mp3binder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mp3binder copied to clipboard

Output file corrupt

Open crra opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Hello @crra

Thank you for making this addition.

There is something about the created output file that Windows Media Player doesn't like, unfortunately. I can play it with VLC though.

Using mpck ( on the built file, it reports the following:

SUMMARY: foo.mp3
    version                       MPEG v1.0
    layer                         3
    average bitrate               -21743 bps (VBR)
    samplerate                    44100 Hz
    frames                        2020051
    time                          -743:-42.-869
    unidentified                  886 b (0%)
    errors                        unidentified bytes
                                  inconsistent frame headers
                                  invalid header values
    result                        Bad

If I use the same tool on the (397) source files, they are all reported OK.

I hope that helps. Please let me know if you need me to run anything else over the files.

Originally posted by @pcolmer in

crra avatar Aug 30 '22 06:08 crra

@crra Please download the following two files from OneDrive:!AmDqniI9VUvGgZdQ2X2ODQd5QnBnHQ?e=Dy5i8D!AmDqniI9VUvGgZdPqnAMNw_iS7MBoQ?e=f3JbgG

The links are valid until Saturday.

The original filenames are 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 01.mp3' and 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 02.mp3'. I then used this command:

mp3binder --verbose 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 01.mp3' 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 02.mp3' --output ~/tmp.mp3 --lang "en-GB"

and ran mpck over ~/tmp.mp3 and it reported:

$ mpck ~/tmp.mp3
SUMMARY: /home/philip/tmp.mp3
    version                       MPEG v2.0
    layer                         3
    average bitrate               69595 bps (VBR)
    samplerate                    44100 Hz
    frames                        9975
    time                          4:20.571
    unidentified                  473 b (0%)
    errors                        unidentified bytes
                                  inconsistent frame headers
                                  invalid header values
    result                        Bad

I'm running mp3binder in Ubuntu 20.04.4 on WSL2 Windows 11.

pcolmer avatar Aug 30 '22 07:08 pcolmer

I have the files, you can delete them now. I'll look into it.

crra avatar Aug 30 '22 08:08 crra

Here is a first clue:

$ sox -m M* sox.mp3
sox WARN sox: Input files don't have the same # channels
$ file 01.mp3
Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2,  96 kbps, 22.05 kHz, >>JntStereo<<
$ file 02.mp3
Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2,  64 kbps, 22.05 kHz, >>Monaural<<

crra avatar Aug 30 '22 09:08 crra

@crra Here is the third file:!AmDqniI9VUvGgZdO25YHBoV6K8YSqw?e=ekG0ni

$ sox -m 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 02.mp3' 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 03.mp3' sox.mp3
$ mpck sox.mp3
SUMMARY: sox.mp3
    version                       MPEG v2.0
    layer                         3
    bitrate                       32000 bps
    samplerate                    22050 Hz
    frames                        7080
    time                          3:04.946
    unidentified                  0 b (0%)
    errors                        none
    result                        Ok

However, if I use mp3binder to join these two files, I still have a problem with the created output:

$ mp3binder --verbose 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 02.mp3' 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 03.mp3' --output ~/tmp.mp3 --lang "en-GB"
The following language will be used: 'en-GB'
The following files will be 'bound' as: '/home/philip/tmp.mp3'
- 1: /mnt/c/Users/phili/OneDrive/Audio books/Matthew Reilly/Scarecrow01 - Ice Station/Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 02.mp3
- 2: /mnt/c/Users/phili/OneDrive/Audio books/Matthew Reilly/Scarecrow01 - Ice Station/Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 03.mp3
Processing stage: 'Bind' and action: 'Binding'
- Binding: 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 02.mp3'
- Binding: 'Matthew Reilly - Ice station 01 - 03.mp3'
Processing stage: 'Apply Metadata' and action: 'applying text metadata'
- Adding tag: 'Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding (TSSE)' with value ', 5.0.0+15-g655792e'
- Adding tag: 'Title (TIT2)' with value 'Scarecrow01 - Ice Station'
- Adding tag: 'Track number/Position in set (TRCK)' with value '1'
Processing stage: 'Apply Metadata' and action: 'notify visitor'
Processing stage: 'Build Chapers' and action: 'adding chapters'
- Adding tag: 'Chapter: 1 from '0s' to '3m5s'' with value '2/397 Ice Station'
- Adding tag: 'Chapter: 2 from '3m5s' to '5m34s'' with value '3/397 Ice Station'
Processing stage: 'Write Metadata' and action: 'writing metadata'
Processing stage: 'Combine Id3 And Audio' and action: 'combining metadata and audio'

$ mpck ~/tmp.mp3
SUMMARY: /home/philip/tmp.mp3
   version                       MPEG v2.0
   layer                         3
   average bitrate               58685 bps (VBR)
   samplerate                    44100 Hz
   frames                        12770
   time                          5:33.583
   unidentified                  204 b (0%)
   errors                        unidentified bytes
                                 inconsistent frame headers
   result                        Bad

I hope that helps.

pcolmer avatar Sep 01 '22 13:09 pcolmer

Out of interest, I've just used mp3cat to try joining the two files and it also generates a bad output file. Interestingly, the file generated by sox is NOT variable bitrate. I know I've successfully used mp3cat before with VBR files so I'm curious as to what is "special" about these files :(

pcolmer avatar Sep 06 '22 07:09 pcolmer