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Re-implementation of Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII. Made with Godot 3

Triple Triad re-made with Godot

Triple Triad in Godot screenshot

"How difficult it is to recreate the Triple Triad card game with the Godot Engine?"

This repository is the answer to my question: the core of the game has been developed during my Devember 2018 challenge (a challenge where you have to code each day of December for at least 1 hour).

What is implemented

  • Basic game mechanics:
    • Turns
    • Cards placement
    • "Capture" mechanic
  • Data driven design for the Card node (all the data is taken from a JSON file)
  • Simple AI

How to run the game

From an executable

You can download a prebuilt executable for Windows/OSX/Linux from the release page.

From source (using Godot)

  1. Download Godot Engine 3.2.1
  2. Download this project
  3. Launch Godot Engine
  4. Import the project into Godot
    1. Select Scan
    2. Select the project folder
    3. Double click on Triple Triad
  5. Run the game by clicking on the Play button (or use the F5 key for a shortcut)!

Input Controls

  • Arrow keys to move the cursor
  • Space/Enter to confirm
  • Backspace to cancel


You can contribute in different ways:

  • download this game and try it
  • talk with your friends about this project
  • tell me your opinions about this project
  • tweet about this project
  • report bugs
  • make Pull Requests to improve it or add new features

Code contributions

Before working on anything, I want to make sure that no-one is working on the same thing at the same time so please feel free to:

Note: I really would like to keep improving and expanding this project, I love TripleTriad and would love to add other features (eg: online multiplayer matches) but I don't have much time to invest on this project.
I already did what I wanted: give an answer to the question that I wrote at the beginning of this file.


I'm not an expert on licensing and this project is borderline legally speaking. I would say:

  • every Godot related file (that I created) is released under MIT License:
    • scripts *.gd
    • scene files *.tscn
    • etc.
  • the original asstes (textures, music, ecc.) should not be reused. They are Squaresoft/SquareEnix property. I don't even know if I'm allowed to use them.


Assets taken from: