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RStudio Addin to Insert Markdown Citations

Results 31 citr issues
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Sorry for [crossposting]( but I figured it is so specific: I cannot explain what is going on. This works ```r {r timeline} #| out.width="75%", #| fig.align="center", #| fig.cap="text" include_graphics("../graphics/timeline-firms.pdf") ```...

Hello, I am a new citr and zotero user. I have started accessing my entire zotero library when inserting a citation and I get the following warning: "Warning: The select...

``` > citr:::insert_citation() Error in citr:::insert_citation() : The use of this addin requires RStudio 0.99.796 or newer (your version is 1.3.1093). > sessionInfo() R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)...

Hi, I am a beginner with R/Rmarkdown, and have just downloaded the better-bibtex to use to reference from zotero, in Rmarkdown. I followed the really helpful setup instructions. However, each...

**Describe the bug** citr crashes when connecting to Zotero library. **To Reproduce** 1. Click `Connect and load libraries`, next to `Zotero connection available.` Console displays error message below, and R...

Hi folks, Maybe I am missing something but I can't citr for the current version of R. Is this coming? Is there anything I can do to help? Cheers, -LA


**Describe the bug** I was using Rstudio (1.4.1717) on visual mode and used the command palette to insert a citation when I noticed this error on the console: ``` ---...

I get the following warning when i try to insert a citation in my document. Is this expected? ```citr:::insert_citation() Loading required package: shiny Listening on Loading required namespace: bibtex...

**Describe the bug** Problem is that if I try to cite the same author (different papers) twice, like @Doe2015 and @Doe2016 y get "Doe et al. (2015) and Doe et...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm working on a `bookdown` project, so I have multiple Rmds with citations. I'd like to import a messy central...