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1620 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:51:520] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5664 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:51:520] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1425 [2021-11-20 06:48:51:521] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1644 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:51:521] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5700 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:53:022] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1415 [2021-11-20 06:48:53:023] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:53:023] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:53:024] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 161c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:53:024] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5660 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:53:024] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1424 [2021-11-20 06:48:53:025] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1640 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:53:025] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5696 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:54:530] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1414 [2021-11-20 06:48:54:531] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1618 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:54:531] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5656 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:54:531] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1423 [2021-11-20 06:48:54:532] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 163c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:54:532] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5692 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:56:037] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1413 [2021-11-20 06:48:56:039] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:56:039] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:56:040] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1614 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:56:040] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5652 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:56:040] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1422 [2021-11-20 06:48:56:041] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1638 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:56:041] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5688 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:57:546] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1412 [2021-11-20 06:48:57:548] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1610 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:57:548] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5648 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:57:548] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1421 [2021-11-20 06:48:57:549] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1634 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:57:549] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5684 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:59:054] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1411 [2021-11-20 06:48:59:055] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:48:59:055] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:48:59:057] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 160c OK [2021-11-20 06:48:59:057] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5644 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:48:59:057] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1420 [2021-11-20 06:48:59:058] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1630 OK [2021-11-20 06:48:59:058] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5680 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:00:563] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1410 [2021-11-20 06:49:00:564] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1608 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:00:564] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5640 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:00:564] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1419 [2021-11-20 06:49:00:565] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 162c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:00:565] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5676 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:02:067] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1409 [2021-11-20 06:49:02:068] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:02:068] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:02:070] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1604 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:02:070] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5636 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:02:070] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1418 [2021-11-20 06:49:02:071] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1628 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:02:071] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5672 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:03:574] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1408 [2021-11-20 06:49:03:576] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1600 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:03:576] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5632 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:03:576] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1417 [2021-11-20 06:49:03:577] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1624 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:03:577] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5668 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:05:081] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1407 [2021-11-20 06:49:05:082] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:05:082] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:05:083] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15fc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:05:083] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5628 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:05:083] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1416 [2021-11-20 06:49:05:085] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1620 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:05:085] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5664 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:06:587] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1406 [2021-11-20 06:49:06:588] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15f8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:06:588] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5624 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:06:588] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1415 [2021-11-20 06:49:06:590] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 161c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:06:590] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5660 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:08:094] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1405 [2021-11-20 06:49:08:095] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:08:095] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:08:096] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:08:096] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5620 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:08:096] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1414 [2021-11-20 06:49:08:098] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1618 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:08:098] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5656 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:09:599] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1404 [2021-11-20 06:49:09:601] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15f0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:09:601] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5616 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:09:601] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1413 [2021-11-20 06:49:09:602] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1614 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:09:602] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5652 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:11:106] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1403 [2021-11-20 06:49:11:107] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:11:107] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:11:108] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15ec OK [2021-11-20 06:49:11:108] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5612 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:11:108] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1412 [2021-11-20 06:49:11:109] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1610 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:11:109] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5648 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:12:609] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1402 [2021-11-20 06:49:12:610] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15e8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:12:610] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5608 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:12:610] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1411 [2021-11-20 06:49:12:612] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 160c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:12:612] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5644 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:14:117] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1401 [2021-11-20 06:49:14:120] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:14:120] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:14:121] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:14:121] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5604 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:14:121] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1410 [2021-11-20 06:49:14:123] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1608 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:14:123] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5640 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:15:628] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1400 [2021-11-20 06:49:15:629] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15e0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:15:629] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5600 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:15:629] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1409 [2021-11-20 06:49:15:631] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1604 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:15:631] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5636 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:17:136] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:136] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:17:137] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:137] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:17:139] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:139] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:17:140] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1399 [2021-11-20 06:49:17:141] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15dc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:141] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5596 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:17:141] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1408 [2021-11-20 06:49:17:143] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1600 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:143] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5632 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:17:144] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:144] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:17:145] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:17:145] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:18:646] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1398 [2021-11-20 06:49:18:647] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15d8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:18:647] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5592 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:18:647] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1407 [2021-11-20 06:49:18:649] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15fc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:18:649] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5628 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:20:150] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1397 [2021-11-20 06:49:20:153] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:20:153] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:20:154] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:20:154] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5588 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:20:154] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1406 [2021-11-20 06:49:20:155] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15f8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:20:155] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5624 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:21:660] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1396 [2021-11-20 06:49:21:661] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15d0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:21:661] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5584 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:21:661] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1405 [2021-11-20 06:49:21:662] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:21:662] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5620 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:23:163] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1395 [2021-11-20 06:49:23:165] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:23:165] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:23:167] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15cc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:23:167] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5580 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:23:167] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1404 [2021-11-20 06:49:23:168] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15f0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:23:168] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5616 