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Inside the CryptoKitties, MoonCats & Friends Blockchain Contracts / Services incl. Wrapped CryptoKitties (WCK, WG0, WVG0), Wrapped MoonCatsRescue (WMCR)
Crypto Collectibles Series - Cats · Punks
CryptoKitties, MoonCats & Friends Blockchain Contracts / Services
Code on the Blockchain - Electronic Contract Scripts
CryptoKitties • CryptoCats • MoonCats • MarsCats
/cryptokitties - Core CryptoKitties
- KittyCore, see contract address
The genetic combination algorithm is kept seperate so we can open-source all of the rest of our code without making it too easy for folks to figure out how the genetics work. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will reverse engineer it soon enough!
-- Commentary from the CryptoKitties source code
Update 2019 The sooper-sekretoo GeneScience contract with the "magic" mixGenes function is now open source with inline running commentary. Thanks!
- GeneScience, see contract address
The auctions are seperate since their logic is somewhat complex and there's always a risk of subtle bugs. By keeping them in their own contracts, we can upgrade them without disrupting the main contract that tracks kitty ownership.
-- Commentary from the CryptoKitties source code
- SaleClockAuction, see contract address
- SiringClockAuction, see contract address
For more see Inside the CryptoKitties Blockchain Contracts / Services »
/cryptokitties-wrapped - Wrapped CryptoKitties (WCK, WG0, WVG0)
$WCK wrapped cryptokitties; its actually backed by a digital cat; where as other coins are backed by hot-air.
- WrappedCK (WCK), see contract address
- WrappedG0 (WG0), see contract address
- Gen 0 Variant - WrappedVG0 (WVG0), see contract address
- Virgin Gen 0 Variant
For more see Inside the Wrapped CryptoKitties (WCK, WG0, WVG0) Blockchain Contracts / Services »
Cute little 8-bit cats on the Blockchain. Launched v3 in December 2017 with 625 vintage non-fungible tokens (NFTs), pre the ERC721 standard.
/cryptocats - CryptoCatsMarket
- CryptoCatsMarket, see contract address
For more see Inside the CryptoCats Blockchain Contract / Service »
MoonCatRescue is an exploration of user-discoverable blockchain assets. Users "mine" for MoonCats in their browser. After MoonCats are "mined", they can be put up for adoption, adoptions can be requested, they can be given away, and they can be permanently named.
Launched in August 2017 with 25,600 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to rescue, pre the ERC721 standard.
/mooncats - MoonCatRescue
- MoonCatResuce, see contract address
For more see Inside the MoonCatRescue Blockchain Contract / Service »
/mooncats-acclimated - MoonCatAcclimator
- accepts an original MoonCat and wraps it to present an ERC721- and ERC998-compliant asset
- accepts a MoonCat wrapped with the older wrapping contract (at 0x7C40c3...) and re-wraps them
- MoonCatAcclimator, see contract address
For more see /mooncats-acclimated »
/mooncats-wrapped - MoonCatsWrapped - Wrapped MoonCatsRescue (WMCR)
Wrapped MoonCats Rescue is an unofficial ERC721 wrapping of the MoonCats Rescue contract.
- MoonCatsWrapped - Wrapped MoonCatsRescue (WMCR), see contract address
For more see Inside the Wrapped MoonCatsRescue (WMCR) Blockchain Contract / Service »
/mooncats-helper - MooncatHelper
Atomic buy-and-wrap contract to transform mooncats for sale in the adoption center into Wrapped Mooncats in a single transaction [for a 0.01 ETH fee].
- MooncatHelper, see contract address
/mooncats-vote - MoonCatKeyVote
Should the MoonCatRescue developers destroy their private key so that no future Genesis MoonCats can ever be released? Yes / True or No / False
The vote is live - please vote!
Any address that has interacted with either the MoonCatRescue contract (
) or the main Wrapped MoonCatsRescue contract (0x7c40c393dc0f283f318791d746d894ddd3693572
) prior to Block 12047300 (Mar-16-2021 03:35:24 AM +UTC) will get one vote.Update:
The community has spoken. With a final outcome of YES: 944 NO: 367, the devs will destroy their private key to the MoonCatRescue contract. The contract will be left as found. The remaining Genesis MoonCats will never be released and will continue to live happily on the moon.
- MoonCatKeyVote, see contract address
For more see /mooncats-vote »
Ponderware is destroying the private key controlling the MoonCatRescue contract due to the outcome of the vote contract.
This contract represents a public transfer of the official ponderware address. To ensure confirmation and get ponderware's new address, call the
- PonderwareTransferOfAuthority, see contract address
/mooncats-hd - High-Definition (HD) Mooncats (HDMC)
Mooncats a little low-res [~24x24 pixels]? Now admire them in all their beauty. Each Mooncat owner (unwrapped & wrapped) can mint the [High-Definition] HD version of their cats.
Price to mint follows the bonding curve:
- 0-999: 0.01 eth
- 1000-4999: 0.05 eth
- 5000-14999: 0.10 eth
- 15000-24339: 0.20 eth
- HDMooncats (HDMC), see contract address
For more see /mooncats-hd »
MarsCats - MoonCats "Remake" on Binance (Ethereum) Smart Chain
Wow. You guys are awesome! All [25 600¹] cats has been rescued [in 24 hours]!
Private key to access MoonCatRescue contract has been burned. That means 160 genesis cats will be forgotten forever. But, what if you can release all of the genesis cats? Wonder how cute they will look like? Go find and rescue them on MarsCatRescue.
¹: Minus the 256 possible released genesis cats.
/marscats - MarsCatRescue
- MarsCatResuce, see contract address
For more see /marscats »