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Add APA 7th edition template
To summarize the previous discussion, for those who urgently need APA 7th edition: With the current version of papaja
you can get most of the way like this:
- Make sure you are using the latest development version of
) - (Install the
LaTeX document class, unless your LaTeX distribution, liketinytex
is setup to do this on the fly.) - Make the following settings in the YAML front matter:
- |
{0\baselineskip \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
{0\baselineskip \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
csl : "`r system.file('rmd', 'apa7.csl', package = 'papaja')`"
documentclass : "apa7"
output : papaja::apa6_pdf
Note, that you currently cannot include the ORCID in the author note, as suggested in the apa7
-manual, those YAML fields are currently not parsed.
Properly implementing support for APA 7th edition will require a little more work. I'll gather the required steps that I have identified, as of now, here. If I'm missing anything necessary adjustments, or if anyone has thoughts or suggestions about the implementation feel free to discuss. Also, this would be the time to rethink any design decisions regarding the R Markdown template (such as the setup of the font matter or naming of the options).
- [ ] It seems unnecessary to add another "APA article (7th edition)" entry to the template list because the templates would be almost identical.
- [ ] Create an R functions, such as
, that generate thermarkdown
format. It may be worth considering, whether specialized functions for each edition are necessary. It seems easier and less confusing to just keepapa_*()
and specify the version via thedocumentclass
field in the front matter. Of course, the old functions would be kept for backward compatibility. - [x] Ship a APA 7th edition CSL file (see
PDF format
- [ ] Add support for a ORCID element in the YAML author list and automatically add this information to the author note. This should be fairly straight forward for PDF (use
) if I can makepandoc
parse the contents of theauthor_note
field. - [x] Check how the definitions of
have changed and adjust the default header includes accordingly. - [ ] Always position figure captions above the corresponding figure (for LaTeX approaches see this, this, and this SO post; for Rmarkdown see [this(]). This will be easy to do in Quarto.
- [ ] Don't add
to author name concatination on title page and use\authornames
Word format
- [ ] Create a
word template for APA 7th edition. - [ ] Add support for a ORCID element in the YAML author list and automatically add this information to the author note. This will require to ship an ORCID icon with the template.
- [ ] Adjust formatting of table captions generated by
- [ ] Adjust formatting of figure captions in
-Lua-filter, i.e. create an version of the filter for APA 7th edition
For some reason, folks who use the TeX package csquotes
now need to add the following line in YAML for it to work:
csquotes : true
It would be very useful to add this to the YAML options in the template.
Not sure how far this is, but the APA Publication Manual for the 7th edition is temporarily available for free during the Corona isolation period:
Maybe this is helpful to anyone currently contributing to this issue.
It looks like that offer ended yesterday :(
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 11:35 AM C. J. van Lissa [email protected] wrote:
Not sure how far this is, but the APA Publication Manual for the 7th edition is temporarily available for free during the Corona isolation period:
Maybe this is helpful to anyone currently contributing to this issue.
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I apologize. It just reached me now.
Thanks for this package and the work already invested in APA7 version. In my case the titles of tables and figures are written in serif font. For figures, the title is also written below the figure, which is different in APA7 (sans serif and above the figure). As a user, can I somehow adapt this myself or are updates planned?
how do I install the apa7 Latex document class?
You can find the necessary file here. There may be easier ways, but I installed it manually with this instruction (see "Installing sty or cls files" in the most popular response on that page).
In my case the titles of tables and figures are written in serif font. For figures, the title is also written below the figure, which is different in APA7 (sans serif and above the figure). As a user, can I somehow adapt this myself or are updates planned?
Are you looking to knit PDF or Word files?
It's been a while since I found time to look at this more closely, but could you point me to where the new manual states that figure titles should be in a sans serif font? As far as I can tell it's set in the same font used for the text, no? Either way, you should be able to control the caption font using the caption
package (see for example here).
As for the placement of the figure title: This should be controlled by the apa7
document class. The example in the documentation suggests that titles should be printed above the figure. If you can provide a minimal reproducible example I'd be happy to take a closer look at what's going on.
It's been a while since I found time to look at this more closely, but could you point me to where the new manual states that figure titles should be in a sans serif font? As far as I can tell it's set in the same font used for the text, no? Either way, you should be able to control the caption font using the
package (see for example here).As for the placement of the figure title: This should be controlled by the
document class. The example in the documentation suggests that titles should be printed above the figure. If you can provide a minimal reproducible example I'd be happy to take a closer look at what's going on.