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:24:669] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1394 [2021-11-20 06:49:24:670] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15c8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:24:670] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5576 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:24:670] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1403 [2021-11-20 06:49:24:671] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15ec OK [2021-11-20 06:49:24:671] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5612 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:26:176] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1393 [2021-11-20 06:49:26:178] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:26:178] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:26:179] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:26:179] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5572 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:26:179] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1402 [2021-11-20 06:49:26:181] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15e8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:26:181] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5608 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:27:682] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1392 [2021-11-20 06:49:27:683] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15c0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:27:683] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5568 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:27:683] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1401 [2021-11-20 06:49:27:684] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:27:684] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5604 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:29:185] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1391 [2021-11-20 06:49:29:186] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:29:186] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:29:187] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15bc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:29:187] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5564 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:29:187] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1400 [2021-11-20 06:49:29:189] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15e0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:29:189] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5600 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:30:690] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1390 [2021-11-20 06:49:30:691] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15b8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:30:691] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5560 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:30:691] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1399 [2021-11-20 06:49:30:693] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15dc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:30:693] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5596 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:32:196] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1389 [2021-11-20 06:49:32:197] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:32:197] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:32:198] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:32:198] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5556 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:32:198] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1398 [2021-11-20 06:49:32:199] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15d8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:32:199] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5592 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:33:700] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1388 [2021-11-20 06:49:33:701] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15b0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:33:701] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5552 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:33:701] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1397 [2021-11-20 06:49:33:702] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:33:702] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5588 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:35:206] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1387 [2021-11-20 06:49:35:207] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:35:207] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:35:208] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15ac OK [2021-11-20 06:49:35:208] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5548 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:35:208] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1396 [2021-11-20 06:49:35:209] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15d0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:35:209] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5584 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:36:712] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1386 [2021-11-20 06:49:36:713] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:36:713] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5544 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:36:713] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1395 [2021-11-20 06:49:36:714] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15cc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:36:714] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5580 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:38:219] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1385 [2021-11-20 06:49:38:221] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:38:221] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:38:223] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:38:223] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5540 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:38:223] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1394 [2021-11-20 06:49:38:224] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15c8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:38:224] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5576 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:39:725] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1384 [2021-11-20 06:49:39:728] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15a0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:39:728] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5536 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:39:728] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1393 [2021-11-20 06:49:39:730] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:39:730] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5572 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:41:232] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1383 [2021-11-20 06:49:41:234] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:41:234] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:41:236] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 159c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:41:236] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5532 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:41:236] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1392 [2021-11-20 06:49:41:238] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15c0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:41:238] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5568 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:42:742] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1382 [2021-11-20 06:49:42:746] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1598 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:42:746] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5528 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:42:746] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1391 [2021-11-20 06:49:42:749] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15bc OK [2021-11-20 06:49:42:749] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5564 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:44:252] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1381 [2021-11-20 06:49:44:254] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:44:254] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:44:256] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1594 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:44:256] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5524 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:44:256] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1390 [2021-11-20 06:49:44:257] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15b8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:44:257] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5560 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:45:761] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1380 [2021-11-20 06:49:45:763] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1590 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:45:763] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5520 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:45:763] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1389 [2021-11-20 06:49:45:764] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:45:765] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5556 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:47:270] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1379 [2021-11-20 06:49:47:272] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:47:272] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:47:274] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 158c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:47:274] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5516 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:47:274] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1388 [2021-11-20 06:49:47:275] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15b0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:47:275] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5552 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:48:779] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:48:779] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:48:780] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:48:780] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:48:780] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1378 [2021-11-20 06:49:48:782] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1588 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:48:782] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5512 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:48:782] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1387 [2021-11-20 06:49:48:783] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15ac OK [2021-11-20 06:49:48:784] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5548 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:48:785] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:48:785] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:48:786] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:48:786] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:50:288] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1377 [2021-11-20 06:49:50:290] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:50:290] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:50:291] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1584 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:50:291] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5508 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:50:291] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1386 [2021-11-20 06:49:50:292] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:50:292] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5544 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:51:797] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] EXHAUST: Temperature INCREASED to 60 [2021-11-20 06:49:51:797] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:49:51:797] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1379 [2021-11-20 06:49:51:800] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 158c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:51:800] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5516 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:51:800] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#206] INTAKE: Temperature INCREASED to 60 [2021-11-20 06:49:51:800] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#284] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:49:51:800] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1388 [2021-11-20 06:49:51:802] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15b0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:51:802] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5552 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:53:307] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1381 [2021-11-20 06:49:53:308] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:53:308] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:53:309] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1594 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:53:309] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5524 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:53:309] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1390 [2021-11-20 06:49:53:310] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15b8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:53:310] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5560 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:54:814] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1383 [2021-11-20 06:49:54:815] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 159c OK [2021-11-20 06:49:54:815] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5532 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:54:815] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1392 [2021-11-20 06:49:54:816] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15c0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:54:816] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5568 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:56:316] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1385 [2021-11-20 06:49:56:318] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:56:318] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:56:319] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:56:319] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5540 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:56:319] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1394 [2021-11-20 06:49:56:320] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15c8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:56:320] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5576 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:57:824] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1387 [2021-11-20 06:49:57:825] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15ac OK [2021-11-20 06:49:57:825] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5548 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:57:825] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1396 [2021-11-20 06:49:57:826] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15d0 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:57:826] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5584 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:59:328] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#153] EXHAUST: Temperature DECREASED to 59 [2021-11-20 06:49:59:328] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#177] EXHAUST: Ignoring temperature change [2021-11-20 06:49:59:328] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#202] EXHAUST: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:49:59:328] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1389 [2021-11-20 06:49:59:330] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:49:59:330] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:49:59:331] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:59:331] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5556 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:49:59:331] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#153] INTAKE: Temperature DECREASED to 59 [2021-11-20 06:49:59:331] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#177] INTAKE: Ignoring temperature change [2021-11-20 06:49:59:331] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#202] INTAKE: Tendency is set to TendencyIncrease [2021-11-20 06:49:59:331] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1398 [2021-11-20 06:49:59:332] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15d8 OK [2021-11-20 06:49:59:332] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5592 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:00:835] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1391 [2021-11-20 06:50:00:836] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15bc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:00:836] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5564 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:00:836] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1400 [2021-11-20 06:50:00:838] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15e0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:00:838] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5600 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:02:341] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1393 [2021-11-20 06:50:02:343] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:02:344] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:02:345] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:02:345] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5572 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:02:346] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1402 [2021-11-20 06:50:02:349] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15e8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:02:349] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5608 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:03:851] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1395 [2021-11-20 06:50:03:853] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15cc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:03:853] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5580 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:03:853] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1404 [2021-11-20 06:50:03:854] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15f0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:03:854] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5616 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:05:359] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1397 [2021-11-20 06:50:05:360] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:05:360] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:05:362] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:05:362] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5588 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:05:362] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1406 [2021-11-20 06:50:05:363] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 15f8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:05:363] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5624 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:06:863] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1399 [2021-11-20 06:50:06:864] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15dc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:06:864] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5596 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:06:864] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1408 [2021-11-20 06:50:06:866] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1600 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:06:866] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5632 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:08:367] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1401 [2021-11-20 06:50:08:368] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:08:368] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:08:370] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15e4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:08:370] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5604 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:08:370] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1410 [2021-11-20 06:50:08:372] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1608 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:08:372] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5640 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:09:872] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1403 [2021-11-20 06:50:09:873] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15ec OK [2021-11-20 06:50:09:873] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5612 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:09:873] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1412 [2021-11-20 06:50:09:875] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1610 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:09:875] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5648 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:11:377] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1405 [2021-11-20 06:50:11:379] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:11:379] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:11:380] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15f4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:11:380] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5620 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:11:380] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1414 [2021-11-20 06:50:11:381] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1618 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:11:381] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5656 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:12:885] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1407 [2021-11-20 06:50:12:888] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 15fc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:12:888] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5628 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:12:888] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1416 [2021-11-20 06:50:12:891] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1620 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:12:891] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5664 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:14:391] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1409 [2021-11-20 06:50:14:393] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:14:393] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:14:395] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1604 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:14:395] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5636 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:14:395] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1418 [2021-11-20 06:50:14:396] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1628 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:14:396] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5672 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:15:898] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1411 [2021-11-20 06:50:15:899] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 160c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:15:899] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5644 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:15:899] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1420 [2021-11-20 06:50:15:900] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1630 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:15:900] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5680 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:17:404] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1413 [2021-11-20 06:50:17:406] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:17:406] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:17:407] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1614 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:17:407] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5652 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:17:407] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1422 [2021-11-20 06:50:17:409] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1638 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:17:409] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5688 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:18:913] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1415 [2021-11-20 06:50:18:916] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 161c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:18:916] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5660 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:18:916] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1424 [2021-11-20 06:50:18:918] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1640 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:18:918] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5696 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:20:423] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:423] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:20:424] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:424] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:20:425] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:425] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:20:425] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1417 [2021-11-20 06:50:20:426] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1624 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:426] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5668 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:20:426] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1426 [2021-11-20 06:50:20:428] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1648 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:428] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5704 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:20:430] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:430] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:20:431] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:20:431] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:21:932] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1419 [2021-11-20 06:50:21:934] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 162c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:21:934] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5676 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:21:934] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1428 [2021-11-20 06:50:21:936] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1650 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:21:936] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5712 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:23:441] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1421 [2021-11-20 06:50:23:447] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:23:447] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:23:454] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1634 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:23:454] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5684 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:23:454] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1430 [2021-11-20 06:50:23:461] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1658 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:23:461] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5720 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:24:965] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1423 [2021-11-20 06:50:24:968] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 163c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:24:968] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5692 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:24:968] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1432 [2021-11-20 06:50:24:970] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1660 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:24:970] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5728 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:26:474] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1425 [2021-11-20 06:50:26:475] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:26:475] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:26:476] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1644 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:26:477] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5700 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:26:477] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1434 [2021-11-20 06:50:26:478] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1668 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:26:478] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5736 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:27:980] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1427 [2021-11-20 06:50:27:981] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 164c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:27:981] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5708 