Sorry. I did do quite a bit of digging into the issue before firing out the question. It seems that setCondCodes = TRUE should be returning the valid condition codes...
Understood. I was trying the example if the getTicks() update, getTicks(con, "XUA Index", eventType = c("BEST_ASK", "BEST_BID"), startDateTime = as.POSIXct("2015-07-07 10:00"), endDateTime = as.POSIXct("2015-07-07 12:00"), setCondCodes = TRUE) and no...
@williFiebranz in lieu of this function being made available, how were you able to combine manually? Let's say i load two workbooks, containing one sheet each, each having unique formatting,...
@JanMarvin this is great, thank you. Your simple two data frame example works as expected. However, when i run this on a set of workbooks with any formatting at all,...
@JanMarvin I think i found the issue. I stepped through and made an increasingly complex xlsx file until i found something that repro'd the error. I started with the basic...
@JanMarvin I made a few replacements but something else is off. Two simple workbooks attached. When i run the copyWorksheet function, with and without the to-from changes you suggested, the...
@JanMarvin Did you get a chance to look at this? I've played a bit with your code from above and really haven't found a solution yet.
@JanMarvin @williFiebranz bump here, does anyone have time to implement this feature?
@ycphs thank you. i wish i could be more helpful in the dev work, but i wasn;t able to get very far
@ycphs were you able to implement the change you suggested to cloneWorksheet? cloneWorksheet(wb, # source target_wb , # optional parameter (one or vector) sheetName, clonedSheet # one (recycle) or vector(but...