leapchat copied to clipboard
Ephemeral, encrypted, in-browser chat rooms
Here's one way: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41274320/197160
Implementation: create message tagged with `type:picture` and, if the user includes a message with the attachment, send that message tagged with `type:chatmessage` to the server alongside the picture. (This is...
Generate .co (or whatever optimal file is) at best size and set as favicon.
~~...or something that enables him/her to nuke the room. This should probably let them delete individual messages, too.~~ ~~Meta-goal: **unify the permissions models of LeapChat and Ensue/Pursuance**. See #138 for...
To make the app seem more responsive, kick off the user modal while the longer-running crypto tasks run in the background getting the app ready.
- [ ] Play sound when message sent in chat? - [ ] Play sound when you're mentioned? - [ ] Show notification when message sent in chat? - [...
Instructive examples: https://godoc.org/github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go#example-NewWithClaims--CustomClaimsType https://auth0.com/blog/authentication-in-golang/ https://dinosaurscode.xyz/go/2016/06/17/golang-jwt-authentication/ http://www.giantflyingsaucer.com/blog/?p=5994
TODO: - [ ] Fix README for OSX - [ ] Fix `fedora_install.sh`