notes copied to clipboard
CrypTag Notes: Secure note-taking and shared wiki page editing desktop app
Right now Electron does the requests directly, and we need to intercept them. users can copy and paste it into Tor, for example.
A notification that says that someone else has created a new version of the current page while you were typing.
Another UI thing will be a horizontal bar for sliding between versions of the doc. We could show visual diffs (green and red highlighting?) between versions.
> Macs block installation from unidentified developers so users will have to go into their Security & Privacy settings to allow app download. @jimmcgaw A user mentioned this to me...
(Great idea that, personally, I would totally use!)
Make it REALLY easy for people to send feedback! (Of course this must be very secure.)
No one has asked for this yet, but it'd be useful for making Notes useful as more of a word processor.