Issue still exist and the reason is puppet itself. Found via debug run (CentOS 8 Stream system): ``` Debug: Executing: '/bin/rpm -q npm --nosignature --nodigest --qf %{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}...
LGTM It also ensure that the versioning inside the puppet module is consistent again. All versions are now specific package versions. ##### Side notes: On Debian systems the `apt::pin` with...
Puppet RHEL 8 support for the agent has been added via #509. But for the manager it is still hardcoded to not support it and still needs a PR or...
Agree valid (edge-)case. One solution would be a compare of the current filebeat wazuh module version and the wanted version. That could be done via a fact (to collect the...
Hi @poloz-lab, is that setup not again more complicated than the exec we had before here? With this code we will always get the latest version of the tar...