gobrew icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gobrew copied to clipboard

Shell script to download and set GO environmental paths to allow multiple versions.


gobrew lets you easily switch between multiple versions of go. It is based on rbenv and pyenv.


The automatic installer

You can install this via the command line with either curl or wget.

via curl

curl -L https://raw.github.com/grobins2/gobrew/master/tools/install.sh | sh

via wget

wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/grobins2/gobrew/master/tools/install.sh -O - | sh

The manual way

  1. Check out gobrew where you want it installed.

     $ git clone git://github.com/cryptojuice/gobrew.git ~/.gobrew
  2. Add the following to your shell config.

     export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"
     eval "$(gobrew init -)"


    • BASH: Add this to ~/.bashrc (~/.bash_profile for Ubuntu users).

    • ZSH: Add this to ~/.zshenv

  3. Source your shell config file (or reopen shell session).


: gobrew install

Install a specified version of Go.

    $ gobrew install 1.5
: gobrew uninstall
    $ gobrew uninstall 1.5
: gobrew use

Sets which version of Go to use globally.

    $ gobrew use 1.5
: gobrew workspace

Note: 'gobrew workspace' echos the currently set workspace ($GOPATH). Use 'gobrew workspace set' to set your $GOPATH to the current working directory. Use 'gobrew workspace unset' to remove this setting.

    $ cd /path/to/workspace
    $ gobrew workspace set
    $ gobrew workspace unset

Visit http://golang.org/doc/code.html#Workspaces for more on workspaces.



To upgrade run update script from .gobrew source with: $ cd ~ $ ./.gobrew/tools/upgrade.sh


If you want to uninstall it, just run

    $ cd ~
    $ ./.gobrew/tools/uninstall.sh

from the command line and it’ll remove itself.