Shyam Swaroop
Shyam Swaroop
Explanation: These are frequently needed styles. Need in Atri-Labs/atri-website as well.
Add a sankey chart component using recharts library You can refer to code for other chart components like bar chart here `packages/react-component-manifests/src/manifests/charts/BarChart/BarChart.tsx`. The steps to add a new component...
A vertical menu component that works as shown [here]( Here is the component Signature ```typescript export type MenuItemType = { key: string; label: string; type: "menuitem"; children: (SubMenuType | MenuItemGroupType)[];...
Add a funnel chart component using recharts library You can refer to code for other chart components like bar chart here `packages/react-component-manifests/src/manifests/charts/BarChart/BarChart.tsx`.
Explanation: The calculation for new child does not take into account presence of non-static positioned components especially `fixed` and `sticky`.