0.18.3 brings some improvements to this. Also this pending PR #3655
Additionally, #3621 should also help with this. Please retry in the latest version of ord and reopen if you are still experiencing an issue.
@rot13maxi C-c?
It is a known issue that using ctrl-c twice to shut down immediately always results in the index needing to be repaired. We recommend only ever using ctrl-c once and...
Hi Abdel - you need to make sure that you're running `ord server` for this command. Also, issues like this are answered quicker on the Ordicord - please direct your...
Hi Sid, this is by design. You must stop ord server in order to release the database in order to run the ord runes command. Please post issues like this...
pretty sure this is a clone of #3677
Would it satisfy your requirement if we updated the `ord wallet outputs` command to display these additional fields for each utxo in the rpcwallet? - output txid (timestamp can be...
> Not exactly. I think this needs to be exposed in the API so users that minted with any wallet get this fredback. perhaps both can be done to allow...