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Journal of (Generative) Punk (Pixel) Art - Best of ("Hall of Fame" of) Punk Writing

Journal of (Generative) Punk (Pixel) Art

Best of ("Hall of Fame" of) Punk Writing

July 2022

Inside The Hair Colors of Punk Pixel Characters / Heads - Are Blonde Punkettes Having More Fun? by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

June 2022

The early history of [Non-Fungible] Tokens, part 4: [24×24px] Game Sprites on the Blockchain: [Matt & John's®] Punks [V1/V2] by Amy Castor and David Gerard (Free Book Chapter Early Access Draft) - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

May 2022

Digital artists' post-bubble hopes for [non-fungible] tokens don't need a blockchain by Molly White - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

Marilyn and Punks and Art, Oh My! by Sean Bonner (Photographer) - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

A [Cryptp Bro & Serial Fraudster] Builder's Journey by Anonymous Azuki's Zagabond - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

Bored Apes & Monkey Selfies: Copyright & Profile Picture [Non-Fungible] Tokens (PDF Download ~3.1MB), by Alfred 'Dave' Steiner (Meister & Steiner), 14-pages (via SSRN)

February 2022

Are Cryptopunks Copyrightable? (PDF Download ~7.5MB), by Brian L. Frye ( University of Kentucky - College of Law), 21-pages (via SSRN)

November 2021

The 10,000 [pixel punk] faces that launched an non-fungible [art] token revolution by Sandra Upson (Wired)

Oktober 2021

What I learned from building an on-chain ecosystem for CryptoPunks by Anonymous Punk Programmer (Lost Punk Society)

Pixel art HOWTO series - The making of Adam (24x24 pixel punk) from scratch / zero using pixel art designs in the ASCII text format by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

August 2021

Punks - The Free White Label Quick Starter Edition - (Re)create from zero / scratch a pixel-perfect copy of the 10 000 CryptoPunks collection (Anno 2017) by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

Inside the CryptoPunksData contract - Decoding the on-chain assets (11 archetypes and 122 attributes) and color palette for easy (re)use "off-chain" by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

On-chain Cryptopunks - The Cryptopunk images and their attributes now live on-chain! by Matt Hall and John Watkinson (Larva Labs)

July 2021

Creating a 10 000 [non-fungible] token avatar collection - step-by-step by Jeremy Posvar (Expansion Punks)

April 2021

The Cult of CryptoPunks - Ethereum's 'oldest [non-fungible] token project' may not actually be the first, but it's the wildest by Lucas Matney (Tech Crunch)

Christie's Art Auction House - 10 things to know about CryptoPunks, the original [non-fungible] tokens by Christie's - For the first time, 5,184 pixels' worth of a revolutionary [non-fungible] token project will go up for auction at a traditional auction house, courtesy of the project creators and pioneers themselves

June 2017

This ethereum-based project could change how we think about digital art. Yes, you can actually own these digital creations. by Jason Abbruzzese (Mashable)

January 2012

Who Owns an Avatar?: Copyright, Creativity, and Virtual Worlds (PDF Download ~1.7MB), by Tyler T. Ochoa (Santa Clara University School of Law), 35-pages (via Santa Clara Law Digital Commons)

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.