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:27:981] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1436 [2021-11-20 06:50:27:982] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1670 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:27:982] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5744 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:29:488] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1429 [2021-11-20 06:50:29:489] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:29:489] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:29:490] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1654 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:29:490] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5716 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:29:490] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1438 [2021-11-20 06:50:29:491] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1678 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:29:491] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5752 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:30:996] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1431 [2021-11-20 06:50:30:997] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 165c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:30:997] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5724 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:30:997] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1440 [2021-11-20 06:50:30:998] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1680 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:30:998] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5760 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:32:503] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1433 [2021-11-20 06:50:32:504] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:32:504] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:32:505] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1664 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:32:505] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5732 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:32:505] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1442 [2021-11-20 06:50:32:506] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1688 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:32:506] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5768 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:34:007] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1435 [2021-11-20 06:50:34:009] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 166c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:34:009] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5740 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:34:009] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1444 [2021-11-20 06:50:34:012] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1690 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:34:012] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5776 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:35:515] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1437 [2021-11-20 06:50:35:518] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:35:518] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:35:519] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1674 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:35:519] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5748 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:35:519] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1446 [2021-11-20 06:50:35:520] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1698 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:35:520] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5784 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:37:020] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1439 [2021-11-20 06:50:37:022] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 167c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:37:022] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5756 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:37:023] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1448 [2021-11-20 06:50:37:024] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16a0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:37:024] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5792 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:38:529] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1441 [2021-11-20 06:50:38:531] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:38:531] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:38:532] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1684 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:38:532] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5764 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:38:532] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1450 [2021-11-20 06:50:38:533] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:38:533] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5800 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:40:038] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1443 [2021-11-20 06:50:40:041] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 168c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:40:041] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5772 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:40:041] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1452 [2021-11-20 06:50:40:042] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16b0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:40:042] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5808 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:41:546] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1445 [2021-11-20 06:50:41:548] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:41:548] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:41:550] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 1694 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:41:550] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5780 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:41:550] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1454 [2021-11-20 06:50:41:552] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16b8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:41:552] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5816 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:43:056] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1447 [2021-11-20 06:50:43:058] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 169c OK [2021-11-20 06:50:43:058] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5788 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:43:058] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1456 [2021-11-20 06:50:43:059] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16c0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:43:059] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5824 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:44:564] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1449 [2021-11-20 06:50:44:566] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:44:566] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:44:569] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16a4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:44:569] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5796 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:44:569] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1458 [2021-11-20 06:50:44:571] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16c8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:44:571] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5832 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:46:076] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1451 [2021-11-20 06:50:46:078] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16ac OK [2021-11-20 06:50:46:078] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5804 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:46:078] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1460 [2021-11-20 06:50:46:079] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16d0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:46:079] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5840 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:47:582] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1453 [2021-11-20 06:50:47:583] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:47:583] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:47:584] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16b4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:47:584] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5812 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:47:584] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1462 [2021-11-20 06:50:47:585] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16d8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:47:585] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5848 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:49:088] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1455 [2021-11-20 06:50:49:089] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16bc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:49:089] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5820 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:49:089] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1464 [2021-11-20 06:50:49:090] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16e0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:49:090] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5856 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:50:596] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1457 [2021-11-20 06:50:50:597] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:50:597] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:50:598] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16c4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:50:598] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5828 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:50:598] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1466 [2021-11-20 06:50:50:599] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16e8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:50:599] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5864 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:52:103] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 1b74 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:52:103] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 7028 for F0Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:52:105] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 12a8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:52:105] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 4776 for F1Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:52:105] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1459 [2021-11-20 06:50:52:106] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16cc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:52:106] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5836 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:52:106] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1468 [2021-11-20 06:50:52:108] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16f0 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:52:108] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5872 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:52:109] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F4Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:52:109] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F4Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:52:111] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F5Tg 0c80 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:52:111] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 3200 for F5Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:53:615] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1461 [2021-11-20 06:50:53:616] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey FS! 003f OK [2021-11-20 06:50:53:616] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#482] Set fans mode 63 [2021-11-20 06:50:53:617] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16d4 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:53:617] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5844 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:53:617] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1470 [2021-11-20 06:50:53:619] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 16f8 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:53:619] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5880 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:55:124] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] EXHAUST: Setting fan speed to 1463 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:127] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F2Tg 16dc OK [2021-11-20 06:50:55:127] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5852 for F2Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:55:127] [thread 12292] [SensorControl.cpp#387] INTAKE: Setting fan speed to 1472 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:129] [thread 12292] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F3Tg 1700 OK [2021-11-20 06:50:55:129] [thread 12292] [Service.cpp#339] setFanRPM 5888 for F3Tg [2021-11-20 06:50:55:989] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te1F with value of 128.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:990] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te1S with value of 128.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:991] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te2F with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:992] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te2S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:994] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te3F with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:994] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te3S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:996] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te4F with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:997] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te4S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:999] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te5F with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:55:999] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor Te5S with value of 129.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:56:005] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor TeGP with value of 0.0 [2021-11-20 06:50:56:011] [thread 4945] [Service.cpp#686] getTemperature - skipping sensor TeRP with value of 0.0

