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fix two bugs about computeHash and roundInputBySignificantFigure
when the shaVersion is not right, it will generate memory leak, we need free the context in the default
static std::string computeHash(const ShaVersion shaVersion, const std::string& unhashed, bool returnHex = false) {
EVP_MD_CTX* context = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
switch (shaVersion) {
case ShaVersion::SHA256:
EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, EVP_sha256(), nullptr);
case ShaVersion::SHA512:
EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, EVP_sha512(), nullptr);
EVP_MD_CTX_free(context); // Release the context, adding an extra line here to avoid potential memory leaks that may occur in computeHash
throw std::invalid_argument("invalid shaVersion");
EVP_DigestUpdate(context, unhashed.c_str(), unhashed.length());
unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int lengthOfHash = 0;
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(context, hash, &lengthOfHash);
std::stringstream ss;
if (returnHex) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthOfHash; ++i) {
ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)hash[i];
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthOfHash; ++i) {
ss << (char)hash[i];
return ss.str();
the original function : roundInputBySignificantFigure(0.00123456, 3, 1), output is "000.124" maybe we expect the output is "0.00124", so we need to modify three line in else new function will output "0.00124"
static std::string roundInputBySignificantFigure(double input, int numSignificantFigure, int roundDirection) {
const auto& splitted = UtilString::split(UtilString::printDoubleScientific(input), 'e');
double a = std::stod( * std::pow(10, numSignificantFigure - 1);
double b;
if (roundDirection > 0) {
b = std::ceil(a);
} else if (roundDirection < 0) {
b = std::floor(a);
} else {
b = std::round(a);
std::string c = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(b));
int exponent = std::stoi( - (numSignificantFigure - 1);
std::string output;
if (exponent >= 0) {
output = c + std::string(exponent, '0');
} else if (-exponent <= c.size() - 1) {
output = c.substr(0, c.size() + exponent);
output += ".";
output += c.substr(c.size() + exponent);
} else {
// output = std::string(-exponent - c.size() + 1, '0');
// output += ".";
// output += c; // use these three code, roundInputBySignificantFigure(0.00123456, 3, 1), output is "000.124"
output = "0.";
output += std::string(-exponent - c.size(), '0');
output += c; // use these three code, roundInputBySignificantFigure(0.00123456, 3, 1), output is "0.00124"
return output;