Thank you! In fact, it seems to me that the font is not explicitly defined. On page 225, the manual for the title states: "The figure title appears one double-spaced line below the figure number in italic title case". On page 232, the figure checklist says: "Is the font sans serif within the image portion of the figure [...]?", which does not necessarily exclude other font types for the headline. However, in all examples of the manual, the headlines are set without serifs and therefore in a different font than the text. Anyway, the solution suggested above works fine for me.
Here a minimal reproducible example:
title : "My Title"
csl : "apa.csl"
documentclass : "apa7"
classoption : doc
output : papaja::apa6_pdf
- \usepackage[font=sf]{caption}
```{r Example, fig.cap="Example Caption."}
Regarding the placement of the figure caption below rather than above the figure I'm a little bit at a loss. rmarkdown
automatically places \caption{}
after \includegraphics{}
. If you edit the TeX file and move the caption up, it will be displayed above the figure. It was my understanding, however, that this sort of behavior can be controlled via the caption
package by setting position=above
or figureposition=above
without moving code around. However, from playing with the apa7
-example it seems that this option is set but has no effect. When I log the caption setup I get
Caption Info: Option list on `figure'
Caption Data: {position=above,skip=0pt,labelformat=figurelabel,labelsep=apalabelsep,textfont=it,skip=10pt} on input line 4.
So this suggests that the figure caption should be displayed above the figure. This is the TeX example I used:
\title{Figure caption test}
We had a lot of people in this study, show in Figure \ref{fig:Figure1}.
\includegraphics[bb=0in 0in 2.5in 2.5in, height=1.4in, width=1.4in]{Figure1.pdf}
\caption{This is my figure caption.}
Maybe @dan-weiss can help?
@crsh I struggled with the caption placement as well when developing the package. It turns out the caption LaTeX package describes this exact case:
(Please note that position=top does NOT mean that the caption is actually placed at the top of the figure or table. Instead the caption is usually placed where you place the \caption command.) Caption package manual, page 15
Huh, thanks for that; that's news to me. It seems a different fix is needed. I just tried out floatrow
This get's the job done but seems to create some problems with the setup of endfloat
, i.e., floats are placed in text. The endfloat
manual advises to load floatrow
before endfloat
. Is there some way to do this with apa7
? Any other ideas how to address this issue?
@crsh See if this helps: I'm supposed to load some packages BEFORE the document class?
For pure latex documents, the caption command need to be moved before the figure/table manually in the code.
Unfortunately, floatrow
does not seem to play well with \RequirePackage
. Thanks for the suggestions, anyway! I have opend a question on SO. Maybe someone over there has an idea how to solve this.
@nikshl We got a nice answer at SO. This will require postprocessing of the TeX file, so it's a little inconvenient but can be done. You may need to do this by hand until I get around to it.
Great! Many thanks to all who have contributed to the solution so far.
I found a very easy solution to adding the ORICD logo and link based on the APA rules.
In the YAML header, add
authornote: |
Firstname M. Lastname, \orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000} []()
header-includes :
- \usepackage{orcidlink}
If you have installed tinytex
(which you should because it's awesome 😎) it will install the orcidlink
package the first time you render a PDF.
@jrennstich FYI, the apa7 class includes the \addORCIDlink
command natively. It can be used as follows:
\addORCIDlink{First M. Last}{0000-0000-0000-0000}
@jrennstich FYI, the apa7 class includes the
command natively. It can be used as follows:\addORCIDlink{First M. Last}{0000-0000-0000-0000}
Great! Thanks
@nikshl We got a nice answer at SO. This will require postprocessing of the TeX file, so it's a little inconvenient but can be done. You may need to do this by hand until I get around to it.
I cannot get the fix described in SO to work when manually postprocessing the TeX file. I am still getting conflicts with \RequirePackage
and the figure captions are still below the figure. The only fix I have been able to work out is to manually move the \caption
statement to before the figure placement, after \begin{figure}
. Any update on a better solution? Thanks.
Sorry, not at this point. If you can share a minimal working example, this may help to develop a more robust solution.
I think @sbw78 's point refers to what @dan-weiss mentioned previously:
For pure latex documents, the caption command need to be moved before the figure/table manually in the code.
This shows the caption below the figure:
\includegraphics[bb=0in 0in 2.5in 2.5in, height=1.4in, width=1.4in]{Figure1.pdf}
\caption{This is my figure caption.}
When moving the \caption
statement before the \includegraphics
statement, the caption is now displayed above the figure.
\caption{This is my figure caption.}
\includegraphics[bb=0in 0in 2.5in 2.5in, height=1.4in, width=1.4in]{Figure1.pdf}
I think this is currently the easiest solution and it requires no postprocessing if you use the LaTeX code directly.
Sure, but his is complicated by the fact that the figure code is generated automatically by rmarkdown
when you make plots in R. As far as I'm aware, there is no way to change this behavior in rmarkdown
. I find the solution to manually alter the LaTeX code rather unsatisfactory, especially if you have many figures in your manuscript.
