@sam774410 thank you for your first issue reporting I have some questions. are you used Xcode 10 and installed more than 0.1.3 version? 🤔
Hi @368433 I'm sorry too late and thank you for your reporting I will check this with Gradients example :)
@flocked Thank you for your issue :) you are right origin webGradients also cochitiLake and cleanMirror are both the same 🤕
1 ~ 10 added #13
Thank you for your new issue :D However, I did not encounter any problems when I created a simple table view controller example using 7 colors( rainbow colors ) Can...
it works fine to me but its too slow to show all colors because it takes 15 seconds per pair color set please check this branch [fix/issue6-cycle-not-working]( it works too
I hope this example solves the problem. :)
@kgellci nice job. looks good to me i give star too :) I don't want to use wrapping methods but In the case of UIButton, it is itself wrapping label...
@pableiros thank you for your new Issue. one way to support different orientations simply is use autolayout
How about trying to use useNoSnapShot? The useNoSnapShot modifier does not create a black snapshot.