tadeuamaral avatar Nov 20 '21 09:11 tadeuamaral

kleuter avatar Nov 20 '21 11:11 kleuter

sorry, I entered the information in the comments by accident, edited for correction

tadeuamaral avatar Nov 20 '21 23:11 tadeuamaral

Did it happen only once?

kleuter avatar Nov 21 '21 08:11 kleuter

twice, but now stopped to happen

tadeuamaral avatar Nov 22 '21 17:11 tadeuamaral

I have the same crashes and looking for a fixed version of Macs Fan Control I still only see version 1.5.11 which is the crashing version. So where is version 1.6.0?

CarCode avatar Feb 15 '22 09:02 CarCode

  • Does it happen every time or only initially when you start the mac?
  • If it happens every time, do you see this message immediately or after 30 seconds after starting the app?
  • No crash log?


kleuter avatar Feb 17 '22 13:02 kleuter

Crash log attached. Where is version 1.6.0? Why you cannot answer my question?


CarCode avatar Feb 17 '22 15:02 CarCode

I'm sorry for the late reply but this is not a crash log.

kleuter avatar Mar 02 '22 14:03 kleuter

This issue has been automatically closed since there has not been any recent activity. Please re-open it if needed.

kleuter avatar Jun 21 '22 14:06 kleuter

One customer reports:

Hi, I think there is an incompatibility between DriveDX SATSMARTDriver and a Glyph GT050Q using FW800. Removing the latest SATSMARTdriver has resolved that issue.

kleuter avatar Sep 08 '22 11:09 kleuter