Indeed. As a workaround you could export the generated figures to (for example) pdf and then load them back in with \includegraphics
but, well, this is quite unsatisfactory too.
First of all, a huge thank you for developing and maintaining this package! A small error I caught when switching to APA 7th for my current manuscript was that the author list on the title page displays both "and" and "&" if I include more than two authors. I did not see this bug reported elsewhere. Here is a reproducible example:
title : "My Title"
- name : "Author1"
- name : "Author2"
- name : "Author3"
- name : "Author4"
csl : "apa.csl"
documentclass : "apa7"
classoption : "man"
output : papaja::apa6_pdf
Interesting. The automatic addition of "and" seems to be a new feature in the apa7
latex class.
I am trying to get the apa7
latex class to operate in stu
dent mode so I can write documents with RMarkdown, but I can't figure out how to do it (I'm new at papaja
, but have only used RMarkdown for a few months).
I have installed the latest dev version of papaja
and installed apa.csl
from I have added the csl, documentclass, classoption
and output
YAML tags from the previous post. With classoption : "stu"
I can see the Course Title, Professor Name, and Due Date on the first page, but can't figure out how to modify them (I've tried LaTex commands and straightforward YAML tags). I'd also like to understand how to change the font and font size.
Ultimately, I'm interested in trying to build a RMarkdown version of the reference documents on the APA web site, so that people can see what papaja can do and what commands are required to generate the documents.
Interesting. The automatic addition of "and" seems to be a new feature in the
latex class.
@crsh Starting with version 2.00, the apa7 class now expects a comma separated list for authors to allow for flexible affiliation superscripting (per APA 7th edition style). It will localize the last author separator (e.g. 'and') into the supported languages:
\authorsnames[⟨comma separated list of superscripts⟩]{⟨comma separated list of authors name(s)⟩}
: Authors names (if more than 1 author)
There are examples on page 6 of the manual
Another workaround for placing figure captions above the plot (and also including figure notes) that can be directly included in rmarkdown and doesn't require postprocessing of the TeX file:
Interesting. The automatic addition of "and" seems to be a new feature in the
latex class.@crsh Starting with version 2.00, the apa7 class now expects a comma separated list for authors to allow for flexible affiliation superscripting (per APA 7th edition style). It will localize the last author separator (e.g. 'and') into the supported languages:
\authorsnames[⟨comma separated list of superscripts⟩]{⟨comma separated list of authors name(s)⟩}
: Authors names (if more than 1 author)There are examples on page 6 of the manual
Hello @dan-weiss: I'm using the very helpful apa7 class as well as papaja, and I have run into the same issue with the redundant ' and & ' characters. I have tried to solve it by deleting the author in the YAML, and setting \authorsnames
and \authorsaffiliations
within header_includes
, as below:
header-includes :
- \authorsnames[1, 2, 1]{first author, second author, third author}
- \authorsaffiliations{{first affiliation}, {second affiliation}}
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
! LaTeX Error: Command \c@NumberOfAuthors already defined.
Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
Alternative errors precluded
I have ascertained that the error is not caused by alternative reasons, such as the lack of the default author
field in the YAML, or by an erroneous use of header-includes
. When I do not add the \authorsnames
and \authorsaffiliations
fields, I can knit the document with the apa7 class without a problem. Other parameters passed to header-includes
work fine.
Reproducing the error
The error can be reproduced by opening an APA 6 template from the papaja package in RStudio, applying the apa7 class as described above, and adding the header-includes
field that I pasted above to the YAML.
Thank you very much for your attention. I would be very grateful if you could provide some help.
@pablobernabeu It sounds like both \authorsnames{}
and \author{}
are getting defined in the latex file. Make sure that an \author{}
command is not being generated as the latex cls maps that to \authorsnames{}
to maintain some backwards compatibility (and the \authorsnames{}
command can be called only once).
I am not personally a user of papaja/R. If this doesn't resolve the issue, you can send me a .tex file that demonstrates the issue and I would be happy to troubleshoot.
The phantom parameters can be disabled in advance (instead of manually editing the .tex file) by adding three lines to the header-includes
preamble. See:
@dan-weiss: Thanks a lot! Please find the .tex file below (this was automatically generated by the failed knit
command in R). The document doesn't compile as it is below. However, when both \author{\phantom{0}}
and \affiliation{\phantom{0}}
are manually deleted, it does compile well. This is helpful. However, to allow my colleagues to reproduce my analyses, I would be very grateful indeed for your help troubleshooting--i.e., with the aim of automatically disabling \author
and \affiliation
when \authorsnames
and \authorsaffiliations
are present.
% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\usepackage{textcomp} % provide euro and other symbols
\else % if luatex or xetex
% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
\@ifundefined{KOMAClassName}{% if non-KOMA class
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
}{% if KOMA class
\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
pdftitle={Long title},
pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
% Set default figure placement to htbp
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering
% Make \paragraph and \subparagraph free-standing
% Manuscript styling
% Table formatting
% \usepackage[counterclockwise]{rotating} % Landscape page setup for large tables
\usepackage{multirow} % Table styling
\usepackage{tabularx} % Control Column width
\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} % Allows for three part tables with a specified notes section
\usepackage{threeparttablex} % Lets threeparttable work with longtable
% Create new environments so endfloat can handle them
% \newenvironment{ltable}
% {\begin{landscape}\begin{center}\begin{threeparttable}}
% {\end{threeparttable}\end{center}\end{landscape}}
% Enables adjusting longtable caption width to table width
% Solution found at
\newcommand{\getlongtablewidth}{\begingroup \ifcsname LT@\roman{LT@tables}\endcsname \global\longtablewidth=0pt \renewcommand{\LT@entry}[2]{\global\advance\longtablewidth by ##2\relax\gdef\LastLTentrywidth{##2}}\@nameuse{LT@\roman{LT@tables}} \fi \endgroup}
% \setlength{\parindent}{0.5in}
% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}
% Overwrite redefinition of paragraph and subparagraph by the default LaTeX template
% See
{0\baselineskip \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
{0\baselineskip \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
% \usepackage{etoolbox}
{}{\typeout{Failed to patch abstract.}}
{}{\typeout{Failed to patch title.}}
\authorsnames[1, 2, 1]{first author, second author, third author}
\authorsaffiliations{{first affiliation}, {second affiliation}}
% Load polyglossia as late as possible: uses bidi with RTL langages (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic)
% get rid of language-specific shorthands (see #6817):
\usepackage{selnolig} % disable illegal ligatures
\title{Long title}
note note note note note note note note note note note note
abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract
test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text
I found that the apa7 is available as a package in the MikTex Console and installed it. However, following the 3 steps at the top of this page, I keep getting an error.
This is a shortened version of my code which still produces the error.
title : "My Title"
- name : "Author1"
- name : "Author2"
- name : "Author3"
- name : "Author4"
- |
{0\baselineskip \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
{0\baselineskip \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
csl : `r system.file("rmd", "apa7.csl", package = "papaja")`
documentclass : "apa7"
output : papaja::apa6_pdf`
And this is the error:
Fehler in yaml::yaml.load(..., eval.expr = TRUE) :
Scanner error: while scanning for the next token at line 23, column 21 found character that cannot start any token at line 23, column 21
Ruft auf: <Anonymous> ... parse_yaml_front_matter -> yaml_load -> <Anonymous>
Does anybody have an idea what the problem is? The rmd folder in the papaja folder includes the apa7.csl and other apa7 files equivalent to the apa6 files in there if this is important.
Also, does this this workaround only work for pdf's or also for word documents? I couldn't figure that out from the discussion.
Thanks in advance!
Ah, sorry, my bad. I just updated the instructions. If you use the following it should work:
csl : "`r system.file('rmd', 'apa7.csl', package = 'papaja')`"
Also, does this this workaround only work for pdf's or also for word documents?
This will only work for PDF documents at this point.
Thanks for your previous reply. This is really great work to advance reproducibility in psychology! I wonder whether I am doing something wrong, but level 1 - 3 headings produce a lot too much space in the pdf file.
While this is no problem for levels 4-5.
Is there any code to adapt this directly at the beginning of the RMD file?
@padpet, sorry I somehow missed your comment. Have you tried this solution?
I have installed the latest dev version of
and installedapa.csl
from I have added thecsl, documentclass, classoption
YAML tags from the previous post. Withclassoption : "stu"
I can see the Course Title, Professor Name, and Due Date on the first page, but can't figure out how to modify them (I've tried LaTex commands and straightforward YAML tags). I'd also like to understand how to change the font and font size.
@leahymr did you find a solution for this?
No, I never found a solution, though I can’t remember how hard I tried after I posted the question (the paper was turned in, semester ended, yada yada).
On Apr 13, 2022, at 8:54 AM, Pablo @.***> wrote:
I have installed the latest dev version of papaja and installed apa.csl from I have added the csl, documentclass, classoption and output YAML tags from the previous post. With classoption : "stu" I can see the Course Title, Professor Name, and Due Date on the first page, but can't figure out how to modify them (I've tried LaTex commands and straightforward YAML tags). I'd also like to understand how to change the font and font size.
@leahymr did you find a solution for this?
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