sidekiq_status copied to clipboard
Ideas for new features
Please suggest any ideas of what has to be added to the project.
support for testing? I am not able to test anything where a worker is being invoked which includes SidekiqStatus::Worker
or where I use SidekiqStatus::Container
It fails to connect to redis. SidekiqStatus should support the same testing interface that sidekiq provides.
@salmanasiddiqui Could you please specify what exactly does not work for you? This is an exerpt from one of my one tests:
let(:container) do
jid = described_class.perform_async(client_id, user_id, path) # this is required for SidekiqStatus to propertly initialize container
container = Workers::AsyncJobWorkerMixin::Container.load(jid)
let(:payload) { container.payload.fetch(InternalApi::Users::AsyncJobsController::PAYLOAD_FOR_CLIENT).symbolize_keys }
around do |example|
Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do
it "works" do
stub_entity_assignments_call_for(user_id).and_return(build_entity_assignments_response([item1, item2].map(&:catalog_node).map(&:id)))
expect(payload).to include(status: 'success')
I am sorry it has a lot of unrelated (client project-specific test code) but it shows the idea:
- Set
- Schedule a job. The job will immediately execute (because of Inline) and return jid.
- Load container using jid and assert on its attributes/payload.
Or do you mean some other use case for tests?
There is this action in controller which is supposed to return status of job
def get_job_status
container = SidekiqStatus::Container.load(params[:job_id])
@result = { status: container.status, completed:, total: }
status: 'complete'|'waiting'|'working'|'failed',
total: integer
completed: integer
So I wanted to write two tests for this action
- action should return
as 'completed' andtotal
should be equal tocompleted
. - action should return
as 'waiting' if job is queued and hasn't started yet.
For first test:
Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do
job_id = MyWorker.perform_async(some_id)
get :get_job_status, job_id: job_id
assert_response :success
result = assigns(:result)
assert_equal 'complete', result[:status]
assert_equal result[:total], result[:completed]
includes SidekiqStatus::Worker
, and on line job_id = MyWorker.perform_async(some_id)
it gives error that it cant connect to redis.
For second test:
job_id = MyWorker.perform_async(some_id)
get :get_job_status, job_id: job_id
assert_response :success
result = assigns(:result)
assert_equal 'waiting', result[:status]
no Sidekiq::Testing.inline!
as I dont want the job to be processed. But this too fails on job_id = MyWorker.perform_async(some_id)
as it cant connect to redis.
I already have included require 'sidekiq/testing'
in test_helper.rb
, and there are some other tests for other sidekiq workers and they are being tested fine.
Sidekiq Version: 3.4.0
@salmanasiddiqui Looks like you just need to simply mock the SidekiqStatus::Container and the load
call. Like this (rspec syntax):
expect(SidekiqStatus::Container).to receive(:load).with(jid).and_return(, {
status: __here goes the desired status__,
total: integer,
completed: integer,
as you are essentially not testing your Sidekiq::Status job here, but you test the behaviour of your controller depending on the status of the job. So just stub the call.
and what if I wanted to test my job? :smile: Sidekiq does this mocking of workers by itself in test environment. I suggest that this gem (and any other sidekiq plugin aswell) should override those classes in sidekiq as needed.
If I could then I would have definitely loved to contribute in terms of PR but right now I lack both the time and knowledge for this :disappointed: