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Exception handling miscompilation on FreeBSD

Open dmgk opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

When running std_spec, spec/std/ currently fails with

  1) GC raises if calling enable when not disabled

       GC is not disabled (Exception)
         from src/gc/ in 'enable'
         from spec/std/ in '->'
         from src/spec/ in 'internal_run'
         from src/spec/ in 'run'
         from src/spec/ in 'internal_run'
         from src/spec/ in 'run'
         from src/spec/ in 'internal_run'
         from src/spec/ in 'run'
         from src/spec/ in '->'
         from src/crystal/ in 'run'
         from src/crystal/ in 'exit'
         from src/crystal/ in 'main'
         from src/crystal/ in 'main'

It appears that expect_raises for some reason doesn't catch the raised exception:

Looking at this minimal reproducer:

def expect_raises
rescue ex
  p ex.message

def raise_func
  expect_raises do

... it compiles down to the following asm:

        .type   "*raise_func:(String | Nil)",@function
"*raise_func:(String | Nil)":
        .loc    2 7 0
        .cfi_personality 155, DW.ref.__crystal_personality
        .cfi_lsda 27, .Lexception51
        pushq   %rax
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .loc    2 10 5 prologue_end
        callq   "*GC::enable:Nil"
        .loc    2 0 5 is_stmt 0
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        .loc    2 2 3 is_stmt 1
        popq    %rcx
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
        .size   "*raise_func:(String | Nil)", .Lfunc_end2217-"*raise_func:(String | Nil)"

It looks like the exception handling was completely omitted. What's interesting is that if I add e.g. p "test" before the condition in GC.enable:

def self.enable
  p "test"                                                                                                                               
  unless LibGC.is_disabled != 0
    raise "GC is not disabled"


this makes raise_func to compile with exception handling:

        .type   "*raise_func:(String | Nil)",@function
"*raise_func:(String | Nil)":
        .loc    2 7 0
        .cfi_personality 155, DW.ref.__crystal_personality
        .cfi_lsda 27, .Lexception51
        subq    $40, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
        .loc    2 10 5 prologue_end
        callq   "*GC::enable:Nil"
        jmp     .LBB2225_3
        .loc    2 2 3
        movq    %rax, %rdi
        movl    %edx, 28(%rsp)
        callq   __crystal_get_exception@PLT
        movq    %rax, 16(%rsp)
        jmp     .LBB2225_5
        .loc    2 0 3 is_stmt 0
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        movl    %eax, %ecx
        movq    %rcx, 8(%rsp)
        .loc    2 10 5 is_stmt 1
        jmp     .LBB2225_4
        .loc    2 0 5 is_stmt 0
        movq    8(%rsp), %rax
        .loc    2 2 3 is_stmt 1
        addq    $40, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
        .loc    2 0 3 is_stmt 0
        movq    16(%rsp), %rax
        .loc    2 2 3
        movq    %rax, 32(%rsp)
        movq    32(%rsp), %rcx
        movq    8(%rcx), %rdi
        .loc    2 4 3 is_stmt 1
        callq   "*p<(String | Nil)>:(String | Nil)"
        movq    %rax, 8(%rsp)
        jmp     .LBB2225_4
        .size   "*raise_func:(String | Nil)", .Lfunc_end2225-"*raise_func:(String | Nil)"

The above is reproducible on FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE with both llvm10 and llvm14, but not on Arch (LLVM 14.0.6).

dmgk avatar Jul 27 '22 14:07 dmgk

I looked at this some more and it seems that is was inadvertently introduced by Calling GC.enable appears to be causing some kind of cycle (GC.enable calls raise, raise uses Exception::CallStack) during the semantic analysis which leads to the def raise() AST node left marked as "non-raising" any exceptions.

I added some tracing to the CleanupTransformer#transform(node : Call) and this is the output on Linux ((true) and (false) is the node's raises? value):

[def self.enable
  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0
    raise("GC is not disabled")
[fun is_disabled = GC_is_disabled : Int]
"target_def:  (false) fun is_disabled = GC_is_disabled : Int"
"current_def: (false) def self.enable\n  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0\n  else\n    raise(\"GC is not disabled\")\n  end\n  LibGC.enable\nend"
[def !=(other : Int32) : Bool
  # primitive: binary
"target_def:  (false) def !=(other : Int32) : Bool\n  # primitive: binary\nend"
"current_def: (false) def self.enable\n  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0\n  else\n    raise(\"GC is not disabled\")\n  end\n  LibGC.enable\nend"
[def raise(message : String) : NoReturn
"target_def:  (true) def raise(message : String) : NoReturn\n  raise(\nend"
"current_def: (true) def self.enable\n  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0\n  else\n    raise(\"GC is not disabled\")\n  end\n  LibGC.enable\nend"

def raise(message : String) is marked as raising, and this is propagated to GC.enable. On FreeBSD though, the same code produces:

[def self.enable
  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0
    raise("GC is not disabled")
[fun is_disabled = GC_is_disabled : Int]
"target_def:  (false) fun is_disabled = GC_is_disabled : Int"
"current_def: (false) def self.enable\n  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0\n  else\n    raise(\"GC is not disabled\")\n  end\n  LibGC.enable\nend"
[def !=(other : Int32) : Bool
  # primitive: binary
"target_def:  (false) def !=(other : Int32) : Bool\n  # primitive: binary\nend"
"current_def: (false) def self.enable\n  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0\n  else\n    raise(\"GC is not disabled\")\n  end\n  LibGC.enable\nend"
[def raise(message : String) : NoReturn
"target_def:  (false) def raise(message : String) : NoReturn\n  raise(\nend"
"current_def: (false) def self.enable\n  if LibGC.is_disabled != 0\n  else\n    raise(\"GC is not disabled\")\n  end\n  LibGC.enable\nend"

Here def raise(message : String) node is not marked as raising any exceptions so neither isGC.enable, which gets compiled to the call IR and to the above asm w/o exception handling. Reverting fixes this issue on FreeBSD but (possibly) reintroduces

I'm not sure what would be the best course of action here. Perhaps GC.enable could just silently return without raising exceptions if GC is already enabled?

dmgk avatar Jul 28 '22 00:07 dmgk