style_transfer copied to clipboard
AMI updating issues
The style_transfer AMI does not seem to have been updated with the wavelet denoising feature. Running "git pull" seems to break style_transfer.
The AMI:
Error when running "git pull::
ubuntu@ip-Address:~/style_transfer$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 268, done.
remote: Total 268 (delta 72), reused 72 (delta 72), pack-reused 196
Receiving objects: 100% (268/268), 66.18 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (180/180), completed with 10 local objects.
6754f0e..4192964 master -> origin/master
* [new branch] swt -> origin/swt
* [new branch] wavelet-defaults -> origin/wavelet-defaults
Updating 6754f0e..4192964
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
If I change
's name or delete it, then "git pull" works but the installation breaks.
Also, there might be an issue with ADAM and --step-size, as I couldn't seem to replicate the outputs I created with style_transfer using ADAM previously. Or something has changed that I am not aware of since earlier versions of style_transfer?
I think I must have fixed this at some point, since
is (no longer?) in the repository?
I updated the AMIs a couple of days ago with the latest version, as well (finally!). They now include caffe compiled with CUDA 9 for the g3 and p3 instance types.