Mark Croxton

Results 50 comments of Mark Croxton

What appears to be happening is that Redactor will use the first child `` in a list as the start of the link insertion marker, regardless of the actual list...

@joelzerner 'ondropdown' should be triggered when the link button is clicked. See: My plugin is called whenever a button with a dropdown in the toolbar is clicked, checks if...

@joelzerner OK it looks like my solution fails when you have a **single** word in a list item and double click it to select. But it does work if you...

There's two further problems to solve here then: being able to recognise when a selection has been made by a double click, and checking if the parent node is a...

In case anybody comes across this in the future, I believe I have resolved this by doing the following: * Put htmx in the ``, to ensure that it executes...

Reopening this because I hadn't fully solved the mystery after all :/ What I think is happening is that the value of `currentPathForHistory` is changed by `pushUrlIntoHistory()` and `replaceUrlInHistory(path)` _before_...

I've been down a rabbit hole, but I may have some insight on what is happening here. The fix I posted above solves history navigation between htmx'd links, providing you...

For anyone finding this, Apple reverted to the previous back/forward button behaviour in Safari on iOS 16.1 (i.e. they removed or refactored the intervention that was breaking htmx history). History...

I couldn't track down any specific details of Safari's current history API implementation, but I did find this thread where various interventions to prevent pushState() abuse were discussed, and the...

"Per, some browsers have implemented a heuristic where pressing the back button skips certain entries in the joint session history. Generally, these are entries where there is no user...